Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,148 The Rise of the Empire

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! Although a lot of preparations have been made. A large amount of military equipment was also put into production, but the time when the war started was beyond the expectations of the infected.

They thought they were about to face a hasty war. With almost no preparation, he needs to start an endless duel with the entire underground world.

However, they obviously ignored the degree of civilization in the underground world. Unlike infected people who are highly informatized, in that huge biosphere, the transmission of information is still limited to word of mouth.

Although their vocal organs and hearing organs are incompatible with carbon-based organisms. But the efficiency of the transmission method will not be faster. Although the UFO has shown great destructive power. But to them, this incident was just an anecdote that happened in a corner. It would even take several years to spread it to all the countries in the entire underground world.

Therefore, except for the country that was beaten, the other intelligent creatures of the younger brother did not prepare for war. I know that country is unlucky and has provoked some powerful wild animals.

After all, in this underground with extremely complex ecological fish system, there are also creatures similar to soul beasts living, although they do not have such a strange configuration as soul rings. But it still has great power. Compete with the Latu people for positive living space. From time to time, the regular army would be wiped out in the hands of powerful beasts.

It is precisely because it did not pay enough attention to its opponents that the underground world missed the best moment to counterattack, and did not block the infected people from their homes before they could produce targeted weapons. Instead, it allowed them to complete the weapon transformation. Equipped with liquid nitrogen weapons in batches.

And most interestingly, the beginning of the war. It turned out that it was not between the infected and the Latu people, but between these intelligent fish-like creatures, they started fighting among themselves.

Things have to start with the establishment of the first geothermal energy power station.

For organisms living in magma, low-temperature substances allow them to obtain more energy for life activities. They obtain low-temperature materials and use these low-temperature materials to drive away wild animals, and even use these low-temperature areas to cook food.

This method of use is like people using fire.

The location of the infected's first geothermal energy power station was actually quite good. There were no underground intelligent creatures around the city, so there was a lot of room for expansion. Even before the shield generator was fully effective at the beginning, it would not be possible. Need to worry too much.

However, they were so unfortunate. Even so, they were still detected, but the underground creatures seemed to have some misunderstandings about the meaning of the existence of this strange thing.

They don't realize it's an artifact.

For them, angular machines, even biochemical machines. It's also extremely weird. In their opinion, it should be more like some kind of strange crystal. After all, the only tools they can control are the tentacles of the octopus? It is difficult to process a part like a tentacle. So mellow.

Without realizing that this thing was a man-made artifact, the Latu people regarded it as a natural phenomenon. To compare it to humans, it's like the birth of a secret treasure.

Then a large amount of energy spurted out. After all, low-temperature substances are equivalent to energy to them. Having a huge energy source in their own country is a good thing for them, especially since this energy does not appear in cities. Their city was not destroyed.

There will be more creatures near this energy source. This will be more suitable for planting. Give them more food sources. If the energy spurt here no longer expands or the expansion speed is relatively uniform. Then they can build energy utilization facilities around them, which will even improve the national strength of the entire country.

They had encountered similar things in the past, but they didn't have those boxy buildings, and the low-temperature areas created were not so huge and significant. Usually the rocks on the earth's crust fall off or maybe they happen to encounter a fissure in the crater.

This is not because I have seen similar natural phenomena. They didn't have much doubts about the sudden appearance of the geothermal power station. Many people are even excited about suddenly discovering such a huge energy source. This means that their country will receive an endless supply of energy. With this huge energy, they can even be promoted from a kingdom to an empire.

However, one thing that is very unfortunate is the location where this thing appears. It happens to be at the junction of two kingdoms. This is why there are no huge underground cities next to geothermal power plants.

There may be at most a border fortress nearby. No one would build the most prosperous city on the borders of a country. That would be equivalent to exposing one's weakness to the enemy's front. It's quite stupid behavior.

It just so happened that the two kingdoms discovered the existence of the expenditure energy source almost at the same time. They regard this as their own opportunity. If they can occupy this huge low-temperature energy source, they can just lie on it and count money like countries that occupy oil resources!

So the infected observed an interesting scene. A large number of Latu people gathered around their power plant, but did not attack them. Instead, they were arranged in an orderly array and then faced off.

It seems that a battle line has been formed next to the geothermal power plant. It looks very weird. They created funnel-shaped low-temperature zones in the magma. The previous exploration team had informed the rear that these things were their cannons. Can launch high-speed, high-temperature jets.

These funnel-shaped arrows were aimed at them, and they could be fired at each other at any time. This turned out to be a conflict between underground people. The direction of the conflict was that the target of the conflict between the two countries seemed to be their geothermal power plants.

After understanding the underground ecological environment, they also roughly understood the purpose of this behavior. Here, low-temperature substances represent high energy. Because everyone is immersed in high temperatures, only by obtaining low-temperature substances can the continuation of life reactions be maintained.

After a short meeting, the infected people unanimously decided to wait and see what happens, since the other party regarded them as a natural phenomenon. Then of course the misunderstanding they let out will continue. And we are preparing to open more geothermal energy power plants in various places.

Since this device can be regarded as a natural phenomenon. Then occupy as much land as possible first. Accumulate enough energy first, and you will be more confident in the future war process. It won't reach half and there will be an embarrassing situation where there is no energy on one's side.

[To be continued]

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