Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,113 Falling out

After being intercepted by spin-offs four times in a row, the players' anxiety has reached a peak. Everyone knew there must be something wrong here, and a sense of suspicion pervaded the players.

Although they don't want to believe that someone has taken refuge in the Derivatives, after all, this is just a game to them, and the Derivatives are just highly intelligent NPCs, but the situation in front of them may only mean that they have a traitor.

Oscar pulled his hair and looked at each player in annoyance. He couldn't figure out how to find out who the traitor was.

Everyone who joined before Yak was probably an undercover agent, even himself, because it was very likely that he had the Derivative's bug on him.

The player's team was at a loss at this time. In the end, everyone discussed and decided to search aimlessly first, use their own banners, and use broadcasts to recruit other players. This way, it is possible to encounter lone players, and at the same time, they will not be Derivatives are cut off.

There is no other way. The city has been abandoned for too long. The public address system was completely damaged. They could only rely on their own amplification equipment and use loudspeakers to shout. They didn't know how effective it would be.

There were people in the team whispering to each other all the time. This was the legend that people's hearts were broken and the team was no longer easy to lead.

Yake can be regarded as the calmest one among all. The probability that he is an undercover agent is indeed very high, but he is actually not afraid of being exposed. He had basically completed the delaying work, so he acted very calmly, which made it difficult for people to doubt him.

Just when he was memorizing each person's specific abilities and thinking for a while, how should he deal with them if he turned against them? Suddenly I felt someone approaching, and when I turned around, I saw it was Zhu Zhuqing.

"Is something wrong?" Yak asked.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and said: "You can fly to high altitudes. Have you checked the situation in the explosion area before? We have been looking for teammates for so long, but there are no clues about the mastermind behind the derivatives. This is not right."

Yak shook his head: "I don't know what happened in the center of the explosion. I was too far away when the explosion happened. After the explosion, when I looked over, there was nothing there."

"What a pity. If we knew what they were transporting through the blast tunnel? Then we could go straight to Huanglong!" Zhu Zhuqing frowned. As the strongest among the current players, she is also the most likely to assassinate the leader of the derivatives.

"If it were me, even if I came through the explosion tunnel, I would immediately move my position. How could I just wait there stupidly?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "I understand.


What she said was a bit incomprehensible. Yake was still thinking about what she understood. Suddenly, she felt a strong sense of crisis and threw herself forward.

At the same time, a kunai stabbed out of his back, almost piercing his heart.

"What are you doing?" Yake was furious.

"Clean out the traitors!"

"Damn! Why do you call me a traitor!" Yak raised his shield and blocked Zhu Zhuqing's continuous attacks.

"When I mentioned the Boom Tunnel, you acted like you already knew the name."

"Is it because of this?" Yak looked confused, but he still didn't fight back immediately.


"What else?" Yake wondered.

"A woman's intuition!"

"Gan!" Yake cursed. If the other person had reasoned it out, then he would still have a point to make. However, a woman's intuition immediately made it impossible for him to refute. Because refuting is useless, Yake knows very well that you have no reason to argue with women.

"Fuck your mother! I think you are an undercover agent! You must have told me the word "Explosion Tunnel" first!"

"So what, I know it myself. I'm not an undercover agent, so it can only be you." Zhu Zhuqing split into more than a dozen people in an instant and attacked Yake at the same time.

"Ha! Woman!"

Yake jumped back to dodge, and at the same time activated Link Time, relying on the reaction force of the bomb explosion to escape at high speed. Before leaving, he said cruel words: "Damn woman, just wait for me, I think this kind of deliberate attempt to create divisions" , is the undercover! Who knows who is the undercover? Why don’t you yell at me to catch the thief."

After saying that, Yake disappeared.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was left behind, immediately received suspicious looks from everyone. Although most people would prefer beautiful women, when it came to matters of wealth and life, Zhu Zhuqing's impulsive behavior really had to arouse suspicion.

"What are you looking at me doing? If you suspect that I am an undercover agent, then go find the next person! If he is fine, then I am an undercover agent. Can I still affect your rendezvous?"

What Zhu Zhuqing said does make some sense. If she goes to find another player and the other player happens to be fine, it will indeed prove her innocence to a certain extent.

Considering Zhu Zhuqing's strong combat power and the losses he would have to bear if he turned against him now, after a short discussion, everyone decided to find another teammate. It happened that they had discovered a mark left by someone not long ago.

At the same time, on an abandoned factory culvert, Yake pressed the headset and said: "Go to No. 161 Shengtai Road. There is a little girl hiding in the green belt. Take her away, leaving some traces of the battle. Pay attention. Don't kill anyone, I owe her a favor."

A moment later, Ning Rongrong, who was hiding in the green belt, saw two strong men jumping in. With a sap, she knocked them down and dragged them away.

The few remaining fourth-level derivatives took out grenades and plasma and quickly began to arrange the scene for the fight. These few were obviously professionals. In a short time, they destroyed the green belt into a mess, as if they had just experienced a fight. The brutal battle was destructive.

"Miss, the mark she left is here. She should be hiding in this forest!" The Qibao Glazed Sect worked hard for Ning Rongrong's ranking, and even trained a professional player to accompany Ning Rongrong. Enter the finals.

However, the problem lies here. This person has indeed confirmed the special mark of the Qibao Glazed Sect, but the problem is that the mark was not left by their lady at all!

Yake guessed that Zhu Zhuqing planned to prove his innocence, so he left some marks, which happened to point to Ning Rongrong's hiding place, so he knew where this person was hiding.

Whether it works or not, he doesn't know. Anyway, he is not a wise man who has no clues. If he dug a hole casually, it will work. Of course, it will be good. Even if it doesn't work, it will have no impact on him. At most, it will be the opposite. As for his status as an undercover agent, he has already escaped anyway, so even if he is confirmed to be an undercover agent, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, they didn't know whether it was Zhu Zhuqing's bad luck or something else. After they rushed into the green belt, they saw a mess, the scene of the battle, and several Ning Rongrong's exclusive props.

[To be continued]

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