Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,152 Bloody Torture

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! The soldiers of both kingdoms thought that the terrorist attack had worked and that this energy node had been completely destroyed. In fact, the high temperature and high pressure generated by the explosion temporarily restored the temperature along the river, which made it impossible for them to easily detect it. The result of this attack.

Therefore, it is conventionally believed that the explosion successfully destroyed the core of energy. This place will no longer continue to eject low-temperature materials as before.

For a time, the armies of both sides were at war with each other, but neither of them had any real intention to take action. After all, the good stuff is gone, and the war is purely for revenge. It's something no sane military would do.

When the two sides were confronting each other, no one could have imagined that they had angered a guy who was a hundred times more terrifying.

The infected people had a good time watching the show, but these natives were killing each other here. Of course, they couldn't control it. It would be better to use their brains. The province comes to harass its own power plants and delays production.

But these guys don't just fight their own battles. He actually threw a bomb into the power plant. This is really unbearable. This time we just threw the equivalent of 50,000 tons. If we throw one million tons next time, who can bear it?

At this time, these eyesores must be driven away. A considerable part of the huge fleet is now ready for attack, and the rest is about to complete production and go into battle.

Silva already has the capital to start a head-on war, and at the same time, they are never afraid of war. They already understand the principle that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. If you want to fight for your own interests in the underground world, you must show matching strength.

Ten magma aircraft carriers, five battleships, and countless fighter planes and escort formations set off. In the magma, the fleet was arranged in a neat formation and advanced at high speed.

Compared to the loose formation of the natives here, their team seemed to be measured with a ruler. This showed not only the obsessive-compulsive command, but also the technical gap. It is almost impossible for a creature to do this and still maintain combat effectiveness.

They need to spend a lot of energy just to keep the queue neat. But on a battleship, as long as the battleship's host randomly separates a thread, this seemingly very complicated operation can be completed.

"Assholes, do you know what you have done? You blew up the largest energy core we have ever discovered. You are committing a crime against the entire race. Do you know how many people this thing can feed in the future?

Your soldiers, troops, and the people of your country will all pay the price. "The nitpicking before the battle has just begun, so the words of both sides are relatively restrained.

There were no insulting words used. Just try to occupy the rightful position as much as possible.

"Haha, how many people can the energy here support? What does it have to do with us that you can support more people and then invade our country? Are you talking to us about the survival of the race? A three-year-old child will not believe your nonsense. ." The Ironwood Kingdom did not show any signs of weakness. This was also their practice before the war. They needed to go up and scold them before they officially started fighting.

The side that loses by scolding will have a lower morale when it comes to actual fighting. This is a bit like the ancient fighting generals, except that this competition is not about force. But talk.

Just when they were talking non-stop. However, the scouts on both sides received news that made them bloom. Among the hot ruins left behind by the recent explosion. A large number of unknown low-temperature objects came out.

These cryogenic objects are huge and arranged in neat formations. They are approaching the place where the two sides are fighting.

This makes people feel a little scared. They didn't think anything could survive in such a violent explosion. But something was really moving there. What could that be? To them, this thing is no different from a visitor from outside.

For a time, the objects of wariness between their two armies also changed. At the same time, a strange idea came to my mind. Could it be that this energy core is not ownerless but actually inhabited by a group of creatures?

They had to come up with this idea, after all, someone just threw a huge bomb over there. As a result, a group of guys who seemed to have bad intentions were killed.

Fortunately, although these battleships are large in size, they are not too loud compared to the plot octopus, and their number is far less than the armies of both sides. So much so that although the armies on both sides were alert, they were not nervous.

On the battleship, the pilot can already pass the sonar. After obtaining the layout of the army below, it is easy to see that the two waves of people below are not the same group.

"Who do we attack?" This is the doubt of most captains. If you fight both sides at this time, it will seem a bit mindless. Even if they have powerful force, there is nothing to fear when facing both sides at the same time. But even if you can beat him, you won't be too tough.

Of course they are trying to stir up dissension and fight against each other. There are so many people living underground, no matter how powerful they are, they can't kill them all. Even if there are tens of millions of pigs standing around for you to kill, you can't finish them all in a short while.

"We will attack whoever hits us." This was the order from above.

Now the fleet commanders knew what to do. Through sonar, they could clearly sense the different underground people. The equipment on his body is also completely different. Different countries can be distinguished by their different equipment.

The equipment of the country that previously sent death squads has very distinctive characteristics. So it was locked right away. At a longer distance, the battleship, which was further forward and had a more outrageous range, took the lead in launching the attack.

This attack is absolutely devastating in the underground world. The five battleships simultaneously turned their guns in the direction of the Ironwood Kingdom.

The beeping alarm sounded on the battleship, and all battleship personnel were required to enter the battle. Start to adjust the battleship's energy output, turn off the engine's energy, and supply all energy to the turret.

People in Latu didn’t know it until now. You can only sense what these strange guys are up to. Soul power began to gather there. And it is a gathering that embraces all rivers. That kind of speed is simply not something ordinary masters can achieve when practicing.

"Could it be that those strange guys are really a kind of creature? There are incredibly strong masters inside who have broken through. But this kind of fluctuation is too exaggerated. How strong do you have to be to achieve this? "

To be continued

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