Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1114: Besieged on Four Sides

Zhu Zhuqing also saw the scene, and facts speak louder than words. Even if she said it now, she couldn't explain it clearly.

"I don't know how to explain it, but it's true that I didn't do it. If you don't believe me, I can leave." Zhu Zhuqing pursed her lips and couldn't help feeling a little aggrieved. Even if today's children are precocious, the scene in front of them is enough. It made her feel sad.

"Leave? How can it be that easy? You have killed so many compatriots, how can you just leave? How can it be such an easy thing." But when he saw a person holding a huge mace, he blocked the way. In front of Zhu Zhuqing.

Suddenly, many people agreed. Only a few people here firmly believed that Zhu Zhuqing was an undercover agent. The majority of people just felt extremely uncomfortable being pressed over their heads by a guy who was more powerful than themselves.

Oscar saw something was wrong and quickly came out to smooth things over. In his opinion, Zhu Zhuqing seemed more like he had been framed, and maybe Yak was really an undercover agent.

"Calm down, everyone. If she is really an undercover agent, then this time it is about her proving her innocence. She will definitely not expose our whereabouts. Unless someone wants to frame her, they will deliberately expose our information. "

But Oscar was quickly pressed on the shoulder: "Don't defend her, she must give us an explanation this time. According to you, if everyone uses this excuse to prove their innocence, then if one of us As long as there are undercover agents, he can continue to commit crimes with impunity.

Even if it was just to kill the chicken and respect the monkey, it was her turn this time. "

"You think I want to leave, do you really think anyone can stop me?" As he spoke, Zhu Zhuqing had already taken action. She could become the future Shrek Seven Devils. She was not the kind of person who could swallow her anger. If according to the original history According to the development of the trajectory, it is absolutely unreasonable to have three points, not to mention that this time she was indeed wronged, so she did not control the intensity of her actions.

Although ball-rolling is not Orochimaru's move, this Orochimaru seems to have come from that timeline of Incombustibles, and he can do a little bit of everything.

Zhu Zhuqing turned into a sea of ​​people in an instant, and a huge ball was rubbed out by her.

The Rasengan, which was bigger than a villa, ran over in the direction of the players blocking the way. Its power had obviously surpassed their level.

The players who were originally preparing to give Zhu Zhuqing a powerful attack all fled when they saw this. Even the players who were good at defense did not have the confidence to withstand this move head-on.

Wherever the Rasengan passes, it affects the ground and buildings. A circular hole was dug out, and Zhu Zhuqing walked along this hole. For a while, no one dared to stop him.

At this time, many people have come to their senses. I am afraid they have really wronged a good person. If Zhu Zhuqing is really an undercover agent, he can play Assassin's Creed like Assassin Wushuang, challenge them all by himself, and maybe do Less than. But I'm afraid he still has the ability to kill seven or eight people and then walk away.

At this moment, the players suddenly fell into an extremely passive situation, and the strongest among them was alienated from them. Now it is clearly proven that the undercover is still among them.

Whether to continue looking for other players has become a headache for them. If the undercovers are still with them, doing so will undoubtedly push those well-hidden teammates into the fire pit, but if they don't continue to strengthen their team's power. Facing many derivatives, players really lack the confidence to win.

Oscar frowned and couldn't help but look up at the sky, and then he saw the endless layer of dark clouds in the sky. For a moment, a thought seemed to pass through his mind.

"I've thought about what to do! There should be players from other equipment rooms among us! Is there any way to make a laser using existing props? Such thick clouds in the sky can be used as a curtain. We just need to treat it as a curtain. For the background, we can use lasers to present the information we want to express in the sky in the simplest possible way.

However, we also need to find a stronghold that is easy to defend but difficult to attack as soon as possible. Doing so will also expose our location and lead to such a siege. I suggest that we find an underground parking lot to defend.

I have a general understanding of the background of the world here. There used to be many three-defense facilities in cities in this country, but these facilities gradually lost their effectiveness in the later period. It has been transformed into an underground parking lot. It is strong enough to withstand the impact of a small-yield nuclear explosion, making it a perfect base. "

There were not many players, and the results were discussed quickly. This seemed to be the last option at the moment. Players who were good at detection, and those with outstanding memory, screened out the underground parking lots that could be selected, and soon Found a nearby three-defense facility.

The scale is quite small, which is very suitable for the defense of a small number of elite troops like them.

Yak was looking for other lone players with the spin-offs when he saw green lasers arranged in the sky to form an announcement. The content was nothing more than that the game could no longer be exited. Come and meet at a certain place.

"These guys are really capable of doing things like this. They can think of such a method. But my goal should be considered accomplished. Since other players can see this notice, there is no reason why the derivatives can't see it.

Shoot some people to harass, and abdominal muscles those players who go to join. That should solve the problem. "At this moment, his headset rang again:

"Allies from another world, you have completed your mission very well. I have basically completed the compilation of the program code. Do you want to come together to see the end of those players?"

"Can you deal with them by yourself? You look very confident! There is a little girl among them who is very difficult to deal with. "

"Hahaha! Didn't that little girl run away because of your anger? And even if she is here, she can't stop me now."

As the words fell, the sky on one side of the city suddenly turned purple. If you have good eyesight, you can see through the fog in the city. The purple sky is actually a world covered by flowing data streams.

In this area, material energy, time and space are all replaced by another thing, which is information, that is, code. Everything is in a critical state between code and reality, constantly switching and transforming.

"What a big deal! To be honest, even I don't know how to deal with this guy." Yake looked at half of the city that had turned into a data flow, and it really felt like a big devil had come to the world: "It seems that this time I am going to become an accomplice of your Demon King, and I wonder if people outside will label me as a crime against humanity."

[To be continued]

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