Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1093: Be happy to miss the world of gods

Poseidon felt dizzy when he heard this. He even couldn't figure out what the other party was talking about. He asked uncertainly: "If you install too many functions, will the weapon become more powerful but less sophisticated?"

Xiao Xu smiled when he heard this: "If you want to talk about top-notch military weapons, they must be like this. Installing so many functions just takes up space and makes the weapons bloated.

But civilian weapons definitely don’t have this problem. What we use is not cutting-edge technology. Miniaturization has been very perfect. According to what you said, the size of the trident is almost enough without affecting the structural strength. With 180 special functions packed in, there is no need to worry about too many functions affecting performance.

If someone else builds weapons for you. The power of the attack may be reduced due to poor power distribution, but don't worry, I'm a professional and my skills are absolutely fine. "

Poseidon was still a little hesitant. Thousands of years of thinking made him still believe that a weapon that specializes in one thing would be the strongest: "Well... even if it has so many functions, I may not be able to use it when fighting?" Think about it, there are so many buttons on the weapon, and I only have ten fingers in total, how can I possibly press them?"

"Haha! It's not what you think! There is no need for buttons to trigger the special functions of the weapon. The weapon will directly read your conscious instructions and release its functions according to your thoughts.

If you feel that your mental energy is insufficient, you can also install a sensor patch on the back of your neck to enhance signal transmission. However, it is generally not used. Technologies such as brainwave reading are already very mature, and you can accurately operate your weapons even from thousands of miles away.

And you don’t have to worry about the problem of being unable to use it. All weapons must be equipped with artificial intelligence. The legal restrictions in this area are relatively loose. They can be equipped with fairly high-level artificial intelligence. For so much money, most of them are actually equipped with artificial intelligence. I’ve spent all my time on this. After all, I can’t manually create an AI for you. Even if I did, the effect would definitely not be as good as buying it back.

You can understand this thing as the legendary weapon spirit, which can intelligently release weapon skills. If you often run in with the weapon spirit, the weapon spirit will start the learning mode, and its tacit understanding with you will gradually increase. With the peak artificial intelligence that can be used with civilian weapons, With its computing power, it basically only takes a week to get used to it, and it will be able to communicate with your mind. Even before you have time to send out brain wave commands, he will have already cooperated with you to release the attack.

By the way, the weapon spirit can also be customized, but I am not sure about this aspect. You have to discuss with the AI ​​manufacturer to customize the weapon spirit with different personalities, such as arrogant, strong, weak, shy, etc. They are all customizable. If you give enough, they can even customize a companion device that perfectly matches your wishes.

As for the appearance of the weapon spirit, you can tell me that my facial pinching skills are still good.

What the released weapon spirits look like basically depends on my hardware. Moreover, the weapon spirits that can be released externally also have attack power. What special abilities do they have? It can also be customized.

Of course, if you don’t really like humanoid weapon spirits, you can also want a more common animal spirit, such as a dragon, a lion, a killer whale, etc. It doesn’t have to be a living creature, like a grenade. There are spirits, and there are also spirits of nuclear bombs, but these are generally very lifeless, and because of the image design, their functions are very simple. After all, they are spirits! The materials are still not suitable. "

Poseidon was almost stunned by the sudden information shock. Happiness came so fast, like a nuclear power plant exploding. Even if he could only customize civilian weapons, the various properties of this weapon were far beyond his imagination.

Originally, he just wanted one that wasn't hard enough. It would be sharp enough to easily cut off his original Poseidon Trident weapon. It would be best if it could also release a long-range attack similar to sword energy. It would be great if you could add your own divine power to it to increase its power.

If he took such a weapon back to the God Realm, he would definitely be envious of a bunch of gods, but it has a lot of additional functions. Not only did the basic attributes far exceed his expectations, but they also gave him a lot of gift packages as if they were free of charge, which made Poseidon almost lose himself in happiness.

According to Xiao Xu, this weapon was made. Even the supreme god would drool with greed. If nothing else, that weapon spirit is probably not weaker than a second-level god! This is heavenly!

"As expected of a master! This is already the pinnacle of cold weapons!"

Xiao Xu waved his hands when he heard this: "Don't say that. In the final analysis, I am still a craftsman. Even if there are some loopholes in the things I create, it certainly cannot be compared with the military's cutting-edge weapons.

What's more, real artifacts, even military equipment, are incomparable.

Let me tell you this! The sword that is currently ranked eleventh on the list of national artifacts will release energy equivalent to the power of a billion tons of TNT explosion if struck casually. A full blow can split the planet in half.

The third divine sword is even more powerful and can change its shape at will. As long as the operator's mental power is strong enough, it can even turn into a super Star Destroyer sword that is longer than the diameter of the planet. More importantly, this sword is indestructible. , it is impossible to destroy it by any means.

Compared with real artifacts, the things I build can only be regarded as toys. To be honest, if I can touch those artifacts with my own hands, it will be worth my life! "

Poseidon looked confused: "Are you sure you are not lying to me? Why do I feel like you are bragging? No, bragging is not as outrageous as you are!"

Douluo, who has been monitoring the God Realm for so long, still knows what the yield is. With a yield of one billion tons, you are afraid that you want to blow up the continental shelf, and with just a casual sword? Doesn't it mean that as long as the strength is not too bad, you can challenge the Supreme God with this sword?

"Believe it or not!" Xiao Xu shrugged: "But that kind of thing has basically nothing to do with us, and it doesn't even exist on this planet at all. If you want to see the real thing, you have to go to the Moon Museum, and there are You don’t see them every day, they are only on display during certain times, and most of the time these artifacts are useful.”

Poseidon was silent when he heard this. In fact, he had already realized it not long after he came to this world. This place is probably inextricably linked to Douluo's tulips.

Maybe this planet is the territory of the enemies of the gods, but now he still doesn't want to go back to the gods to report...

[To be continued]

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