Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,092 The New Poseidon Trident

Poseidon quickly realized his extraordinary status. When he was chatting with the designer before, he learned that the Frostmourne in his hand was customized for him by someone who spent 50,000 yuan. The family is already considered super rich, equivalent to three to five months' income of most citizens.

After Poseidon completed the character design, the first advertisement he received earned a total of 800,000 yuan. In his opinion, this speed of making money was already crazy.

Poseidon, who has used the trident for so many years, has a special liking for this kind of weapon. After the introduction of the stylist, he found a master craftsman who specializes in designing cold weapons. In this era, designing cold weapons is not something that can be done. It really can only be regarded as handmade.

The other party's eyes turned red when they heard that he actually wanted to spend one hundred thousand dollars to order a cold weapon with power equivalent to the limit for civilian use.

"Quickly! Give me this person's contact information. I can handle any requests you have? Ask him if he wants sword energy or laser. Even if he wants to add illusions to it, it's no problem! You must let him This great customer is satisfied.”

The stylist looked at his friend and sighed helplessly: "Xiao Xu! I'm not telling you, you are just a stubborn person. In the circle of customized cold weapons, you can be regarded as a master.

If you really want to be popular, shoot a vlog about making handmade weapons and post it, and you’ll gain hundreds of thousands of fans in a matter of minutes! It’s no better than you working hard every day and making more money by taking orders. Really, if I had your skills, I would definitely do this already.

It's a pity that the real appearance of the actors is covered by the confidentiality agreement. I can't live broadcast makeup and haircuts for celebrities, otherwise I would only paint half of the face. Give them a comparison before and after makeup, and it will definitely become popular if you take a photo of it. "

Xu Wen shook his head when he heard this: "It's not like you don't know that I am autistic. I feel uncomfortable when I come into contact with too many people. If you want me to be a star or something, you might as well kill me! Besides, you can make money with your own hands." The feeling of getting money is much more practical than the kind of money that comes out of nowhere, and the earning is more fulfilling.

Who in our day and age is really short of money? Even if you do nothing, the country will definitely not let you starve to death. Isn’t the picture just about making money and being happy? I really have no love for spending money to compare with others. Didn’t you see that I didn’t even go to the class reunion? Being able to make a living doing something you love is a blessing. "

"Okay, I won't advise you anymore! Contact this big customer yourself! This person seems to have been closed off for too long. He lacks knowledge about modern society. It is estimated that we have just entered the nano era. He went into seclusion when he was young, and he should be a kind of martial arts idiot."

Xiao Xu nodded: "Okay! I understand! I promise to satisfy him!"

Poseidon is getting used to his own persona recently.

A group of people planned around Poseidon for a long time, and were finally convinced that his acting ability was average. It can only be designed as simple as possible.

The main character is that of being naturally stupid, taking advantage of people's yearning for the simplicity of the previous era. The background story is that I have been in seclusion for many years. I don't know much about modern society, and everything I see seems dull and cute, but I am a character who can stand up at critical moments.

Because he is acting in his true colors to a large extent, Poseidon is still competent for such a character. After trying it a few times, he has basically mastered this state, and the effect of the advertisement is pretty good. The merchant plays it according to the advertisement. After receiving the bonus from the profit, he was given an additional 50% bonus according to the contract, and received 1.2 million, which made Poseidon feel that he had suddenly become arrogant.

Originally, he wanted to use one million to build himself a handy weapon, but later he learned that if he did not join the military or the public security department, the weapons he could use could not exceed the civilian level, and he could not spend one million. It must have been a more powerful weapon, and it only cost one hundred thousand.

Of course, the power of civilian weapons in this era is also very powerful. There is no rule that the power cannot exceed 1.8 joules. In this era, almost everyone is equipped with a personal shield, and the shield is passive defense. Civilian weapons of output power. As long as it doesn't exceed the power of the personal shield, it's fine.

It also explains that it is impossible to kill a person with a shield with a weapon. The power of the weapon is the same as the shield, but the person himself is also powerful.

It is impossible for a country to simply rely on the control of weapons to stop crime. It is completely meaningless. Just like you can kill people with a kitchen knife on the earth, you can't let everyone use plastic kitchen knives!

"Tell me, what are your requirements for this weapon? Are there no other requirements other than the shape of a trident? Don't stick to the fifth-level appearance. The type of attack can be adjusted at will.

Even if your weapon is a trident, you can still release sword energy. Not long ago, a swordsman named Song came to my place and ordered a long knife that can release sword energy. "

"Ah... there's no need to get fancy, just be strong. Isn't there an upper limit for civilian weapons? Just stick to that upper limit." Poseidon didn't know much about weapons, so he gave an ambiguous request. .

"It seems that you don't know the ropes here at all. The power of civilian weapons is stuck, but the materials that can be used are very particular. Let me tell you this! If you want the strongest weapon possible, then The highest material that can be used is Adamantium alloy.

If you want a sharp weapon, you can use a newly discovered organic macromolecule. The effect will be a little worse than the military type, but it can still achieve the effect of a single-molecule knife. But if you want to use this material, you'd better be fast. , because this material will definitely be restricted by the country soon, and I just happen to have some on hand.

Also, although the power is limited, how to distribute the power is another matter. You should know about capacitors! Hmm... It doesn't matter if I don't know. Anyway, it's a device that can accumulate power and explode in an instant. This kind of thing can be regarded as a gray area. The law does not prohibit the use of such devices, but it certainly cannot be used by you. If the effect is too strong, otherwise the instantaneous power is hundreds of times greater than the rated power, something will definitely happen. However, if you want to get more than ten times the instantaneous power, the problem is generally not big, and the inspector will turn a blind eye. Just close one eye and say something to me, and that's basically it!

In addition, weapons can also be equipped with various special effects, such as deformation using liquid metal, hypnotic suggestion, and illusion projection, which can all be loaded. "

[To be continued]

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