Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,110 Oscar’s Perception

Compared to Yak, who relied on his combat power to dominate the battlefield, Oscar's start was much more difficult. Fortunately, he was sealed by fear. In the main universe, he was popular, especially in the monster kingdom where the members were weird.

Monsters with weird images mostly arouse people's fear, making it difficult for ordinary people to live in harmony with them. In contrast, Oscar has become a rare alien traveler who can communicate peacefully with them.

With the help of several NPCs in the dungeon, he successfully escaped the pursuit of the derivatives. He is currently hiding in the basement of a building with several companions. This place once seemed to be a supermarket. Even though it has been looted, there are still sufficient supplies. , everyone can rely on the food here to slowly restore blood and restore consumption, and at the same time, they can also find some handy weapons.

But Oscar is frowning. He still hasn't found Tang San. He has met so many game characters, and naturally some of them are good at investigation. Theoretically, the possibility of finding his teammates is very high, but there is still no news about Tang San. What's more, the spin-offs also act strangely.

They seem to be going crazy, attacking all forces that do not belong to them, and even hunting down players. According to the official settings announced by the derivatives, their purpose may not be as simple as killing.

They should be a group of beings who are more rational than ordinary NPCs. Blind killing and fighting are by no means their original purpose. Just as he was thinking, a sharp explosion suddenly came from his ears.

The sound was too sharp. If he had a real body, he would have broken his eardrums at this time. Even if he was just a digital body, the system showed that he was temporarily deaf.

Other NPCs were also affected to a greater or lesser extent, and only a few NPCs who were deaf or had no hearing at all were not seriously affected.

Oscar opened the game menu and prepared to check how much survival points he had lost. However, when he opened the game menu, he discovered that a large number of options in the game menu had disappeared, and even the survival and physical values ​​were no longer displayed.

Oscar, who was already deeply uneasy, suddenly something flashed in his mind. The crazy actions of the derivatives, coupled with the inexplicable disappearance of the content in the system menu, reminded him of a very bad possibility.

For him, winning the game is not necessary. Even if he loses the game, the prestige brought to him by reaching the finals is enough for him to gain enough capital to practice in reality.

Therefore, he is more concerned about his own safety, although it seems a bit strange to worry about his own life in an online game. But he has realized more than once that the game in front of him is not ordinary.

The same reason made him choose the option to quit the game without hesitation.

Even in a copy, you can force quit the game, but you will be asked once during the exit process whether to quit.

However, the situation this time was completely different. He tried to press the button, but nothing happened at all. The system did not ask him whether to quit at all, which meant that the forced quit was stuck. He could not quit the copy now, let alone the game.

In order to ensure competitive status, all contestants choose to connect to the game in sleep mode. In sleep mode, they cannot feel their real bodies, so it is impossible to take off the game helmet by themselves. Simply put, he is trapped in the game, and in this case, it is unknown what will happen after the player is killed.

"Captain, there is a battle going on above us. A traveler from another world is about to be defeated. What should we do?" An NPC with a head like a salmon asked Oscar.

No, he shared a holographic projection on the surface. The two parties in the battle were the player and a thin woman wrapped in a blue data stream. This image is usually a derivative.

The player's strength is obviously far inferior to that of the derivatives. At this time, he is already very dying. At this moment, the thin woman's nails suddenly extend and pierce the player's heart.

Oscar frowned, looked at the screen, waited for more than ten seconds, and then said: "Let's leave to find other travelers from other worlds. I'm afraid we'll be in big trouble this time."

Oscar didn't say why he did this, but everyone present trusted his decision, and they didn't want to go out and fight that ridiculously strong guy, so they all agreed to leave through the back door.

Only Oscar himself knows that the dead player may not have left the game. Under normal circumstances, the player will turn into white light directly after death and will not leave a corpse. This is probably because the game developers are considering harmony. After all, if there is a corpse Words left. There's no guarantee that other players won't do something jarring to the corpse.

The appearance of white light generally means that the player has successfully exited the game. But this time the white light did not appear, but the player's body was preserved.

It is very likely that even if you die in the copy, you will not be able to exit the game. The consciousness will still be trapped in the copy. Combining the settings of the derivatives and their current madness, it is easy to see what these guys want to do.

The outcome of the game is no longer important. The top priority is to find more players, gather the players' strength, and defeat the derivatives. No matter who is the final winner of the game, the derivatives will definitely not be able to successfully escape from the copy anyway.

Sci-fi movies such as The Terminator have been plagiarized as early as the time Chengying started making movies, so Oscar is very clear that this kind of existence similar to strong artificial intelligence will have a negative impact on the real world once it is freed from the shackles of copies. What a disaster it will bring.

Oscar knows very well that in reality he is just a child. With such an identity and social status, once trouble comes, he will probably be among the first to die. Even if you don't die, the path you can choose in the future will probably be extremely difficult.

For various reasons, Oscar is determined to stop the spin-offs!

Whether it was luck or misfortune, the first player he found was regarded as the strongest player in the entire dungeon. A girl in a purple tights burst out of the building through a broken window, with shurikens mixed in with the broken glass. , puff puff, several NPCs fell to the ground.

Oscar felt a chill in his heart and was about to organize everyone to fight back. The manhole cover behind him suddenly flew up, and the same figure jumped out of it, followed by a third, fourth...exactly the same face and figure, and one person actually surrounded a team of about ten people.

"Wait, don't do it! Didn't you notice the change in the system menu? The option to exit the instance is no longer executable!" Oscar shouted at the critical moment.

[To be continued]

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