Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,147 War Preparations

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Facts have proven that there is always a way if you think about it. Although creatures living underground are afraid of low temperatures, they are also very capable of producing high temperatures.

A missile filled with liquid nitrogen actually flies very slowly, and the magma is very viscous. It is not impossible to intercept it midway. At this time, as long as a large amount of heat is released, the low temperature produced by the missile can be offset.

In addition, facing those demonic beams, their response was to create a set of high-temperature armor. What rose on the surface of the armor was an unbearable high temperature.

Once attacked, the armor will absorb heat relatively evenly around it. And it bloomed with terrible heat in a short period of time. Used to counteract the freezing of light beams.

This converts a single attack on a person into a range, and the lethality after the attack will be greatly reduced. The only drawback is that this armor is disposable. If hit twice. Then it is basically hopeless, but this is still the case! It can play a huge role on the battlefield.

It's not just the underground creatures who are preparing for the war. Sylva's preparations are more complete and more systematic. First, they physically modified the fighters who participated in the underground fighting.

Allowing them to withstand higher temperatures is not about having them fight in magma with their bare hands. The limitations of carbon-based organisms determine that they are simply impossible. Strengthened to the point that they are not affected by magma at all, those fire-type soul masters who are not afraid of fire are not their real bodies. They are not afraid of fire, but their soul power is protecting them. Once their soul power is exhausted, their carbon-based soul masters There is no reason why my body can withstand temperatures of thousands of degrees.

Although the transformed warrior can withstand temperatures of hundreds of degrees for a short period of time, after falling into the magma. He can only rely on his soul power to protect himself.

the meaning of this transformation. After the weapons they were driving were damaged. You can return to the rear in time to make repairs. Or maybe after he was destroyed. There is a chance to escape and come back.

For the infected, nothing is more important than people. What they lack most now is population, so they would rather lose more weapons than ensure the safety of the soldiers as much as possible.

At the same time, this is also necessary for fighting underground. If soldiers are allowed to drive a vehicle and stay in a small cockpit for several days, not to mention whether their muscles will become rigid and whether they will feel depressed, even if they eat, drink and drink. Sadhu is not easy to deal with. In order to ensure the sealing of the weapon, it is impossible to do it like on the train. After going to the toilet, you throw your feces directly on the railway. If a space is specially designed for these weapons to hold excrement, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the performance.

Therefore, these small vehicles

The mission it serves is more like a carrier-based aircraft. They need a base. Rest after the battle and replenish ammunition.

On the contrary, with the protection of their carrier-based aircraft, this base can be built quite large.

The base that Silva is preparing to throw into the magma is still a modified mother nest. The object of transformation is still the poor termites, but this time many fire-resistant genes will be added, and the outer shell of the mother nest must be able to withstand high temperature and pressure. , and it is also necessary to divide the mother nest into various cabin sections.

At least if there is a hole in the armor, the entire nest will sink. In addition to the outer armor, there must also be an inner armor.

Considering the speed of advancing in the magma. The relatively ordinary mother nest is designed to look like a submarine, ranging from one to three hundred meters in length. It can carry a large number of small carrier-based aircraft and is the main combat unit in underground operations.

Their armor is relatively thin and they mainly rely on shields for defense. Therefore, they have extremely high cruising speeds and can conduct surprise attacks on tactical targets. Conduct a blitzkrieg.

There are aircraft carriers that serve as take-off and landing platforms, and naturally there are battleships that serve as firepower platforms.

From the time of preparation for the war, Silva had no intention of engaging in board combat or hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. This is extremely disadvantageous for them playing away games.

Therefore, battleships were created with the characteristics of high power and long range. The battleship is in the shape of a spindle, and inside it is not only the power mechanism, but also the weapon system, so its power is also very insane.

If the ultra-powerful freezing ray is continuously irradiated, it can solidify magma with a radius of several kilometers into a solid state. Any place swept by it will solidify instantly.

For underground creatures who are afraid of low temperatures, it is definitely a destructive weapon. If you encounter the same force from the previous encounter. All it takes is a single sweep of the muzzle at them. This army will be completely wiped out. Even those who ran away to report the news would not be left behind.

The huge difference in weapons generation between the two sides is like driving a battleship and aircraft carrier to fight the medieval aborigines.

However, Silva is still not sure of victory, because this is the power displayed by a relatively small kingdom. There must be a larger empire in the underground world. If they can control such a large territory, they must have of weapons of mass destruction.

At the same time, in terms of numbers, the infected are also at an absolute disadvantage. Even biochemical technology, which is famous for its ability to explode troops, can only be helpless in the face of the vast asthenosphere. There are too many underground creatures living here. I hope Erva's army, thrown here, is literally a drop in the ocean.

In order to gain a foothold in this underground world, after discussion, the military decided to create super weapons and epic combat units.

It was a super giant underground base with a lot of powerful firepower distributed on the surface. From the beginning of the design, the possibility of mobile combat was not considered. Because this thing is so big, it may move slower than a human swimming.

If the construction can be completed at the designed speed, the radius of this epic combat unit will reach 1.5 kilometers, which will even consume an entire quarter of organic matter reserves.

The shape of this big guy is disc-shaped. There are docks for moored battleships around it, on its surface. There are more than 300 battleship main guns distributed. There is also an epic freezing cannon on the central axis of the base. After being fired, it can instantly freeze ten kilometers of magma. For underground creatures, this thing is more terrifying than the spicy Tiansai. .

After all, Sylva is fighting a defensive battle, as long as they can defend their geothermal energy generator. Even if the strategic goal is achieved. Such an epic unit. Making one is enough. As long as it can cause strategic deterrence to surrounding countries. By making them realize that the infected are capable of directly destroying their kingdom, they can largely curb the urge of these countries to come to harass them.

If we continue to increase the number of troops, the energy obtained from collecting geothermal energy to generate electricity may not be enough to maintain this army.

[To be continued]

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