Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,121 Tang San’s Adventure in Different Spaces

The mutual training between Poseidon and Int is undoubtedly a long process. It is impossible for Int to know that Poseidon's ultimate goal is to take the Neumann machine to another world and become the emperor of the earth. If he knew, he would definitely do it. Fully cooperate.

The subsequent impact of the collapse of the competition copy caused by the Internet is still continuing.

Almost all the players successfully returned to their landing space after the dungeon was shattered. Only Yake and Tang San were still in coma, and their consciousness never returned to their bodies.

The reason why Yake is like this is undoubtedly because his battle with Internet caused him to fall into the data link layer. Tang San's situation is more complicated. Although he deleted his account and retrained, his personality information , the state of being possessed by A1 was recorded, so that his code had the characteristic of being partially derived, so the player's identity was not recognized by the system after the copy ended, and he fell into the data link layer with many derivatives.

And because their data type was players, they were not recognized as artificial intelligence, so they were salvaged by the unscrupulous seller of Tulip, so that these two people became wandering data at the data link layer.

The Douluo server of Thriller Paradise was originally isolated from the Tulip local server, and there was also a firewall blocking the two networks.

But these two people have obviously got stuck in the bug, just like under normal circumstances, two rooms are blocked by a wall and cannot pass, but there are people squeezing in the corner. If there is a bug and you get stuck underground, you have every chance to go from the underground to another room and then get stuck out again.

Tang San didn't know his situation clearly, so he was just wandering around in the weird data link layer without any clear purpose. It was different with Yake. He had already mastered a considerable degree of derivative power, and he had almost achieved it before. He was kidnapped as an artificial intelligence, but he still understands his situation.

Knowing that he wants to leave, he cannot do it on his own. If the data at the data link layer wants to reach a higher level and enter the normal application interface, he must obtain sufficient permissions, and it is obvious that he There is no such thing.

The only way is to use the data characteristics of one's own derivatives to catch those hooks falling from the sky, and use their power to reach a higher realm.

This is just a relatively vivid description. In the data link layer, any consciousness does not have a physical body. Grasping the so-called hook is nothing more than data docking.

This is somewhat dangerous for him, because he may not be able to escape the hook successfully in mid-air, and it is not certain where he will appear.

In comparison, it is much easier for Tang San to do this kind of thing. He has very little data belonging to the derivatives. If he wants to get rid of the program that captures artificial intelligence,

It's extremely easy, but unfortunately, he doesn't have the power of a derivative, so he can't see the hook as a program. Everything can only rely purely on luck.

"Well... the data strength this time is not too strong. Even if we can't get rid of it, we should be able to crush him halfway. Let's try..." Yake tried again, but unfortunately, he was in the data link. At the bottom of the layer, there is the physical layer, and the nodes in the network layer above that can support his huge data are extremely rare. His attempt failed again this time. There are hundreds of data nodes in the network layer, and none of them can let him settle. .

In contrast, Tang San's luck was much better. Perhaps it was the protagonist's halo that caused Tang San to be hooked directly to the network layer with a hook, and he happened to be in a data node that he could enter, and recognized that its data type was not The AI ​​then left him behind.

In the network, the higher the boundary layer is, the more specific the content is. The lower the layer is, the closer it is to pure data. The data link layer uses a relatively easy-to-understand language, and the lower layer is assembly. The content written in the language has become difficult for even derivatives to survive in it.

At the network layer, the data flow would turn into entities. After experiencing darkness for an unknown length of time, Tang San finally succeeded in seeing things.

"What... exactly is this place?" Although I can understand things. But the scene in front of him was really difficult for him to understand. There were no people here, only smooth and shiny land. Not far away, there might be grassland or raised hills made of pure water.

When he entered, it was the outside of a procedural map. In many games, if there is a bug, you can see similar scenes after passing through the wall. The familiar physical modeling in various games is presented in a strange and bizarre manner in a seemingly infinite world. on a large flat surface.

Although Tang San was confused about the situation in front of him, he still decided to explore. He came to a hill made of pure water, stretched out his hand to drink some water, but found that the hand he put into the water was actually dry. , as if there is a barrier between the two that cannot be penetrated at all.

As for the grass next to it, if you look carefully, it's actually an upside-down grass. The surface is smooth and the grass grows downwards. Tang San moved forward aimlessly, and he didn't know how he could go back.

After a long time, he finally saw a building that seemed logical.

It was an extremely huge pyramid. It took Tang San half a day from seeing the pyramid to walking there. While running, one would even suspect that the distance between himself and the pyramid had not shortened at all. If it hadn't been for him Now that there is no limit to physical strength, I am afraid that I have collapsed halfway from exhaustion.

Arriving in front of the pyramid, Tang San originally wanted to try to find the entrance, but as soon as he got closer, he found that his body could penetrate directly, as if he had passed through a mold.

After trying it out, he found that there didn't seem to be any danger inside. Tang San immediately stepped in. After entering, he felt the world spinning. It turned out that the gravity inside was opposite to the outside. From the outside, this thing looked like a pyramid, but when walking, Looking inside, the image of this thing is actually more like a tomb from the Han Dynasty. It is a large square pyramid pit with stairs going down one level at a time. Each step is filled with e-books that record knowledge and instruments for practical knowledge.

What Tang San didn't know was that what he passed on was actually a knowledge depository of Tulip, but the knowledge here was taboo knowledge. Some knowledge could be studied, but not spread, so it was sealed here. If Tang San hadn't been stuck in a bug, it would have been absolutely impossible to get in.

If tulips are Konoha, then this inverted pyramid is the Sealed Book.

[To be continued]

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