Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,122 Forbidden Knowledge

Tang San didn't know where he had come yet. In a sense, the protagonist Halo had done everything he could to trick him. No, he even used poison to quench his thirst.

Things that can be regarded as taboo knowledge by Cheng Ying are definitely not limited to their destructive power. Anti-matter grenades are Tulip's regular equipment.

Really taboo knowledge will affect the development of the entire civilization, and it is a poison of civilization. For example, the fully simulated dream technology in Inception. This technology already exists in Tulip, but it has been sealed up. Virtual reality technology is still only open to the extent that the virtual world will make people feel slightly inconsistent.

If you can get everything you want by dreaming, and there is no difference between dreams and reality, then countless people will definitely be addicted to dreams and give up on reality.

This technology has no destructive power on the surface, but it is enough to destroy a prosperous civilization. After someone realized this technology, Chengying asked the technicians to sign a confidentiality agreement and sealed the technology, leaving only a handful of confidential members Technology development continues.

Taboo knowledge is just not suitable for dissemination, and there is no problem if it is studied in a rigorous and safe environment.

At least for now, among these forbidden knowledges, there is no type that will make you crazy if you know it like Cthulhu. They are all things that will cause serious social harm if realized.

The forbidden knowledge stored in the space that Tang San came to was considered the most dangerous type among all the taboos. Cheng Ying even set an order to never unblock it until the critical moment of survival, so that Even his own mental power was unable to scan the researchers who voluntarily sealed themselves in the core of the planet to continue technical research. Their research results were also sealed at the bottom of the network layer, which was almost as good as being completely isolated from the Internet.

The reason for still staying connected to the Internet is that once a critical moment of survival is reached, this technology must be spread to the entire civilization instantly. In many cases, taboos often mean power.

When Tang San first came in, he still didn't understand what was going on inside. He came in from the bottom of the pyramid outside, and when he got inside, he turned into the top layer of the inverted pyramid. This layer stores the top and is also sealed. The latest research results of the heroes at the core of the planet have designed countless extremely profound theories, and only Tang San can understand them.

But as he went down the stairs step by step, I finally became able to understand a little bit of what I saw.

Tang San took out a book and flipped through it. Many of the books here looked similar to the paper books in the library, but when you actually pick it up and flip through it, you will find that the number of pages in this book is infinite. No matter how you flip through it, you can Go to next page:

“I can finally understand this book a little more clearly.

It should be talking about advanced uses of energy, but isn't this a bit too magical? Without using soul skills, you can actually turn an ordinary beast into an extraordinary monster out of thin air?

Directly using soul power to conjure real food is a bit like the ability of a food-type soul master, but doesn't the food conjured by a food-type soul master spoil quickly? This one doesn't seem to have any spoilage issues at all, and it doesn't even have the shelf life of ordinary food. "

Tang San had to detour to another section to pick up a book. The content in it was how to use soul power to build a portable portal to achieve the effect of teleportation.

Of course Tang San had heard of the teleportation soul skill, but this ability was very rare. Not only that, there were also many restrictions such as distance and frequency of use, and the consumption was quite large.

But what this book says is that there is almost no consumption, no frequency limit, and the transmission distance is measured in light years. Fortunately, Tang San received some basic education and knew that light years are not a unit of time. He probably understood how far light years are. , I really feel that the content in this book is bragging, but he can't be sure. He can't understand a lot of the content in the book, and he is doubtful about it, but he yearns for the teleportation ability in the book.

So, I kicked this book on my body casually. If I learned this trick, I would be able to fight no matter what kind of enemies I encountered in the future. There is room for escape. I don’t believe that anyone’s attack range can be measured in light years. His instantaneous movement speed is already faster than the speed of light. No other attack will be able to stop him.

However, Tang San apparently overlooked one issue, that is, if he uses his eyes to locate the position, the speed at which his eyes receive reflected light cannot exceed the speed of light. This is like looking at the stars in the sky at night. What we see is not actually the state of the planet at all times, but the state of the planet over a long period of time in the past.

It is impossible to teleport using this state as a positioning target, because the teleportation point is in the past, and this space skill cannot send you to the past. This is only possible unless the landscape on the planet has not changed much from the observed situation. The teleportation is successful, but stars that are several light years away cannot remain unchanged for several years. Therefore, visually locked teleportation can generally only be used inside the planet.

Of course, Tang San wouldn't expect to jump between planets. How much of his knowledge reserve has already made him understand that there are far fewer habitable planets in the universe than he imagined? If you accidentally land on the surface of a star, you're screwed.

Continuing to search downwards, he found that he could understand more and more content, and even the usage of soul power recorded in some books was somewhat similar to Guanyin Tears.

Finally he came to the bottom of the inverted pyramid. Here, the knowledge became more and more basic, but also more and more boring. If Tang San hadn't known that these basic knowledge were the prerequisite for using those magical abilities, he might have stopped reading.

Arriving at the bottom level, there is only one book here. The content of the book is the catalog of contents in the entire pyramid. On the cover of the book, there is a name that will make all earth travelers dumbfounded: "A Catalog of Magical Forbidden Books"

On the title page of the book, it is written in oozing blood-red fonts: "Magic is a conspiracy!"

Even Tang San, who firmly believed in extraordinary power, couldn't help but feel a chill. Then he turned to the preface. This time, the content was much more normal. It was the source of these forbidden magical books.

The content roughly tells that researchers discovered anomalies in soul power and found the authority mechanism contained within soul power.

Its mechanism is like a code. Soul masters break through again and again. In fact, they only break through the limit of the soul power reserve in the body. Even if they become gods, they just transform their bodies into extraordinary power to store more power. Only a few master gods , and the supreme gods, have opened a layer of authority over soul power, allowing them to possess "divine power" with more destructive power and richer abilities.

This is also an important reason why Poseidon can overcome the limitations of soul power and directly increase the life of soul rings for soul masters.

The authority of the soul power can be artificially cracked through technical means. This is not a difficult thing. It only requires a microscope that can observe micron levels to operate.

The soul power whose authority has been cracked will show stronger destructive power, greater versatility, and more magical functions, and every time the authority is increased, it will become more bizarre.

[To be continued]

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