Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,108 The Actions of Derivatives

After Yake failed to succeed in the first blow, he did not continue to attack the NPC, but directly turned his attack target to Ning Rongrong.

He placed a bomb first and then raised his shield. Disable the reaction force of the bomb explosion and fly into the air, and at the same time, take out his enchanted five-bow. You can shoot all the crossbow arrows at the same time and only consume one arrow.

Then he took out the special arrows with the most exaggerated lethality, bomb arrows, and began to bombard Ning Rongrong indiscriminately. During Link's time, the speed of arrow shooting was fifteen times faster than normal.

In just the blink of an eye, Yak completed seven launches. More than a hundred bomb arrows hit Ning Rongrong who was very close.

The location of the three people seemed to be bombed by missiles, and the roar of the explosion was endless. The two unlucky NPCs did not survive at all and were turned into ashes in the aftermath of the explosion.

At the same time, Yak opened the time lock in the smoke and dust caused by the explosion. This is another of his own skills that can temporarily freeze the time of objects or monsters. It can also be used to check places that cannot be seen. Are there any enemies that have not been eliminated?

And in the middle of the smoke, there was a slim figure, getting up in embarrassment. The violent explosion just now did not knock Ning Rongrong out of the game.

Her strength is considered to be at the bottom among all players, but in terms of life-saving ability, she is definitely one of the best. She is equipped with top-notch equipment. Although she is limited by her specialization level and cannot wear the top equipment in the game, she is also one of the existing specializations. Jing allowed the strongest configuration, with ridiculously strong defense, and various life-saving disposable props, which actually caused him to only lose 50% of his survival value in this terrifying explosion.

The thing that Yake is least good at dealing with is this kind of thick-skinned enemy. Although it is a bit inappropriate to say that a little girl is thick-skinned and thick-skinned. But her game character does have thick health and high defense. She is more of a human shield than a mage.

Just when Yake was considering whether to retreat temporarily, a green data stream suddenly gathered at Da Shang's feet in the distance and turned into a human form.

Although he can't see the intensity of the data. But I can still feel a strong threat from that piece of data. The most important thing is that that thing is definitely not a player. He is very serious about his work. before participating in the finals. He has memorized the appearance information of all the players, and there is absolutely no one like him.

Then it can only be NPC or...derivatives...

Yak rationally chose to retreat, keeping a suitable distance between the three, and Yak climbed up to a place. On the street lamp pole, the purpose is of course not to cosplay Street Lamp King, but at high altitude. He can use Link Time at any time, and it is also convenient to take action if there is a fight.

The green data flow slowly condensed into a human shape,

At the same time, he gave Ning Rongrong a ferocious smile: "Luckily, there are actually two player data here, and the data intensity is so weak, and the data volume is so huge, it seems that my share of the task will be completed soon.

Remember the person who killed you is called W2 Morning Star! "

Anyone who speaks words like player and uses a letter and a number as a prefix to the name is undoubtedly a derivative, that's right.

"How about we join forces for now?" Ning Rongrong took the opportunity to invite his opponent. He asked himself that he would definitely not be able to defeat the derivative in front of him. If he wanted to avoid being eliminated as much as possible, he would have to rely on his previous opponent.

"Okay! But you have to wear this." Yake threw a ring to Ning Rongrong.

"What's this?"

Yake chuckled: "As for the effect of the explosive collar, you should be able to guess it even if I don't tell you."

When Ning Rongrong heard this, she blushed instantly. Where had she ever experienced such humiliation since she was a child? He even gave her a collar and asked her to put it on herself.

"What? You don't want to wear it? You have to know that I must get enough profits to help you escape. If the people I leave not only cannot help me, but also become hostile to me, wouldn't I lose money?

Also, you'd better not threaten me with your real-life sect. Although the Qibao Glazed Sect is very powerful, I think you also know that I am participating in the competition on behalf of the infected. As one of the 400,000 desperadoes, I don’t need to tell you that I cannot be threatened. "

Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth, but in the end her competitive spirit overcame the humiliation, and she locked the collar around her neck with a click.

"Grudge! What's the use even if you join forces?" Chenxing sneered. The second-level derivatives can kill the official and the jurors head-on. The current players at this level are not their opponents at all, that is, the top players do not have the third level. Even if the four of them join forces, there is no way they can compete with them.

However, this time he obviously miscalculated. Yake was not something that a top player could generalize about. He jumped from the top of the street lamp. Enter Link time instantly. Then he took out its fastest bow, the Dusk Bow.

The arrow turned into a stream of light and directly hit Chenxing's eyes. As long as his attack hit the opponent's eyes, it would have a forced stun effect.

Even though Chenxing was a powerful second-level derivative, he was stunned for a brief second. In this second, Yak placed a bomb behind him and ejected himself in front of him at an incredible speed. At the same time, he launched the most gorgeous move in the Zelda system, Flying Thunder God to receive Darker's surprise attack!

While using archery in mid-air to stop time, switch weapons and launch attacks, you can instantly be in front of your opponent. Bombs accelerate this process.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his shield, and an orange shield surrounded him. He then releases bombs around himself and then detonates the bombs against himself. Achieving perfect shield counterattack during the attack, and once again entered Link's time.

This time he took out his master sword. The consecrated master sword shone like a laser sword. It was the weapon that suited him best. At fifteen times the speed, he launched a violent slashing attack on Morning Star. At the same time, At the moment when Link's time ends, he picks up the shield again, and you release the bomb, perfect the shield counter, and re-enter Link's time. This cycle continues until his energy is exhausted. It is completely possible to maintain this fifteen times speed state.

It goes without saying how exaggerated it would be to increase a person's speed to fifteen times the normal speed. No matter what kind of opponent he faces, it will be as easy as an adult hitting a child.

Chenxing never expected that his opponent would have such a gorgeous combo. The level of the move was actually very low, and the probability of success was ridiculously low. Otherwise, countless people would have chosen this skill long ago. However, However, he was completely moved in place by this move.

[To be continued]

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