Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1089 You have to pay attention to your personality

After Poseidon came to this world, he was in a state of confusion for almost half of the time. The cultural impact of the other world was too strong. It was also human thinking, so why was the gap so big? Wouldn't it be nice to work on the world of sword and sorcery?

Poseidon now wanted to ask what Danmei meant and what 0 was. From the stylist's tone, he couldn't infer that these two things were definitely not good things.

However, judging from the tone of the other party, this should be common sense. Would it be too strange if he asked?

While he was struggling, the stylist quickly helped him complete the transformation of his hairstyle. The originally heroic Poseidon, who had a hairstyle similar to that of a Super Saiyan, was cut into a short haircut in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the gods in the divine world do not have the concept of having their bodies, hair, and skin inherited from their parents and should not be harmed. They have no resistance to haircuts, but the hairstyle he has right now...

Although Poseidon's aesthetics is slightly off, judging from how well he can pinch his own face, he still has a good handle on his appearance.

So this hairstyle does look pretty good. But looking at it from the left and right, it looks a bit girly.

The stylist also noticed the disapproval in Poseidon's eyes. He smiled and explained: "This kind of hairstyle is popular now. Men with such masculine looks are no longer popular.

Let me tell you, what about creatures like women? His preferences can be divided into two aspects. One aspect! It's their preference for the opposite sex. The first requirement is to be handsome, and the second requirement is that the character should be inspirational! Have an inspiring ambition to become the king of the world. Women will like this kind of pursuing man.

On the other hand, it is their needs for children. Don't believe it, women's natural maternal instinct is very deep-rooted. When they have no children, this favor will be passed on to their partners.

So your persona cannot be particularly masculine. You have to be soft when the time is right. Give them the opportunity to show their motherhood, look! This is a celebrity who has become popular recently. You see he broke his finger while taking pictures. What are the comments below? In addition to being distressed, it is all about mothers who love you, but you can’t believe this completely. There are many male mothers here. "

Poseidon had not yet recovered from the impact of the worldview, and just asked instinctively: "Can I ask, why do my fans only consider women?"

"Don't you understand something? Do you like men or women? You are a man! It is definitely easier to win over female fans than male fans! And let me tell you. Now those female fans Celebrities are no longer popular.

What do you use to make money now? filming! Deliver goods live! These things! You have to count on your audience to consume.

If your fans don’t consume, it’s useless no matter how popular you are. The company doesn't need people like this who can't sell things.

Have we made statistics before to see where men rank in the consumption system? "

Poseidon shook his head: "I don't know!"


"Huh? Fourth?" Poseidon looked confused: "Man, woman, and child, there are only three of them. Did you list the old man separately?"

"No! No! There are still too few old people now, and their life spans have become longer. Those who can be considered old people only account for one or two percent of the entire planet's population, and they have basically no spending power.

This fourth place is taken like this, women are first, children are second, dogs are third, and men are fourth! See, men’s spending power is not even as good as that of dogs. Why do you want male fans? It’s not even as practical as being a fan of a group of dogs. "

Poseidon: "???"

"Okay, I won't bullshit you. That's it for me. Your hairstyle must be like this. As for the design of weapons and armor, you have to wait until your people set it up. .

They are arrogant, weak, naturally stupid, and have split personalities. They all have different design ideas. If I figure it out now, if the character doesn't match up by then, it will be in vain. "

"What is split personality?" Poseidon felt that the world was too complicated.

"Well, this is a personality type that has only appeared recently. Not long ago, a star who took this path became popular, and later many people followed suit.

This kind of thing combines the idea I mentioned before, and it also needs to meet women's needs for the opposite sex, give them a sense of security, and satisfy their motherhood.

The celebrity who was popular before had a split personality. Whether he really has this problem, we dare not say, we don’t know, but what about this person in his normal life? He is weak, naturally stupid, and can be bullied by anyone. He has a very good temper, but whenever he encounters a dangerous situation, his second personality will awaken. Then he turns into a cold and powerful killer.

Your words are not suitable for this path, mainly because your weapons are too destructive. You really don’t need to wash this harpoon. Who do you think a master will hold a harpoon in his hand during a duel? "

Poseidon: "..."

"That's not a harpoon! It's a trident!"

"Okay! Trident...but your rich gold paint...forget it, I will find a way to change it! I will try to change it according to Zeldari's wife gun, maybe it can save it. "

Poseidon felt that he was despised. The artifact in his hand was a genuine artifact, but it was completely looked down upon. He really couldn't bear this.

"I said this gun of mine is a magical weapon after all! It's such a powerful weapon, but you dislike it so much just because it's not handsome enough?"

"Huh? An artifact?" The stylist was shocked: "You told me this thing is an artifact? Don't be ridiculous. How could there be such a weak artifact? I thought you were just too powerful. You don't bother to use it. It's an advantage. You just chose such a simple weapon with no advantages other than being strong, and yet you really treat this thing as a treasure?"

"It has no advantages other than being strong..." Poseidon repeated these words, feeling hurt by a critical blow in his heart. This was made of the strongest materials in his hometown. It has been carefully maintained and infused with divine power for countless years. Why did it get an evaluation that has no merit other than being sturdy?

"I think you don't believe it! Come on, come on! Today I will open your eyes. I designed a sword for someone some time ago. If I say the weapon I made, it must be flashy. But it is definitely better than you. That thing is much better. It just hasn’t been shipped yet. Let me show it to you."

With that said, the stylist pushed open his studio and took out a sword.

[To be continued]

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