Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,146 Weird War

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This was the first time the Latu people had seen such an exaggerated cryogenic weapon. For them, low temperature could indeed cause serious damage. Yes, but it's like using fire attacks in ancient warfare. It can only be used as an auxiliary at most, and no one will throw something the size of a basketball. It can cause flames to engulf a range of hundreds of meters.

Even if the Latu people in the low-temperature area were not killed on the spot, they still suffered severe frostbite. But this also made their commander aware of the special nature of their opponent. These opponents are good at using frost, so the best way to counter them is to counterattack with heat.

In their perception, the first item is difficult to store. As long as they use high temperature to explode the weapons they store, they will be the first to be harmed.

After having such a conjecture, they gave up ordinary artillery attacks and began to create high temperatures in the magma. This seems to be their innate ability.

It is closely related to their control of soul power. Compared with low temperature, these guys have a much higher tolerance to high temperature. This is probably why they can fight in such a high temperature environment.

From the display on the thermal sensor, Wanqingzhai could see the condensed high temperature at a glance. If you are hit by this thing, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous.

Although their vehicles have thick fire-resistant coatings. But the precision instruments inside. Including themselves, they are not fireproof. High temperatures can damage these things.

As a last resort, they once again resorted to tactical evasion. In the thick magma, they moved quite fast.

This makes it difficult for the large octopuses to aim, and they also start to fight back as they dodge. The effect of firing the liquid nitrogen shell again is not as good as it was at the beginning.

These guys learned to intercept with high-temperature jets. Explode the cannonball in the air. Although low temperature will still have some impact on them. But as long as the distance is far enough, the huge heat of the magma will soon restore the low temperature created by liquid nitrogen.

After realizing that the effect of the liquid nitrogen cannon was no longer as good as it was at the beginning, they decisively changed their attack method and used soul-guiding rays. Although the attack distance is not so satisfactory. But the power is still considerable.

From the perspective of the Latu people, the next scene was terrifying. A blue beam of light was emitted from those small flying objects. A direct hit on their people.

Immediately afterwards, the bodies of their tribesmen began to stiffen and freeze. Frozen into the ice mass they recognized. Then in the high temperatures, these lumps of ice become very brittle.

As long as there is a slight flow of magma, they will be washed into pieces.

It's like a normal person seeing a big living person suddenly frozen. Then a gust of wind blew over, and the man's head, arms, legs, etc. all fell off. If you are a timid person, seeing this scene will probably scare you crazy.

These aircraft that emit freezing rays look like flying gods of death to them. Not only the giant octopus they controlled was frozen to pieces. The main body hiding behind was not immune, and was frozen into pieces.

This was an attack they had never seen before. So began a massive panic. In the final analysis, they are still a quite primitive army. As the saying goes, they are full of strength, then weaken, and finally exhausted. After the first round of attacks does no damage to the opponent. They started to panic. Now the enemy reveals a terrifying weapon of destruction. They immediately lost their courage.

In panic, they began to run away. The originally neat formation was shattered on the ground. The commander kept roaring and ordered the supervising team to kill the deserters, but the supervising team was also fleeing.

It is true that the enemy's weapons are too terrifying and the killing effects are too terrifying. The first encounter between the two sides. There is no doubt that Silva's side, which was relatively well prepared, won the victory.

They didn't lose a single vehicle, but they killed dozens of Latu people and drove hundreds of troops away. In a sense, it was a great victory.

However, these are all due to their intelligence advantages. After knowing the enemy's life form and general weaknesses, they can create targeted weapons, which can achieve such good results.

If an encounter occurs without any preparation. Conventional weapons, missiles. I'm afraid it would be difficult for these animals to have such huge bodies and excellent tolerance to high temperatures. How much damage does a giant octopus cause.

At the same time, the news of this battle was also remotely transmitted back to Sylva. For a while, everyone realized that there were indeed underground intelligent creatures and their impressive military strength.

Intense war preparations began, and the mother nest transformed by termites began to produce weapons suitable for underground warfare. These weapons must be fully sealed. And has excellent thermal insulation function.

The most efficient way to kill these creatures living in magma is low-temperature attack. Therefore, a large number of air compressors are produced to produce low-temperature artillery shells such as liquid nitrogen.

Although the name says it is an air compressor. But this thing looks like a giant one. Beetle, relying on its home and its powerful muscles, pressurized the air again and again. It looks quite ferocious.

Coupled with the giant octopus trained by their opponent, it feels a bit like the interstellar Zerg fighting Cthulhu.

The exploration team on the other side. The search for a crater suitable for passage continues.

Not all active volcanoes around are suitable for them to transport people out. There are many small gaps that magma can pass through. But people riding in the vehicles can't get through.

Some cracks appear very unstable. It may collapse at any time due to crustal movement. By then, all the people and machines inside would have been buried alive, so no suitable crater had been found in a short period of time.

Their actions were also discovered by more underground creatures, and terrifying rumors of UFOs began to spread among underground countries. It is said that these flying objects have the ability to turn people into stone at once. The attack can even freeze the magma here. Turned into an ugly, ferocious solid.

Those hit by the beams they emit will turn into stone statues and then fall apart. In some places, these UFOs have even stopped children from crying at night. Although these fish-like creatures do not cry, their children will also make noises in another form, but as long as they hear about that kind of sword When fish flyers pass by, they will be frightened and immediately quiet down.

Under the shadow of this terror, the consequences also began to consider how to deal with this enemy that can emit low temperature.

[To be continued]

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