Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,096 Sugar-coated bullets

Originally, Poseidon's rival company had been greedy for his land in the past few days and found that it basically had no ability. I'm ready to show him some dirt.

No matter what age, of course the best way to find stains is from the lower body. Another way is to encourage fans, get a few undercover agents to get involved, and go to other people's comment sections to make comments. Although it's not a popular trick, it's easy to use. If you don't do it once, it doesn't work twice. It doesn't cost anything anyway, and with the huge fan base, it's hard for anyone to tell that someone is causing trouble.

It's just that some people received the news from above as soon as they were halfway done. And he's not an ordinary boss, he's the kind of boss who absolutely cannot be offended.

The official level is crushing to death, but if it reaches a certain level, it will make people feel numb, just like the village party secretary heard that a senior provincial official personally ordered him to do something, and his attitude was sincere, as if he was taken seriously by the superiors Tone, no matter who this matter is left to, it will be numb.

To be honest, the local person in charge’s immediate reaction was disbelief. I also searched online to see if someone was trying to frame me, and found that there was nothing wrong with their ID.

Now the local people who wanted to cause trouble were honest. At first they thought Poseidon was a bumpkin. But now everyone is wondering, is this the illegitimate son of the supreme leader? Even an illegitimate child wouldn't be cared for like this! All I have to do is personally go down to the grassroots level and give advice.

Poseidon knew nothing about this, he was currently immersed in the pleasure of increasing his strength. I don't even have the heart to think about so many useless things. I should advance to the realm of the supreme god as early as possible, and I can occupy a place in the God Realm Committee as early as possible.

At that time, it will definitely be a return home in fine clothes, and he will show off his rich and wealthy clothes to the bumpkins in the God Realm, and their eyes will fall down if they are not yet envious.

"No... I still have to keep a low profile. It seems to be very easy to improve my strength here. If they also buy some pills, wouldn't they be able to catch up with me soon?"

Poseidon just thought about it and shook his head: "Think too much. A top-level pill costs a million. Even I have to take many pills to reach the realm of the Supreme God. Those poor guys are here. Now, I am penniless. Even if I rely on my abilities, it is absolutely impossible for me to be as lucky as me in a short period of time.

Eh! It’s still a good time to have money! I think he was rich back then, but where is he now? I figured it out too. Nowadays, anyone who is not above or below this position is just a small star. "

It’s hard to see that Poseidon still has the lofty ambition to unify the entertainment industry. In the past, he must have overestimated his capabilities by thinking this way. Fans have almost gone to fan sites, and he doesn’t even know it. It’s basically just one step away from being ruined. .

But now it's really just around the corner to achieve great success. The higher authorities have spoken out, so they must be given face. What are the sugar-coated bullets of capitalism? It must be done with money, until he doesn't recognize himself, until he really regards himself as a person, then it will be considered a success.

No, a message came to Poseidon's mobile phone very quickly. Although this person is not a high-IQ talent, learning how to use a mobile phone is actually not as difficult as imagined. Especially after learning that if you want to watch short videos, you have to be able to use a mobile phone, this threshold is basically gone.

"Xiao Hai! Recently, a big director came and asked you to play the male lead by name, and said it must be you. I'll send you the script and so on. Can you take a look?

According to me, this is really interesting! Originally, directors of this level would not consider newcomers like you when selecting roles. Most of them would look for veteran artists who were more than ten years old, and they all have acting skills.

You should cooperate well with others and learn from them humbly. As long as you don't fail in this drama, it will be very beneficial to your future development. "

Poseidon looked at the long list and felt a headache. He had really been filming recently. He also knew how troublesome it was. Although he was considered a pretty boy, he still had some acting skills. Poseidon was on his way to becoming a god. He has followed the orthodox path, and he has fought hard to get there. His acting skills are really average. Now every time he goes to the filming location, it feels like he has to drag a layer of skin down, so he is very interested in it. Acting skills and respectable old artists and so on. I really don’t feel like catching a cold, so I’ll get straight to the point and ask:

"Everything else is empty. Just tell me how much money they will give you this time, right?"

"Xiao Hai! You can't be so utilitarian. What about your acting skills? There is still room for improvement in this circle. It will definitely be good for you to hang out with these famous directors and show up in public together. ." The agent is still there talking about the same thing.

"Just tell me how much it is!" Poseidon had no intention of pursuing a long career in this industry, so he had the aura to make money and run away.

"Alas! There's not enough money!" The agent lamented helplessly, but he didn't say anything more: "The price I gave is very good, 35 million, for a fifty-day play, you can do the math yourself. Let’s see if they are sincere.”

When Poseidon heard this, his eyes lit up: "Go, go, go! How can we not go? Come on, introduce me to this wronged person, ah no... this director!"

The agent was helpless with Poseidon's attitude, but he believed that this rebellious new idol would soon understand the benefits that the great director brought to him.

This is also true. Although this big boss has been scorning Poseidon, after all, this person was forced in by the people above, he is meticulous about the plot and filming, which actually does not satisfy Poseidon the most. What satisfied him most was that the money he gave me was so satisfying!

Although it was hard for Poseidon when filming, after the filming, he felt so happy. It felt so good to be able to earn hundreds of thousands every day!

"Hello? Is it Xiao Xu? How can I contact the artificial intelligence manufacturer you mentioned last time? The regular manufacturers I searched online cannot add some special attributes and personalities to the customized artificial intelligence. It seems that you are the only one who can The one you found for me has no restrictions, is there any way to recommend it to me?"

Xiao Xu was building equipment for a new customer. He nodded when he heard this and said: "These are all trivial matters. In fact, it is not illegal to make some special requests. It's just that the trouble has been fierce recently. A group of guys who are not very smart. , always thinking about letting AI and humans share the full power of citizens, resulting in some people with rather twisted personalities. After artificial intelligence is produced, manufacturers will receive considerable criticism."

[To be continued]

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