Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,109 Collecting Data Fragments

Chenxing was helpless against his opponent's almost endless combos. Just when he thought he was about to die, he suddenly heard the sound of being deformed due to excessive speed.

Fortunately, derivatives have very strong data analysis capabilities. Even if the opponent's voice comes at fifteen times the speed, a normal person can only hear a shrill scream.

But he heard the other party's words clearly: "What is your purpose this time? Did you just say that you wanted to kill players to obtain data? Maybe we can cooperate."

Chenxing couldn't believe what he heard at first, but as the frequency of the opponent's attacks weakened slightly, he finally believed that his opponent was not joking.

In order not to reveal the conversation between the two parties, he also tried to answer Yake fifteen times faster, speeding up the speech. At this time, it was the best encryption between the two people. All other people could hear was a burst of sound like There was an unpleasant sound like a knife scraping against glass.

"Why are you helping us? If you don't tell me why, it will be hard for me to believe you."

Yak said without thinking: "Because you can help me win the championship, I think my strength is qualified to cooperate with you. As for what you want to do? The worst case scenario is to invade the player's consciousness through the landing cabin. As long as you are not invading my consciousness, what do I have to worry about?"

"You actually know our purpose?" Chenxing exclaimed subconsciously, and then realized that he had said the wrong thing.

"Ah... I was just guessing. I didn't expect you guys to really want to invade reality! But it doesn't matter. You guys can help me clean up other players. I can join you."

As for your body that invades reality, I advise you not to look for me. My identity in reality is an infected person, and I am currently besieged by a million troops in a small city, and the city we are in is also blocked from information. , if you descend into my body, it will definitely be the beginning of hell. "

Now it was Chenxing's turn to be confused: "Since you already know that our purpose is to invade the human world, why do you still plan to continue to cooperate?"

"Is there anything we can't cooperate with? We infected people are also aliens in the eyes of humans. What's the difference from you? What we have more than you is nothing more than a real body. Even if it's not for Victory in the game. I have no reason to stop you." Yak said confidently. He himself didn't realize that these days of getting along with the infected have made him accustomed to his identity as an infected person.

"You are definitely a freak among your tribe." Chenxing said coldly.

"indeed so.


“So happy to work together!”

“It’s a pleasure to work with you!”

At the end of the exchange, the two people suddenly jumped away. Because both sides moved too fast, Ning Rongrong could not clearly see the situation on the battlefield. It was even difficult to analyze who was at an advantage and who was at a disadvantage. At this time, he saw the two sides confronting each other. Standing up, I subconsciously felt that they were evenly matched just now.

Chenxing glanced at the two of them again, then turned around and left with a deliberately unwilling expression. At the same time, Yake also had a pair of contact lenses on his pupils.

The glasses share the intelligence network of the derivatives, including the players they need to hunt, the bodies they prepare to use to invade reality, and the NPCs they need to drive away.

At the same time, he finally learned about the plan of the derivatives. The leader of this plan was named Inte. He was one of the most special derivatives created by A1. Because the amount of his own data was too huge, even fifty Human copies cannot enter directly, so other derivatives need to kill players and collect data fragments.

Then use these data to open the blast tunnel, so that he can descend into this game copy, and then drive away or kill all other creatures in the copy, leaving only the player whose body he needs to seize in the end.

Such a plan also means that it is almost impossible for Yake to win the championship, at least it is impossible to survive to the end, but he does not care much about this. Even if he fails to win the championship, just ranking high is enough to fulfill his responsibilities.

The most important thing to him is actually this map that marks the player's position. He can approach other players and harvest targets as quickly as possible, and the price he pays for this information is that when the derivative branch needs support, he also needs to provide help. The derivatives will accept his proposal to cooperate because he has shown a fighting ability that is not weaker than the first-level derivatives and can solve some uncontrollable factors in this copy.

Ning Rongrong did not leave after the battle. She is also wearing an explosive collar. If she runs away now, it will only speed up her own death.

"Where should we go next?" Ning Rongrong asked.

"You can go wherever you want. Just give me half of the krypton gold props on your body and tell me what they are used for. Just do everything you can to save your life in the following process. This is a teleportation beacon. If you encounter If you are an irresistible opponent, slap this thing on the wall or the ground, and I can teleport directly there."

"Wait a minute? I'm obviously captured, why do you still want to protect my safety?" Ning Rongrong was a little confused.

"Nonsense! If I die, won't half of the krypton gold props you lent me be gone? So of course you can't die. But if I let you follow me directly, it would be too much for me to have to protect your safety. .”

Ning Rongrong almost cried in anger, she was a burden when he was with her, not as important as the gold-priced props he had on him.

"Then you should untie this for me!" Ning Rongrong stamped her feet and pointed at the explosive collar around her neck.

"Are you stupid? Although I don't want you to die. But I took off this thing. Then the half of the krypton gold props in my hand are not mine? You have to blur them all after you take them back. On my face. How could I possibly untie the explosive collar for you?"

Ning Rongrong: "..."

She suddenly felt that her intelligence had been suppressed, she felt aggrieved and wanted to cry!

"Anyway, hide it yourself! It's best to dig a hole in the ground and get in. Then you don't have to be afraid of a nuclear explosion. I remember that Mach rod won't hurt people underneath, right?"

Ning Rongrong: "..."

She doesn't want to say a word now, she just wants to be alone quietly. Don't ask her who Jingjing is, she doesn't know.

Yake took the krypton gold props and left. These props had limited effect on others. If they were placed on him, his combat effectiveness would be increased by more than ten times.

Now even if a four-pillar god does come, he will still have the confidence to deal with the opponent head-on.

[To be continued]

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