Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1101: Have fewer children and climb the technological tree

Poseidon is not a fool. He can become a god among many competitors, and his IQ is generally not too low. Of course, it is not ruled out that he can become a god purely by relying on his golden finger or the halo of the protagonist, but that kind of thing is in the minority after all.

Although there were a lot of jokes at first because of the perspective problem, after roughly understanding the structure of this society, Poseidon can more or less see the relationship between social development and personal enjoyment.

Poseidon is not very interested in enlightening people's wisdom and leading the rise of natives from other worlds. That is too hard work. He must work hard and work hard for the advancement of civilization.

The end result is that the people's power increases, but his dominance is threatened. He will not do such a thankless thing.

But after experiencing the baptism of tulips, Poseidon can no longer stand the modern society where you lose the convenience of accessing the Internet. There are only two choices before him.

The first is to abide by the laws and regulations. In this prosperous and ugly civilization, work hard and rely on your relatively good start to become a company boss.

The second is to obtain enough resources here, fly far away, find a corner of the other world, rely on your supreme force to become the earth emperor there, and if you are lucky, you can continue to collect faith and make your godhead more powerful. further.

As for the naive idea of ​​uniting the divine world, overthrowing the rule of Tulip by the supreme commander here, and then replacing it, he has completely given up. The gap between the two, if he had not returned to his intuitive impression before, After living here for a few months, it became clear.

Especially when he was driving a yacht in space, he saw the endless space fortress passing by his yacht, almost like a floating continent. The shock was difficult to express. Words have already expressed it, and he finally Understand that Tulip can easily rule such a huge education. If the gods also have such force, they will definitely incorporate the planet into their own territory, instead of going in and harvesting it regularly like sheep.

Faced with the two choices, Poseidon is actually quite entangled, just like the question of whether to time travel. Is it better to be a small rich in modern society, or to be a local emperor in ancient society?

It’s hard to get an answer to this question. If you traveled back in time to ancient times, you might spend a lifetime studying it, and you wouldn’t even be able to play the Overlord game console. But in modern times, if you meet someone who is richer or more powerful than you, you have to bow your head.

Poseidon never wanted to bow down personally, especially when the master of this super civilization turned out to be a native who beat up his own clone in a sailing battleship a hundred years ago.

Who knows what ways this guy will come up with to humiliate him when he finds out that he has entered his kingdom.

But he also doesn’t want to become an indigenous god in medieval civilization who can’t even watch short videos in his life.

Okay, he thought of a compromise, which was to take away some industrial equipment from Tulip. Then came a brand new civilization, helped them develop the high-tech era, and prohibited them from researching military technology. Everything prioritized serving their gods.

In this way, while being drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman, awakening to take over the world, he can also enjoy entertainment similar to modern times. If Tulip's pioneer team came to the planet he developed, he would immediately run away with top-notch equipment.

I think the Tulip people won't make things difficult for him because he points out the local technology tree. Even if they want to settle the score with him, they will definitely eat this fat first and wait until they digest the planet. . The sea cucumber has disappeared long ago. If we find a new planet to settle in, it will only take a year or two to revive the technology if we have the equipment.

This [Erxianqiao Car God] on the Internet is very attentive to Poseidon's request. Doomsday Disease these days is definitely a smaller subculture than furry, kigurumi and the like. Even if you meet enthusiasts, you can To build a larger fortress in space has basically reached the limit.

For someone like Poseidon to actually buy equipment and prepare it for the purpose of reviving civilization, it is really unique. It’s not that everyone doesn’t have this enthusiasm. But there is not so much money.

A nanomaterial production line costs at least 5 million. This is just the most basic. If you want to build a Neumann machine that can replicate itself, you will need hundreds of supporting facilities. The total price may be tens of millions. .

Under Cheng Ying's deliberate control, there are almost no individuals who have formed a monopoly in the country. There are indeed rich people, but there are none who are as rich as the enemy. It is difficult for almost everyone to spend tens of millions at a time. It doesn't hurt, so we have a complete production line, which no doomsday patient has ever owned.

"Um...isn't this list too long? Does reviving civilization actually require so many things?" Poseidon looked at the long list of contents in the spreadsheet in front of him, and felt quite painful that he was forced to read the user agreement. , it’s really too long.

"This is already considered a small number. Do you think that civilization's technology can be restored so easily? It has developed to the present point. In the industrial category alone, there are more than three hundred, and if it is slightly broken down, it is tens of thousands. I This is the most basic one for you. More than one hundred industrial categories.

Of course, if you really find it troublesome, you can also save money to buy a base car. It is a ready-made Neumann machine, but it is expensive and is a prohibited item. I can't find a way to get it. It is said that it was once Someone has done it, and it cost a full 500 million, not counting the money spent on entrustment.

It’s not that I look down on you, but it’s that almost no one can afford this price, and even if you want a base vehicle to revive civilization, you only know it but don’t know why. If you do this, it may lead to you establishing a civilization. Abnormal development eventually stagnated. "

When Poseidon heard about the base vehicle, he checked it out and his eyes suddenly lit up. This thing is much more advanced than the Red Alert's base vehicle. The most important thing is that it can be operated in a fool-like manner. You don't need to learn all kinds of knowledge to operate it. See It was the lazy artifact that he dreamed of. The only drawback was that it was too expensive. Even if he said he couldn't afford it, there was nothing wrong with it.

"It's not as serious as you said! At most, it's just the end of technology. Wouldn't it be over if we just improve the technology a little bit?" Poseidon also wanted to get more information about the base vehicle.

"That's far from it, let me ask you! If your fingers were born to fire bullets, and the shooting speed was as fast as a machine gun, would you still go through the trouble of inventing a firearm starting from a flintlock?"

[To be continued]

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