Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,105 Useless Invention

Cheng Ying was very discouraged when he heard this: "It's just like you said. This thing is basically useless after it is built. It will not help our existing technology and existing productivity in the slightest."

And for a long time in the future, there will be basically no return on investment in this area, because soul power can do everything that the nano-insect swarm can do, and soul power has penetrated into every aspect of our industrial system and has become An extremely convenient tool. "

"Ah... that's right. There are better tools, why use less effective ones? Your investment in this aspect is completely thankless!" Ice Emperor played with the re-condensed slime, as if he had discovered Playing with it like a new toy.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Sooner or later, we will have to pay it back. The foundation of our technological system is not reliable to begin with. In order to achieve industrialization quickly, we have been forced to introduce too many soul guidance technologies, and these technologies are not suitable for For us, it is a completely black box. We only know how to use it, but we don’t know its principles.

At present, this is the price we have to pay. The price of getting rid of the soul power and re-establishing the industrial system is too huge and we cannot afford it, so now we can only invest a lot of manpower and material resources.

Try to develop a tool that can replace soul power and minimize the impact of the reshaping of the industrial system on us. There is really no room for opportunism in climbing the technology tree. If the foundation is not laid well, the higher you climb, the worse you will fall.

But this road is full of temptations. When you are trying to climb to the branch of the tree, there is suddenly an elevator next to you. Should you go up or continue climbing?

Soul power is this elevator. If you want to develop at a high speed, you must board this elevator, but there is no doubt. Elevators were also built by predecessors.

But this elevator must have an end, and we don't know what will happen after it reaches the end. Can it continue upward? It is also unclear who built this elevator. Will it be torn down halfway up our ascent?

Only those who climb trees steadily step by step can be fearless of all the dangers on the road to civilization. Thousands of years later, looking back, those who took the elevator halfway left themselves far behind.

Some have reached the end and been surpassed by themselves, while others have climbed halfway, the elevator broke, and finally died.

We are the ones who got on the elevator now, but fortunately we have not gone up very far. It is still too late to go down in groups and study tree trunk climbing again. "

Chengying's metaphor is not like the base vehicle that Poseidon wants.

A civilization that has a base vehicle,

It is difficult to get rid of this crutch. If you want to develop your own technology tree, it is also difficult to give up the convenient temptation of the base car.

And soul power is just another base vehicle on the road to civilization development. In the course of this century of technological development, Cheng Ying has tasted too many sweetnesses, but fortunately he is still awake and knows which ones belong to him. The power, which are external objects.

Once upon a time when Tulip had just developed and the Douluo people had not yet realized the power of technology, many powerful soul masters often laughed at the Tulip people for neglecting the basics and not understanding that their own power was the basis for survival in this world. The power obtained by objects is unreliable.

Relying on this kind of self-comfort, the soul master was so superior that even many of Tulip's pilots and fighter pilots could not refute such remarks, because they did become extremely weak after leaving their own planes and their own cars. , any soul master can easily kill them.

Those soul masters who use soul power can take it for granted that the soul power they use is their own strength, and compete with each other in terms of the amount of soul power they possess, and are proud of it.

But now, Cheng Ying can finally refute this statement with some confidence. Those who think that developing technology is worse than improving one's own strength are just too superstitious about their own extraordinary power and too superstitious about soul power.

Those who rely on soul power to possess powerful power rely on external objects, but Tulip looks at her own understanding of science and technology step by step, and the nanomachines she produces are truly her own power!

"In that case, I should actually get used to mastering this new power as soon as possible. And then get rid of my dependence on soul power little by little?" Ice Emperor blinked her big eyes and said uncertainly.

"Actually, there is no need to do this. After all, these nanomachines are not produced by you. There is no essential difference between relying on these things and relying on soul power. Once our industrial system collapses, your extraordinary power will also disappear. You go, besides, the current nanomachines are still far behind compared to soul power, both in terms of functionality and reliability.

At present, we and nanomachines cannot realize self-replication, and these machines will inevitably suffer losses during use. In short, there are still many defects that need to be improved. "Cheng Ying said embarrassedly.

In fact, the nano-worm swarm is far from being successfully developed, but it is too difficult for one person to climb on this thankless road. Chengying will finally show the results, at least if he can get recognition. , he will also have more motivation to move forward.

"It doesn't matter if you have flaws! I believe you will definitely improve these flaws little by little. This is something we can control ourselves. If we upgrade step by step, sooner or later we will catch up with or even surpass the soul power.

And ah! These things were created by you, and soul power was created by someone unknown. Of course I trust you more! Who knows what backdoor the person who created him opened in his soul. "The Ice Emperor said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will add a backdoor to the nano-worm swarm? I will tell you that if this thing is completely integrated, it will enter every cell of yours. If I install a backdoor, I can even control you like a marionette. body." Cheng Ying made a vicious expression.

Hearing this, Ice Emperor's eyes lit up for some unknown reason: "That's not a girl...ahem...I mean, I believe you won't use the backdoor to target me!"

Cheng Ying: "..."

"You seem to be expecting something! Such a great invention, can't you use it in a more serious way!" Cheng Ying went crazy.

Ice Emperor tapped his two index fingers in front of him, and said aggrievedly: "Obviously it was you who first said that you can control my body like a marionette. You can even control my body, but the physiological reaction is also..."

[To be continued]

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