Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1088: Image Design of Poseidon

Once an extraordinary person reaches a certain level of strength, he will become less and less interested in ordinary people of the opposite sex.

The reason is simple. After the extraordinary person becomes stronger, his observation ability also becomes more subtle. It’s fine if you can see the hair of the opposite sex. Pores and oil stains in pores can be clearly seen. This can't be tolerated.

With the eyesight of the gods, one can clearly see the mites hidden under the human cortex. How could he still be interested in this kind of opposite sex?

But Tulip’s girl is different! The people here have been biochemically modified and have broken away from the category of humans in terms of genetic information.

In addition to the carbon-silicon mixed base, the structure of the cells has even changed, becoming smaller and smaller, and the gaps between each other are smaller. Although the pores have not disappeared, they have become rarer. The physiological functions of the new human beings have been eliminated. Relying on perspiration to regulate body temperature.

Therefore, the people here, regardless of gender, all have extremely delicate skin. Even in the eyes of the gods, they cannot find flaws. In the past, in the God Realm, such people of the opposite sex could only be the same god, or when they became gods, The relatives brought together can only do this after they have been completely transformed by divine power.

When it comes to wives, Poseidon still has a few. This evil feudal society...

But after so many years, even if there is more than one wife, there will definitely be a lack of freshness. A person who can marry so many wives would not be so loyal otherwise. If he meets a girl who comes to his door and is pleasing to his eyes, of course he will push him down.

Although Poseidon is not so incompetent in thinking with his lower body, if a honey trap is used on him, he will definitely not refuse anyone who comes.

In this huge city, except for the beautiful women flying in the sky. Poseidon also noticed many powerful people with powerful energy. Although most of them were still a little short of the god level, a few of them could already make him feel threatened. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in this city. I'm afraid there really is a powerful man hidden here who can rival the Supreme God.

"It seems that it is not appropriate to choose to attack this planet. Even if the gods come out in full force, they may not be able to attack this planet! However, it cannot be ruled out that this is their capital. Most of the powerful people have gathered here.

Forget it, let’s continue to collect information. They didn't seem to suspect my identity. Then try to find ways to get as much information as possible. Even if the gods cannot attack here, it is still good to do some good things here and improve their cultivation. "

With such thoughts, Poseidon passed through the streets with endless traffic. Came to the company he signed with.

After signing the contract, it was natural to package him. Poseidon had no idea about this aspect.

Out of nowhere, he was recommended to the dressing room, ready to design a new look for him.

As soon as Poseidon came in, he saw the stylist holding a virtual poster with a sad face. He was obviously very entangled. Poseidon's eyes were very good, so he saw the content of the poster. There was a high probability that the person on it was he.

The reason why I say this is not that Poseidon didn't see it clearly, but that the man on the poster is so handsome. He is wearing a golden armor and is extremely domineering, and the golden trident in his hand is even more shining. But here's the problem. Regardless of his armor, weapons or person, this man is much more handsome than Poseidon, even though he looks very similar. But let him not dare to admit it again.

He asked himself that he was definitely not that handsome, and there was no doubt that he would be so unsure of himself. It's entirely because he doesn't know the existence of the evil spell PS.

"It's already been done to this extent, but the effect can only be said to be average. How do you want me to package him? As for his appearance, it's really not a big problem. His appearance is pretty good, but the problem is this Human aesthetics.

Golden armor, golden weapons, people in the last fucking century weren't so mean! How do you want me to package it? He is not allowed to change his equipment, and cannot add particularly exaggerated special effects to the equipment. The effect shown in the picture is already the limit. "

I heard the voice of the stylist's boss coming from the receiver: "No! No! Listen to me! It's like this! You have to do this first, then this, and then this, and finally you do this, do you understand? ?”

The stylist was a little confused, and then answered some relatively professional design ideas, and then heard the boss's voice coming from the receiver again:

"No! It's not like that! Listen to me, listen to me! You have to do this first! Then you do this again! Then you do this again! Finally you do this again! Do you understand?

Eh? Why can't you understand? Am I not clear enough? You don’t understand, right? "

The stylist went crazy, and then he had an idea and changed the boss's words into the first person and repeated it. Immediately, the boss's satisfied voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's very simple! Right? Yes, yes! That's it! That's it! You finally understand! That's it! That's it! Yeah!"

Poseidon saw this scene just as he opened the door. He didn't know why he had the urge to close the door immediately and reopen it. There must be some problem with the opening method. Or maybe the humans on this planet have developed some more efficient way of communication. You can transmit your thoughts to the other party through this encrypted communication in front of you.

"Ahem, that's funny. Our boss is like this. He's not very good at expressing himself with words. I can probably understand what he means."

"Ha...haha..." Poseidon laughed dryly: "It's not easy for you to work!"

"Who says it's not! To be honest, if you didn't have a pretty face, my job would be even more difficult. Come on, come on, take out your weapons and armor, and I'll help you transform them. Your look is now It’s no longer popular. You have to cater to the aesthetics of the new generation. To be an idol is not just about having a face and being able to fight.

This is my first step, just to design a flattering image for you. This is still the simplest. Someone will tell you your character later. These days, if you want to help me, you must have a personality that is distinctive and can be liked by at least some people.

Hmm... In this regard, you'd better fight with the people over there. In recent times, the consumption power of fujoshi has increased significantly. If you don't fight with the people over there. They may consider the market and package you as the leading actor of a beautiful novel. If you are unlucky, it may be 0.

Don’t believe it, even though you are tall and powerful, you know that this kind of contrasting cuteness is popular nowadays, don’t you know? Fortunately, your results in the competition are real. If you want to bargain with those people, you still have some capital. "

Poseidon was confused as he listened to the stylist in front of him babbling while giving him a haircut.

[To be continued]

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