Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,103 Insect Swarm System

"What is that Hylia doing recently?" Cheng Ying rarely spread his mental power to the entire planet. It is because the recent technology has reached an extremely critical node.

Ice Emperor casually checked the surveillance records and said: "This guy seems to be interested in Neumann machines. He is collecting all kinds of Neumann machines and asking to customize his own model. It seems that he is preparing to run away. .”

"Forget it, don't worry about him. Choosing like this proves that he is no threat. Even if he gets the golden finger, it doesn't matter if he goes to other edge planets as a blessing. After all, we also created the golden finger, so if he goes It's just helping us develop the planet.

To be honest, getting the insect swarm system out first is the top priority now. I always feel that this matter is quite urgent. If the system is not improved as soon as possible, our entire technological system will encounter a huge threat. "

"Is it as serious as you say? Isn't it just a swarm of nano-mechanical insects? How does it have anything to do with the rise and fall of our civilization?" Ice King poked at a slime-like silver object in front of him.

This thing is the so-called insect swarm system, which is composed of small nano-sized particles that can be changed into any shape. The current appearance of slime is just his energy-saving mode.

"Speaking of which, you feel there is no need to make this thing. Haven't we already been able to make liquid metal? The effect of this thing is similar to that of liquid metal, right? It even feels worse than liquid metal. At least liquid metal can condense into a single-molecule knife. Form, this thing is several nanometers thick at its thinnest."

Cheng Ying shook his head and controlled the silver slime to move by remote control: "The big difference is that liquid metal does not allow every atom of the metal to be controlled by us, but forms a position through a position generator. Different force fields to shape a volume number.

This is like the difference between making a piece of plasticine and making a lump of plasticine move by itself. The difference in technical content is completely different. "

"So, why on earth do you want to know about this thing? It can do what it can do. You can do it with a field generator. It's just the same result. Why do you need to spend so much effort?" The Ice Emperor didn't understand.

"The biggest difference here is that the force field generator requires the use of soul power, while the nanoworm swarm only needs to use the energy provided by the internal cold fusion core. Let me ask you, what is soul power?"

Ice Emperor scratched his head: "I don't know? Soul power is soul power. It is no different from gold, silver, copper and iron, right? How do you want me to explain what the material that originally existed there is?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "Why do you think soul power already exists?

Let me give you the simplest example.

When we first came to the moon? Is there soul power here? "

Ice Emperor blinked: "It seems there is none, so what does that mean? There is no naturally occurring calcium and sodium on Douluo Planet? Isn't this normal?"

"Ah...this..." Cheng Ying scratched his hair: "You have grown up, so let me ask you why the power of soul power can be absorbed and practiced by humans? Humans use electrical energy and light energy, both We don’t have to build complicated machinery to be able to borrow these powers, why can we only use soul power when it is absorbed into the body?”

"There's nothing strange about this! Just like why people can drink water directly and then absorb it. It provides the elements needed for the human body to function. This is just the result of natural selection.

Humans and even other creatures on Douluo Planet live in an environment with soul power all year round, and those who adapt to the environment are more likely to be affected by this power and are more likely to use this power. This is in natural selection. It should be normal to survive and pass on this ability from generation to generation. "

The Ice Emperor is a native of this world. He has only heard of a world without soul power at all, so he still subconsciously believes that soul power is a normal existence in nature, but it is between matter and energy. Somewhat similar to light.

Cheng Ying: "..."

He found that the Ice Emperor was getting harder and harder to fool. The more knowledge he gained, the more reactionary he became. The little loli who used to be able to fool him with just a few words could now sit down and talk with him.

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that. Human beings born through natural selection in different worlds are the same on the outside, but they may be different on the inside, such as having an extra chromosome or something.

However, there is another problem that cannot be explained by natural selection. The types of energy contained in the Dzi Bead Transformation World, the Dionysian World, and even many worlds with extraordinary energy are actually different. Although the characteristics are roughly the same, The effect after practice is completely different.

Some will grow beads on their wrists, some will grow halos on their bodies, and some will have crowns on their heads. There is no doubt that these powers are different. From the processing of these powers by our instruments and equipment This can also be seen on the Internet. The same equipment requires a long period of debugging and modification before it can operate smoothly on different planets.

But people are different, people from any planet. Arrived on another planet. They can quickly convert the energy in their bodies into the energy of another planet, and then seamlessly practice the system of the other planet. Although there may be some incompatibilities, they are creatures that grow up in an energy environment. Isn't it strange that you can adapt to another environment immediately? "

This time, Ice Emperor fell into deep thought: "This does seem to be a problem. Even if we have proven that a large part of the human beings on different planets are escapees from Gu Douluo, it is difficult to explain that they have reached another planet. Why did you become so proficient in using the power of that planet so quickly?

According to your explanation, these extraordinary powers seem to be specially designed for humans and intelligent creatures, and even if this power disappears completely, it will not affect people's survival. "

"Yes, I think so too. That's why I said that our current plan is related to the future of the entire civilization. If soul power is just a natural phenomenon that originally exists in nature, then there is nothing wrong with us using it.

Just like primitive people use flames and modern people use electricity and light energy, but all signs show that the existence of soul power is not natural. It is more like it was deliberately created. In that case, the problem will be more serious. If soul power Disappearance, or a significant change in characteristics, would undoubtedly be an extremely serious disaster for a civilization like ours that uses a lot of soul power. "

[To be continued]

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