Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1115 Guanyin Tears

In the end, the players did not gather to 30 people, but the derivative sect was already approaching the city. Due to the shape at this time. It looks like a human figure made of light, but if you look closely, his body is actually made of glowing veins.

These purple veins are woven into the human nervous system, but there are countless nerve fibers in the middle that are more complex than the human nervous system. Used to maintain the operation of his huge mind.

If you want to transfer the consciousness from a machine to an organism, you need to modify your operating mode to a certain extent so that the fragile container of the human body can withstand such a huge consciousness.

During that period of time, he was completing this process, and in his current state, he was 80% sure that he could be loaded into a human body.

"I'm sorry to tell you that your game ends here, and the next step is war." Inte controlled the data flow near the underground parking lot, and in just a moment, the huge building above and the solid surface were destroyed. It turned into a ball of data and flowed into the clouds in the sky. The defensive buildings that were supposed to be able to withstand nuclear bomb attacks were easily destroyed by him.

What Inte said is absolutely correct. What will follow is war. If the derivatives in the past were only game characters, today they are finally qualified to declare war on humans.

The strength of the enemy caught the players off guard for a moment. Yak silently came to Inte's side: "Leave half of these people for me to deal with! After all, I can't be the last to leave."

Yint was puzzled by Yak's request: "I've already said that the game is over, and the next step is war. Do you still care about the outcome of the game?"

"Why don't you care? For me, there is not much difference between the arena and the battlefield. Moreover, you are declaring war on humanity. Humanity has told me with their actions that I am not one of them. I am just an infected person. Currently, the infected person We are also at war with humanity, maybe we can become allies in the future.”

Yak's words caused an uproar among the players. For a moment, they all pointed at Yak's nose and scolded him for being a traitor, rape, and everything else. They wanted to drag out all the female relatives of his eighteenth generation ancestors and have sex with them.

"Haha! I'm a traitor? So what's going on when the empire's army imprisoned me directly after learning that I was infected? I have paid back everything I owed to the empire on the battlefield, otherwise I would have been The number of infected people who broke out was not 60,000, but a full 100,000.

Now we are on both sides of the enemy. This is a war between warring races, not a civil war between the same race. This is the war mode of your own choice. "

For a moment, the players fell into silence,

Those who reacted quickly had already guessed Yak's identity. If anyone single-handedly affected the raid of the infected, it was probably the legendary pilot on the battlefield that day. Suddenly everyone understood why he was there. The strength in the game is so exaggerated.

Not only the players in the dungeon were silent, but other spectators who saw this scene outside the dungeon also fell into silence. Is this something they brought upon themselves?

Obviously, only a few people think so. The only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans never learn lessons, reflect on themselves, and tell themselves that I have done something wrong. This is something that almost no one will take the initiative to do. Soon, some people pointed the finger at the military, while others thought that Yak had a fragile mentality and could not stick to the bottom line. In short, he could always find excuses to make himself feel at ease.

Chen Zihan, who was also watching this scene, couldn't help but smile with relief or helplessness. It seemed that the honey trap failed to achieve results, but it was the spin-off that successfully changed Yak's mentality. Silva may not accept this person immediately. A surrendered soldier, but thinking about what he did today, it won't be long before he will be recognized by the infected, and maybe the day of fighting side by side is not far away.

Compared to the audience, the players in the dungeon feel greater pressure. It is difficult to feel it through the screen, because of the devil-like pressure, coupled with an ridiculously strong Ya gram.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, a drizzle of rain suddenly began to fall in the sky. Yinte frowned. This rain was not his masterpiece. Someone fired artificial rainfall artillery shells into the air.

But inexplicably, he felt a crisis. In the drizzle, there seemed to be an extremely obscure murderous intention. Even someone as strong as him could still feel the danger.

As his sense of danger grew stronger, mist evaporated from the rain curtain, and the mist turned into lotus flowers, surrounding Inte, making it impossible for him to see clearly the situation in the distance. He tried to combine the water with the Lotus, transformed into data flow.

This is very simple, but it only turns these lotus flowers into purple, and the blocking of the line of sight remains unchanged.

The real assassins may remain unknown during an assassination, but the moment they take action, they will be so bright that they cannot be seen directly.

In an instant, time seemed to have stagnated, and the falling raindrops were frozen in the air. But behind the cover of the blossoming lotus flowers, a young man with a resolute expression was holding a drop of dew-like tears in his hand, and he shot out of the sky like an arrow. to.

If you look carefully, there is not even a drop of rain on the path that the young man passed. In order to maximize the speed of this attack, he did not want to hit even a drop of rain.

Yinte only had time to turn his head in shock and look at the direction from which the attack was coming. Then, a tear containing huge energy penetrated his chest.

The person who took action was undoubtedly Tang San, who had disappeared from the beginning of the game. This episode was also the strongest attack he could use, coming from the strongest hidden weapon technique in his past life memory, Guanyin Tears!

Even Yin, who was strong to another level, could not escape his sneak attack. It's just that he also exhausted all his energy after launching this attack.

His current mental and physical strength was not strong enough to withstand such an attack. As he fell from mid-air, Yake raised his bow without hesitation, and an explosive arrow blasted him to pieces.

Even he did not react to this sudden attack, but he was the first person to move after the attack. Such a dangerous assassin must not leave him in the dark.

As for Yinte's safety, Yake actually wasn't too worried. Tang San had obviously never fought against derivatives, especially such high-level derivatives, and the person who created Guanyin Tears wouldn't consider it either. , how to use this trick against a person who has neither a brain nor a heart.

[To be continued]

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