Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,100 Reasons for Farming

When Poseidon came into contact with the spiritual network, he vaguely felt that this network was being monitored by a powerful consciousness. Although there were citizens within Tulip who were more spiritually powerful than Poseidon, those people did not unite their faith. Because of Li's divine personality, it is difficult to detect this extremely weak monitoring.

After Poseidon discovered this surveillance, he was actually quite vigilant about the Internet, even computers that were not connected to the Internet. He will also try to ensure that he does not store some important private information internally.

Originally, he thought that under the supervision of that powerful consciousness, this piracy had disappeared. This thing is much more powerful than Baidu Cloud Harmony Cloud Video. Even if you compress and encrypt it, it will be useless. It will be scanned directly for you during the upload process.

It’s not that those pornographic pictures and short movies that are spread on the Internet cannot be blocked, but that the consciousness intentionally does not interfere with the spread of these. After all, lust is the nature of both sexes, and this thing is a rigid need.

It's just that Poseidon never expected that the pirated videos, games and files would be preserved in this most original way. Stored in hardware and then delivered through the most basic transportation methods, it is true that even God cannot curb the existence of piracy.

"The stuff has been sent to you. Remember not to make any announcement after you get it. This stuff is illegal. You won't have any problem if you keep it secretly. But if you dare to spread it on a large scale, you will definitely be sued by major companies. I'll lose all my underwear.

It contains almost all well-known cultural and entertainment works, even those that are not so famous. There are at least 50% to 60% here. If someone pursues copyright issues with you, you will definitely not be able to afford to pay. In other words, basically no one in the country can afford to pay, well... except for the supreme commander.

I have to remind you that this thing must not be connected to the Internet. Even if you just plug it into a computer connected to the Internet and don't view the files inside, it will be deleted within a thousandth of a second.

Now the official crackdown on piracy is so strong, but in this case there is generally no fine, as long as you keep your own backup.

To be honest, we don’t mean to watch pirated versions, but if the end of the world really comes, those genuine websites will definitely have to follow suit, and you won’t be able to watch the genuine versions if you want to. "

Poseidon sneered: "No! I would also like to ask, if the end of the world really comes, how can we quickly revive technology? Suppose we find enough people. But they have all lost the knowledge they originally learned because of the end of the world. How to let them learn from scratch and develop technology again.

Bro, do you have anything like this? To be honest, my academic qualifications are not too high. Let me lead them to re-establish the technology tree.

That's probably unlikely. "

"I didn't expect you to have such thoughts. To be honest, if the end of the world really happens, it will be quite difficult to survive. You have to know that the disaster that can destroy our current civilization is not the tsunami in the past and now. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, global nuclear war, and even biohazards can be done.

The disaster that can destroy our civilization must at least be the collapse of a star. At the level of a gamma ray burst, it is still far short of even the extinction of the sun. After all, we have already said goodbye to solar energy. As long as there is material energy, there will be an endless supply.

In that kind of apocalyptic wasteland environment, even if someone survives, it is probably almost impossible to adapt to such an extreme environment.

However, many of us doomsday patients have considered rebuilding after the apocalypse. The hard drive I sent you actually contains a lot of scientific and technological information.

It starts with the most basic technology, but even with detailed information, civilization recovery cannot be completed in a day or two. In addition to information, what is more important is a large number of educated industrial workers. The machines require skilled workers to manufacture and operate them. , even if it doesn't stop at all, it will take fifty or sixty years to recover from hundreds of survivors to the current level. This is still considering that cloning technology can be directly used to create a large number of people after the technology matures.

Moreover, there are many types of doomsday. In addition to ordinary natural disasters, there may also be cases where the laws of the universe have changed from the root. For example, the gravity between matter suddenly disappears. It is difficult for me to consider what will happen to the universe after such a disaster occurs. What it looks like, but there is no doubt that even if there are survivors in such a universe, it will never be possible to grow through our original technology tree.

But if you are really interested in this aspect, I can recommend you some equipment. These are low-end industrial products that can mass-produce antique-level things such as internal combustion engines. With these things as initial auxiliary equipment, civilization can The restart speed will be much faster. "

Poseidon's eyes lit up. What he wanted was this kind of thing, which could mass-produce some low-end technological products, so that the indigenous people who were still in the medieval stage could quickly complete the industrial revolution.

It doesn't matter how well they develop, as long as they develop to the point where they have no worries about food and clothing, and there is a huge supply of food. After the food supply is ensured, more people can engage in other industries.

Moreover, doubling food production does not just double productivity.

Suppose a person produces eleven grains a year, and what he needs to eat is ten, then the surplus value he can create is only one. But if his grain output doubles at this time, then his remaining grain is 12. The surplus value created has increased twelvefold. If it originally took ten farmers to support one unemployed person, now everyone can support one unemployed person.

The improvement of productivity is definitely not just a little bit. Poseidon does not care about the improvement of productivity, but it does care about the number of people who are out of work. The more people leave agricultural production, the more people can join the industry and service industry. Industry is important in other industries. It seems that it is enough to just develop it casually.

The most important thing is the service industry. It doesn't matter whether other people are served. They need to receive the best services themselves, which requires a large number of unemployed people.

The basis for the ancient nobles to be extravagant and licentious was that they could find enough unemployed people in their territories to serve them. Engaged in handicrafts and other industries to produce the luxury goods they need. This is why, also as ancient nobles, Japanese daimyo can be so hungry that they cry in the arms of their wives, and their lives are not even as good as those of the rich men in the empire across the sea.

[To be continued]

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