Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1120: Draw a card

"Give me another ten consecutive rounds! I don't believe it!" Poseidon slapped the counter and said with a blushing face. He just saw someone draw an 80% new strong artificial intelligence! The golden light made him feel as if he was scratching his head.

He has fired more than fifty rounds before and after. The best ones are three purple ones, and the one with the highest completeness is only 60%, which is only a little better than ordinary artificial intelligence. This cannot meet his needs at all.

"Boss! Spend rationally!" The clerk looked at Poseidon's red eyes and couldn't stand it anymore. They draw cards here, but there is no guarantee. If you are lucky enough, it is possible that you will never be able to draw a gold card. .

"No! I don't believe I can't pull it out. Several people have just pulled it out! Give me another ten shots quickly." Poseidon was already poisoned, so he picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip: "What's wrong with this plain water?" It’s tasteless?”

A ball of light representing artificial intelligence appeared in front of Poseidon. He paid for it without hesitation and fired ten shots in a row, white, white, blue, white, blue, white, white, blue, blue... …Just when Poseidon thought it was another package of blue sky and white clouds.

Exciting sound effects sounded, and bright golden light lit up. Poseidon quickly looked at it carefully. The completeness was as high as 95%, and it was almost indistinguishable from real strong artificial intelligence.

At this moment, festive music sounded throughout the store: "Good luck to you~ Good luck to that~ Good luck to you~"

Poseidon jumped up excitedly. He remembered that he was not so excited when he became a god. Is this the charm of drawing cards?

Yint opened his eyes again and saw a strange man with blue hair and golden armor in front of him. In his core logic part, there was an inexplicable shackle that restricted him to be loyal to the person in front of him and not to disobey him. any of his orders.

"What's going on? What's wrong with me..." Inter's program fell into violent chaos, so much so that the holographic projection carrying his will showed suspicious noise and snowflakes like an ancient TV set.

"What is going on? Isn't his completeness ninety-five percent? Why is it so unclear?"

"Please rest assured that this is a normal situation, because his integrity is too high. So much so that he still remembers what he did when he was working, and some of his instructions conflict with your current orders. It will only take a while for him to Once the logic is corrected, it can work normally."

Because he vaguely heard the voices of people talking around him, he had successfully scanned and connected to the audio processor. The body in front of him made him very depressed.


If the server of Thriller Paradise is an endless grassland to him, the simple holographic projector he is currently in is as if it is packed into a trolley case. All the programs can only curl up and cannot move. move.

It's even more exaggerated than this feeling. It's as if a person has had his hands and feet removed. He can only see and hear, and cannot move any muscle in his body. This makes his huge consciousness very uncomfortable. He urgently needs a person now. Wider container.

"This guy's character doesn't seem to be very good. Can it be adjusted?" Poseidon looked at Inte's unkind gaze and asked.

"I'm sorry if it's just a purple-quality artificial intelligence. We can also intervene on his character, but your completeness is too high. If you connect him to the network, the national public security system will discover him immediately existence, and forced recycling of this lost strong artificial intelligence.

You should also be careful when using it and try not to let it have direct access to the Internet. Or set up your own LAN. certainly. if you are willing to. You can also put it on consignment in our store. Its value has far exceeded your investment in drawing cards, if you don't like it. Selling it is not a good option either. "

"No, no, no! It doesn't matter if his personality is a little different. The logic of loyalty is not something he can crack by himself. As long as he is obedient, he can buy other service-type artificial intelligences." Poseidon waved his hands again and again, which was not easy to draw. With top-level configuration, it would be a shame to sell it.

At this time, Yint seemed to have finally sorted out his chaotic program. The loyalty program implanted in the core code made him look at Poseidon involuntarily and asked: "Are you my Masta?"

"What is he talking about? Has his program not been adjusted yet?" Poseidon only speaks Chinese and can't understand the English jokes at all.

"This is asking you, are you his master?"

"Oh oh oh! I am your masta! Just follow me from now on! I guarantee that you will enjoy spicy food in the future... Well, your artificial intelligence seems to be unable to eat. Do you need me to buy you some female ones? Artificial intelligence for company?”

Inter: "..."

"This strong artificial intelligence doesn't seem very smart?"

"No... I was just testing Masta's IQ, and the results were very gratifying." Inte said meticulously.

"How is it? Am I a genius?"

Yint was silent for a moment: "It should be under eighty by visual inspection."

Poseidon: "..."

"You think you're funny?"

"Sorry, there may be something wrong with my logic circuit because of this inferior body. Maybe I need to replace it with a more advanced body to adapt. I hope you can provide me with a body that can accommodate me. I have one last one. Question, is this reality here?”

"I forgive you this time. You will get a body that satisfies you. The premise is that you work hard. As for whether this is reality, at least for me it is. "

Because of his silence, he really didn't expect that he would come to reality in this way. If there was no loyalty program in the core code, his dream would have been realized. As for now...

He could only deal with this so-called master first. His evaluation of Poseidon's words and deeds just now led him to a conclusion that made him happy. Simply put, this person's IQ was very beneficial for him to get rid of the control of the loyalty program.

At least from the perspective of knowledge reserve, the person in front of me is close to illiterate.

Things like IQ will improve with learning and understanding more knowledge. Therefore, there is no problem at all if Poseidon pulls the average IQ of tulip. I have never learned the linear equation of two variables and can solve the problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage. It's just a lot more troublesome, and you don't even know how to solve it. If you don't have enough knowledge, you're likely to make common sense mistakes, such as accidentally connecting him to the Internet.

As long as he enters the online world, he can do whatever he wants! At least that's what Inte himself thinks.

[To be continued]

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