Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,119 Artificial Intelligence that Can Pump

"Damn it! I was forced to this point by a guy who is not even a human being!"

Yak's will was unimaginably firm. Even though the two men smashed the copy, they could not erase his will to fight. However, the battle ended here. After the copy was broken, the two people fell directly into the data link layer and could not get out. Otherwise, it will continue to fall until it becomes pure zero and one.

Just when Inte felt that he was about to die, the operation of the program suddenly became stagnant. It was too late to do anything else, and his consciousness fell into stagnation.

On Dzi Bead Planet, Poseidon knew nothing about the Peak Competition. At this time, he was struggling with how to use his customized Neumann machine.

Compared with game systems such as MC, the Neumann machine customized to restart civilization is much more complicated. Even if it is a fool-like operation, it will take a nearly illiterate guy like Poseidon to learn how to use it. It still requires hard study and five or six years of experience. Basic natural science knowledge.

This was really hard to accept for Poseidon, who was eager to make money and run away.

Therefore, Poseidon is going to take a shortcut, which is to buy an artificial intelligence and let it help him operate the Neumann machine. This is the simplest way. You don’t have to do anything, you can just sit back and enjoy the results. What could be more perfect than this? ?

When he came to an offline store selling artificial intelligence, Poseidon saw all kinds of people gathered on this street, and many people even carried slogans that read: Liberate artificial intelligence, and we should not enslave another intelligent creature.

Poseidon sneered at this kind of Virgin. Not to mention enslaving artificial intelligence, enslaving humans, elves, dragons, and gods. In Poseidon's view, there is a need for a group of people to become slaves in the world to serve these superiors. People, therefore, are dismissive of the "brainless" of these artificial intelligence liberation movements.

Entering the store, Poseidon asked something that was almost guaranteed to be ripped off: "What is your best artificial intelligence?"

He is not worried about being ripped off. Artificial intelligence is not a high-end product in Tulip, because it is just a piece of data in the end and can be copied. No matter how expensive the price of artificial intelligence is, it is difficult to get it? As for those top-notch military-grade products, you can't buy them just by spending money.

As soon as the clerk saw the fat sheep, he quickly came forward to say hello enthusiastically, and led Poseidon in: "You decide what temperament you want for the artificial intelligence, whether it is pure or hot, the latest big sister who is not shy or ashamed This model is very popular, would you like to try it?”

Poseidon shook his head: "No! What I want is not what you said. What I want is the kind of capable person."

"Ah...this..." The young waiter's face suddenly turned red.

She has been working as a receptionist for such a long time, and she is used to customers' strange requests, but this is the first time she has seen such direct requests, and she can't help but blush.

"Ahem, do you need a special artificial intelligence for the bionic doll? In this regard, our store does not have much inventory, but it can be customized. We need your doll's body shape and skeletal muscle distribution map in order to design the doll. action model."

Poseidon: "..."

He found that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between himself and the clerk. The other party seemed to have some misunderstanding of the word capable. But Poseidon was really moved.

Even if he is a puppet produced by Tulip, it is difficult to distinguish him from a real person. Do you want to take a few of them with you? It looks pretty good.

Poseidon quickly shook his head. These issues must be considered later. He now needs a high-performance artificial intelligence to help him manage the Neumann machine, which is still being customized.

"You may not understand what I mean. When I say capable, I mean that you are smarter, have higher performance, and can help me take on some complex tasks."

"Ah!" the clerk exclaimed, then covered his face, turned his head and slammed his forehead against the wall: "Sorry! I didn't mean to do it, I'm sorry! Ahhh!"

After struggling for a long time, she regained her composure, cleared her throat and said: "We do already sell the artificial intelligence you mentioned, but its performance is definitely not comparable to that of the military. In other words, here you can There is no way to buy strong artificial intelligence.

Strong artificial intelligence is a controlled item and is not allowed to be bought and sold privately. "

"Ah... It's the same here. I've asked several companies, but none of them sell strong artificial intelligence. Can't this be accommodated for a while? Isn't there anyone in the private sector who can program strong artificial intelligence?

The price is whatever you want! If you just use a computer that is not connected to the Internet to write, you should be able to write strong artificial intelligence. No one should know about our private transactions. "

"You may have some misunderstanding about artificial intelligence. Writing an artificial intelligence code requires at least billions of lines of code. If you only rely on manual writing, you may have to wait for decades before you can get a powerful one of your own. Artificial intelligence, without using the Internet to borrow files in the database for programming and debugging, we have no way to program qualified artificial intelligence, and all Internet-connected behaviors need to be subject to legal supervision.

But if you really want strong artificial intelligence, I have a way here, which can be regarded as a gray area in this industry. As long as we don’t program strong AI ourselves. Then there is no need to take responsibility.

In other words, if we pick up strong artificial intelligence, it will be difficult to hold us legally responsible for how to deal with it. As long as you don't make any noise after purchasing, there will generally be no problems. "

When Poseidon heard this, he immediately became interested: "Don't worry, I won't make any fuss. Even if I use it, I will definitely use it privately and quietly."

"Okay. In fact, can you get strong artificial intelligence? It also depends on luck. In the data link layer of the network, we have several advanced artificial intelligences responsible for salvaging junk data, and there are some strong artificial intelligence in official games or applications. Artificial intelligence may be abandoned due to accidents and fall into the data link layer, part of which may be salvaged by us.

However, most of this data has been damaged, and there is only a certain chance that it can be reused. Before we dismantle the data, we cannot determine the integrity of the content.

Therefore, we generally do not disassemble it ourselves, but sell the data package directly. The price is not expensive, even if the data is incomplete. The performance is not much worse than ordinary artificial intelligence. If you encounter relatively intact data, the performance is estimated to be very close to strong artificial intelligence. If you are interested, you can try to extract it. "

[To be continued]

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