Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,104 Conjecture about Soul Power

Cheng Ying's guess seems like a fantasy to most people. It is difficult for a person who has been accustomed to the existence of soul power since birth to regard soul power as a man-made thing. In this world, From a human perspective, soul power is a strange phenomenon in nature.

This is like making modern people think that light is actually a natural phenomenon caused by interference. In the eyes of modern people, light has existed since ancient times and should be a normal phenomenon in the universe.

But Cheng Ying was different. He came from a world without extraordinary powers. Therefore, these extraordinary powers seemed even more strange in his eyes, as if this kind of power was specially designed. Generally used by intelligent creatures.

"Although I think your idea is a bit unfounded, we don't have any particularly important foreign enemies. There is nothing wrong with studying these advanced scientific research contents.

Does the nature of soul power have anything to do with what you are doing? This thing should be just a kind of nanorobot! I remember that the same thing coexists in the new humans. Do you need to develop it again? "

Hyokui poked the ball of slime again.

"What is symbiotic with humans is not nanomachines, but a nanoscale silicon-based organism. To put it bluntly, we are not the kind of creatures we created, but we have domesticated a kind of creature that can Microorganisms that live in symbiosis with the human body.

To be honest, the probability of this is extremely slim and we are very lucky. Only by borrowing the power of another creature. Rapidly popularize education and increase the computing speed of the human brain. If it hadn't been for that accident, we might have had nearly a hundred years to develop to where we are now.

Even now, with our technology, there is still a big gap in creating this kind of nanomachines. My purpose in developing these nanomachines is actually very simple, which is to use the power of technology to simulate the effects of soul power. of extraordinary power.

Just like closing and moving objects. If you have soul power, this kind of thing is very simple. The soul power will be like a hand. It is easy to move things far away, but if you use the power of technology, this will become very troublesome.

If the object that needs to be moved is metal, it is relatively easy, but the object that can be moved by soul power is almost any entity. It is similar to applying electromagnetic force to an object from a distance. If you want to simulate this phenomenon simply with the power of technology, , quite difficult.

It is actually possible to apply electromagnetic force to an object from a distance and achieve the effect of contact with a physical substance with our current technology. However, large machinery is required for simulation.

We are indeed developing in this area, trying to miniaturize these machines, but what I am trying now is another way.

This is also the one I think is closer to the correct one.

No matter how we miniaturize machines, we need to hand over these machines to people to operate them in order to control objects in the air. This is not the same as the effect of soul power. After the soul power of nature enters the human body, it is impossible for it to be used by humans. An organ specially installed to control objects in the air.

It's not that it's impossible, but it's too troublesome. Just like if we want to know the mass of the planet under our feet, we can calculate it through its volume and density, or calculate it through the strength of its gravity. The same can be said. Make a huge scale and measure its weight. The latter is not impossible, but it is too cumbersome to do it.

I prefer that soul power is an extremely small unit, and these units can be controlled by human consciousness. Then they operate collaboratively to achieve the effect of affecting the macro world.

I still have no way to create a unit that is microscopic enough that even an electron microscope cannot scan it. Shrinking the cold fusion core to the nanoscale is already the limit of our technology, and we also need to ensure that these units can automatically capture elements and maintain The current limit of fusion reaction is this size.

The level of science and technology is not only reflected in the cannons and giant ships, but also at the micro level. The latter is even more difficult than the former. At present, these nanomachines can do a lot of things, but there is still a long way to go before they can completely replace soul power. "

With that said, Cheng Ying directed the slime to move. The slime turned into a liquid and rotated around Cheng Ying's fingers. After several rounds of flexible movement. Suddenly exploded into scattered air.

Their presence was invisible to the naked eye due to their nanoscale size. However, a test tube not far away actually levitated out of thin air, as if manipulating soul power to move objects through the air. However, the Ice Emperor did not feel a trace of it. The soul power fluctuates.

"It's still possible! Seeing you operate like this, I'm beginning to suspect that the soul power may be artificial, but the person who made this thing may not be a human, but another completely different powerful creature.

By the way, does this thing have any other function besides moving objects? You can't just create it and have no use for it. "

Cheng Ying was a little embarrassed: "The functions of this thing are still relatively lacking, and it is difficult to have a variety of attack methods like the soul power, but purely in terms of the strength of the attack, it is not much different.

For example, I can use these nanomachines to build a fusion reaction ring, and then use the energy obtained from fusion to release powerful attacks. "

As he spoke, a white halo formed in Cheng Ying's palm. Huge energy gathered inside the halo. As long as this energy was released, it could achieve the effect of a nuclear explosion.

"In addition, this thing can also create illusions, which are similar to the illusions created by soul power. However, the disadvantage is that the phantoms created are very fragile and almost have no entity."

As he said that, a lively Pikachu appeared in front of Cheng Ying. But with a casual poke of his finger, this illusory projection was shattered.

"There is also his healing ability. This may be the only thing he is stronger than his soul power. As long as he uses it to record the data of the human body, he can easily be reborn. Only a few cells are left in his body after being beaten. , because you can rely on it to reshape your body.

After all, the parameters of this thing can be adjusted according to different species, and it is much more targeted than the soul power that can be used by intelligent creatures. "

Ice Emperor touched his nose and complained: "You spent so much money to create something that can be done with soul power. It seems that soul power can also do things that cannot be done. So what is the use of this thing you created?"

[To be continued]

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