Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,149 Kingdom War

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! The explorers of the Kingdom of Mor were the first to discover this low-temperature material area. According to convention, they have the right to name this place and occupy it. Even if the kingdom wants to expropriate this land, it needs to give them certain compensation.

So this geothermal energy power plant was named, the Furnace of Eternal Fire, which means the core of energy that will never go out. Although this thing is not fire, in underground civilization, these low-temperature substances have the same meaning as fire. The names are also quite average in their civilization.

However, it is a pity that whoever discovers it first will get it. This is just a common rule, and it is generally only valid in uninhabited areas.

When the place is valuable enough, this conventional rule means nothing, and the explorers tell the queen of their kingdom about this important discovery. They soon received a large number of rewards, but were also clearly told that it was definitely impossible to entrust this place to them.

The adventurers didn't have any objections to this. After discovering the Eternal Fire Furnace, they realized that it was impossible for them to own it. It is already a great honor to have the right to name it.

After they reported the situation, they led the troops of the Kingdom of Mor without stopping, preparing to occupy the place. There is no doubt that this kind of place must be a battleground for military strategists. The kingdom sent a large number of troops. Already prepared for conflict.

Just at this moment. The patrol force of the neighboring Ironwood Kingdom also discovered the special situation here.

Thus, the first conflict began, a war between regular troops and ordinary patrol forces, with no doubt about the outcome. But the scouts on patrol. He has no other abilities, but his mobility is first-rate, and he can easily escape pursuit.

Although not many people ran back in the end, the news that there was a large amount of low-temperature substances here could no longer be concealed. The Ironwood Kingdom also immediately dispatched its own army, preparing to compete for this precious energy land.

You can see it by looking at it. The giant squid, which is a soldier's mount, obviously has a different appearance from other similar creatures. They are stronger and seem to have something like a carapace on their body. After testing, it was found that the thing did not grow naturally, but was the armor worn. Just like the armor worn by soldiers.

These large octopuses also have sharp barbs at the end of their tentacles. It should be a weapon similar to a sword and a gun that will be installed the day after tomorrow.

It can be seen that although they already have long-range weapons, the war is still dominated by cold weapons. Perhaps for them, this should be called hot weapons. After all, the weapons in their hands are hotter than ordinary bullets after they are released. Much higher.

The two sides started fighting on the first day of contact.

A group of giant octopuses are entangled in each other and using the blades on their tentacles to strangle each other. This scene looks a bit out of place.

It has to be said that their huge size gives them strong hand-to-hand combat capabilities, even for biochemical machines. It is definitely not easy to get rid of being entangled by such thick tentacles. It is likely to be directly crushed, causing magma to leak, which is absolutely fatal to the driver.

The huge size of these octopuses means that if they join forces, they may even pose a threat to aircraft carriers and battleship-level warships. Observing this battle made them more determined not to engage in a boarding battle with these monsters.

The bodies of these big guys are extremely tough, and it seems that they have an inherent advantage over carbon-based creatures in terms of physical strength. The strength of the epidermis alone is comparable to special biochemical armor, and only low temperature can directly destroy the physiological system in their bodies, directly bypass their defenses, and kill them.

The collection of intelligence is undoubtedly extremely important for war. The two kingdoms in front of them were fighting each other under the eyes of the infected, which was the best opportunity to collect intelligence.

In Silva's factory, the bases and warships being produced were also temporarily modified based on the observed data.

After two days of brief conflict, the armies of the two kingdoms temporarily calmed down. The Kingdom of Mor temporarily occupied a larger territory. The Kingdom of Ironwood had a stronger desire to attack because it occupied a smaller area. However, after causing heavy losses, it had to take into account the morale of the army and suspended the attack. Establish a strategic line to confront the opponent.

Neither party is close to the geothermal power plant. On the one hand, the temperature there is too low for them. If you approach there without any protection, it is the same as human beings entering the Antarctic polar night naked. If you can stop for five minutes, you are considered to have strong vitality.

On the other hand, we must consider that the opponent's army may suddenly attack at any time. Such sensitive behavior that arouses people's nerves may break the short-term peace that was finally maintained, and then it will be another fight with heavy casualties. .

The commander of the Kingdom of Mor tapped the damage of this battle and nodded with relative satisfaction: "The other party's losses were greater than ours. They arrived late after all. Moreover, this place is closer to our military camp. The enemy's supply line is longer than ours, and if the delay continues, they will definitely fail.

What I need to worry about most now is their counterattack. I don't want to suffer heavy losses because I didn't watch out for the enemy's attack on the eve of success.

Apply to your Majesty, we will continue to increase our troops. As long as ten thousand more people come here, this place will be safe. "

"Please rest assured! Your Majesty has issued a conscription order to the country before I set off, and the support troops will arrive soon. I hope you will not disappoint His Majesty's expectations." The emperor's internal guard, who was riding a jet-black octopus, replied with a low infrasound wave.

"This is the best. The commander on the other side is no match for me. Even if I give him the same strength, he can't beat me. Sooner or later I will lock her in my prisoner camp." From the Kingdom of More The commander-in-chief seemed very confident. After all, he seemed to have a considerable advantage. The only thing worth worrying about now is that those guys in the Ironwood Kingdom are so desperate that they jump over the wall...

At the same time, the commander of the Ironwood Kingdom was also reporting the situation to the emperor's attendant: "Our supply line is too long, and it was too late to discover this high-energy location. If the stalemate continues, we will definitely lose. Even the piece that I hold on to now will be lost.

I petition your Majesty to allow me to use ultra-high temperature explosive bombs to directly destroy high-energy targets. Even if we cannot get it, we must destroy it in one fell swoop while we still occupy some favorable terrain. Otherwise, if the Kingdom of Mor completely captures this energy point, our national power will be quickly surpassed by them. "

The commander had no idea that he was committing suicide...

[To be continued]

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