Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,107 Big Brawl

The rules given at the beginning of the finals were very simple, that is, you get points by killing your opponent. Each person has one point. When there are only two people left on the field, you can get five points as a reward for killing any one person.

If you want to win, you must survive to the end as much as possible while weighing points. Because the person who survives to the end can get five points by killing, and when there are only two people left, it is useless to commit suicide. The person who survives in the end will definitely get these five points.

Yake's strategy in the game is very simple, that is, to directly ignore the plot and find his opponent to kill. His combat effectiveness has been verified in countless battles. Although he has not been promoted to the top five in the combat effectiveness rankings, in the eyes of most people , I am afraid he will never be weaker than the top five people, or even worse.

The combat effectiveness ranking list will only count the player's data, and then through the large-scale system analysis, the player's winning rate after playing against countless other players will eventually be concluded. The higher the winning rate, the higher the ranking.

However, there is no way to estimate the impact of individual operations on winning. Two people with the same equipment, the same attributes, and the same specialization will have a 50% win rate in the system's judgment. This is almost never taken into account. The difference in game level between the players of the two accounts.

In fact, in this game, people with high game skills will naturally get better equipment, and conversely, people with poor equipment will naturally get better equipment. His fighting skills may not be much better.

More importantly, the fighting skills in the game are supported by fighting specialization. Personal reaction ability and judgment actually have little impact on the performance in the game. Therefore, although Yak's record is terrible, because there is no one The specialization has reached S level and is not even ranked in the top twenty in the combat effectiveness rankings.

In the grand battle of the finals, everyone appeared in an abandoned city. Yake relied on his rather agile climbing skills to climb to the top of the abandoned building like Spider-Man.

Use the built-in telescope system to observe the movements of other players. Soon, a girl who used gems to cast spells to fight appeared in his sight. His strongest specializations are combat and reconnaissance. Both specialties are about to be promoted to S-level, so they are condescending. It's easy to spot other players.

Yake targeted this girl because his instinct told him. This one is one of the weakest among them, although he is quite confident in his fighting ability. But as the saying goes, you have to pick the weak persimmon. Everyone only has one point, so naturally they have to challenge the weaker ones.

The unlucky person targeted by Ya Ke was none other than Ning Rongrong. Although she relied on her calm mentality to successfully advance to the finals of the peak competition, her strength improved in a short period of time with the help of krypton gold props, she still had to compete with those There is a big gap between the top players.

Even if you rely on strategy,

At the beginning of the dungeon, it received help from two NPCs, so its overall strength should be relatively weak.

Yak jumped directly from the top of the building. But it wasn't a leap of faith, but a strangely shaped parachute opened above his head. It looks more like a paraglider than a parachute. He grabbed the handle of the paraglider and while gliding out, two bombs were released behind him.

It is the square bombs and round bombs that he often uses. This is one of the most practical bugs in Zelda. He can use two bombs to launch himself into the air, which can reach extremely high flying speeds.

After detonating two bombs, Yak flew towards Ning Rongrong at high speed like a dive bomber. When the girl noticed that he had arrived near her. It was too late to react.

Fortunately, the two NPCs she recruited were pretty good. After discovering the enemy attacking from the air, one of the zombie-like NPCs picked up a rocket launcher from behind and pulled the trigger on Yak.

The initial speed of the rocket is already very fast. It will continue to accelerate during the flight. At this distance, it is almost impossible to avoid, but Yak has no intention of avoiding it at all.

While removing the parachute, Yak opened his treasured ancient bow. The moment he was in the air, he entered bullet time. The rapidly advancing rockets came to a standstill in his eyes. He drew the bow and shot the arrow in one go.

The arrow drew a beautiful arc and detonated the rocket in the air. At the same time, he switched the weapon in his hand to the beast god's sword, which fell from the sky and directly hit the ground where the three of them were.

The shock wave spread in a ring. Ning Rongrong, who was the weakest in fighting specialization, was knocked to the ground by the shock wave. Fortunately, her equipment was gorgeous enough and her defense was ridiculously high, so she almost didn't lose any survival points.

At the same time, another NPC next to him took action. It was a mutant with an alien head. From his appearance, it was impossible to tell that this person was good at close combat.

While inheriting the alien's head, it also inherited the long tongue, which ejected faster than a bullet and was almost impossible to dodge at this distance. But Yake is the best at facing this kind of direct attack. He has already noticed the opponent's intention to attack before he even makes it. And dodged.

While jumping sideways, he also triggered bullet time. This mode will only be triggered in two situations. One is to use a bow and arrow while in mid-air. The other is to dodge to the limit when the enemy's attack is about to hit you.

This is easy to use, but the difficulty of the latter is too exaggerated, and it can be said that it is difficult to apply it in actual combat. In Zelda games, different monsters have similar attack patterns, and you can easily use bullet timing after becoming familiar with them. But when facing a player as an opponent, the opponent's attack mode is unknown, and the speed cannot be determined before the opponent releases the attack. If you rashly dodge and give up defense, you may not only fail to use bullet time, but also allow others to get a critical hit.

But Yake is a man who never makes mistakes! No matter how sudden his opponent's attack was, it was impossible for him to avoid it.

The next moment, he seemed to teleport. Appearing in front of the alien head, his speed also increased significantly during his offspring's practice. With a high speed that the opponent could not react to, he unleashed a series of slashes, relying on the powerful attack power of the weapon in his hand. Almost killing the opponent instantly.

But at this moment, Ning Rongrong also recovered from the panic of being attacked. Light bloomed in her hands, and a gem shattered in her hands, turning into a shield that enveloped the alien head, blocking the incoming attacks. The fatal blow came.

[To be continued]

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