Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,097 Poseidon’s Mecha

"Let weapon spirits have equal rights with humans? You guys are really good at playing!" Poseidon sneered, not to mention being equal to weapon spirits, he felt uncomfortable being equal to humans. He felt uncomfortable not being superior to others. During this time, he was rich. , and then I regained the feeling of being a god little by little.

"There is no way, there are always some people who are too full. And let me say, it is not impossible to make weapon spirits and humans equal, but it cannot be proposed by humans, but by the weapon spirits relying on their own abilities. Yes, if you are unable to fight for the interests of your own group, there is nothing wrong with becoming a tool.

Forget it, these people are just like the feminists. They act blindly without considering the actual situation at all. You don’t need to be familiar with them. What kind of AI do you want to customize? Generally it’s not too much, most manufacturers should do it! "

Even with Poseidon's face, he couldn't help but blush: "Ahem, all men know this! Women of your generation are spoiled. They are disobedient and have bad tempers. They are sold out. It’s as if I’m still a young lady, I can’t stand these women for a long time.”

"Ahem! Don't say this outside. Especially in your current status, you will be held legally responsible for your nonsense. It is not a small matter to cause dissatisfaction of any group.

never mind! it does not matter! Anyway, no matter what happens, just do it in your own home. Your home belongs to your own private space. In principle, even if the authorities find any evidence of indiscretion in your room through special means, they cannot use this evidence. I will cause trouble for you, otherwise, the country's loss of credibility will be much more serious. "

"Hehe! Thank you! Well... I have something else to ask you for help. It's inconvenient for you." Poseidon... said embarrassedly.

"It's nothing inconvenient, just say what you want! I actually don't have much ability. Even if you tell me, I may not be able to do it." Xiao Xu sighed. This emerging idol seemed to regard him as Bai Xiaosheng's life: ...he is a DIY expert, how can he know so much.

"I just want to ask if there are any civilian mechas for sale? They are the kind that are designed to the extremes of civilian use, and can occasionally be sidelined." Poseidon's tone was full of...,? . ,,. ,. yearn for.

He had just watched a mecha battle not long ago. The scene was gorgeous but explosive. It was completely different from the mechas on Douluo Continent. Not to mention anything else, the style of painting was just a few steps away.

If the structure of the mechas on Douluo Continent is similar to that of the motorcycle clan in The Adventures of Luoluo, then the mechas here are like Transformers, at first glance. . You can't even count how many parts it has on it. It's as complex as the human body and seems to be made up of countless extremely tiny parts. The transformation process is even more dazzling to watch, the mecha is like a ball of flowing metal.


The battle is even more energetic, and the terrifying blows that fall on the planet are a fatal threat. If the power is slightly increased, it will be an ecosystem-destroying disaster in the past.

Poseidon wanted a mecha of his own. As long as he invested enough money to strengthen it, he could even reach the level of supreme god in his local city. Before that, take a step to help yourself rise to that level.

Tulip's current mainstream mechas all borrow the design ideas of the Doukai. From the point of view of resonating with and amplifying its own power, the design ideas of the Doukai are very excellent, but you must build your own Doukai yourself. , it’s too stupid. It can be said that this shortcoming alone has covered up all its advantages. Fortunately, the shortcomings in this aspect are technically. It's not difficult to overcome.

As for saying that Xuanzhi is in harmony with the host and has a spiritual connection, that is pure nonsense. On the one hand, those who have mastered the technology do not want more people to learn it, causing them to lose their jobs. On the other hand, there is no scientific and reasonable system at all. , to explain the reason, most masters who make Doukai rely on empiricism, relying on experience and conjecture to infer the reasons, just like saying that a pangolin is good at drilling holes and it can penetrate breasts is as outrageous.

After overcoming this shortcoming with technology, the mecha does not need to learn relevant knowledge to build it. If the mecha is not required to fit 100% with you, you only need to provide some of your own data, and the factory's artificial intelligence Intelligence can automatically debug a suitable mecha for you.

Of course, customization services definitely exist. Even on Earth, where cars are mass-produced on assembly lines, there are still customized cars and handmade cars. Rich people will never be stingy in this regard, and therefore support a lot of related people. from. , industry.

Xiao Xu is also one of the relevant practitioners. Poseidon really asked the right person this time, and he still knows more or less about it.

"If you want to customize a mecha, it's best not to find someone to order it alone. Mechas that can be customized by private people are different from weapons. It is difficult to meet the standards of military combat machines. Weapons are just weapons. The industries and The knowledge is much less than that of mechas, so you can directly ask me to build them. Even if the weapons you get are not as good as those of the army, they won't be much worse. At most, they are insufficient in power. That's because the law says you can't do it, not that I can't do it. arrive.

Mechas are different. {【】【! ! …! 】}, many materials are controlled by the state. As long as the state has a card for these things, well, there is no way at all. If you want to make it with your own hands, then you must have a red police base vehicle from primitive society. ability, otherwise, it would be impossible to produce those industrial equipment.

In this regard, it is recommended that you go directly to the official mecha club, where you can build mechas for competition, as long as you give enough. It’s no problem to customize it for you. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the club’s mecha cannot be used outside the competition field and training ground.

. , Come On means that after it is built, you only have the right to use it, but not ownership. If you want to make this mecha your own, you must pay ten times the liquidated damages and permanently lower your credit rating by one before you can get it. arrive.

This aspect depends on your balance, ten times the liquidated damages, although it is very expensive. But for your worth. It's still affordable if you scrape together a bit. But I advise you to be cautious, as having your credit rating reduced is not that simple.

After downgrading, you will find that many things will become extremely troublesome. Moreover, there is no fixed way to improve your credit rating. This thing is like an ancient knighthood. Only if you make a significant contribution to the country can you be promoted. "

[To be continued]

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