Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,153 Weapons of Destruction

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! This phenomenon of rapid gathering of soul power is very similar to a strong man condensing soul cores, and it will cause such a terrifying scene. The size of this soul core will probably be quite terrifying. Maybe a super strong person is making a breakthrough.

These underground creatures did not dare to approach, and they hesitated and missed the best opportunity to attack. Compared to a powerful army, they are still more afraid of individual strong men.

A powerful army can be defeated and annihilated by them, but a powerful individual can kill a large number of their people and then walk away. The blow to morale was undoubtedly huge. This is just like the previous Douluo Continent. Although there is an army, the army also plays a decisive role in the country's competition. But the army will still be afraid of soul masters.

What if the strong man who is making a breakthrough is angered and goes on a killing spree? Although with many masters in the army, a head-on battle can still be won, but such a strong guy cannot be surrounded and suppressed by them no matter what. Yes, when the time comes, just give it a try. Who can bear it?

Failure to launch an attack immediately doomed them to tragedy. The battleship's main gun had already completed its maximum charge. Although no halo could be seen in the magma, terrifying energy fluctuations had spread out.

That was terrifying energy that could easily crush an Ultimate Douluo to smithereens. Even a demigod could only escape from such a main cannon by dodging.

The energy furnace made an unpleasant hissing sound when it was overloaded. Even though high-strength biological materials were used, the ultra-high energy output reached the pressure limit of the reactor.

But this also means that the next attack will be extremely terrifying.

In this attack, the energy released by the battleship was almost equivalent to the production capacity of the entire geothermal power plant for a day. If I had known, the geothermal energy power plant would create hundreds of miles of low-temperature zones out of thin air. The channels for absorbing and discharging magma would absorb high-temperature magma and then splash low-temperature magma to extremely distant places.

All this energy is used for attack, and the damage that can be caused will be terrifying.

On the fully charged turret, dangerous blue arcs danced, and a total of five blue beams were fired at the same time. Even if it is just on the road of communication, a large speech has been frozen.

This finally made the Ironwood Kingdom's army realize the danger of this attack. However, they were completely powerless against such an attack at this time.

Relying on soul power for defense is simply a fool's errand. They are nothing more than relying on individual strength to control soul power. But their opponents all rely on mechanical power. The two sides are not at all on the same order of magnitude.

If you just rely on ordinary kinetic energy and weapons for defense, the difference will be even further.

The gap between the two sides in terms of technological level is probably much greater than in controlling soul power.

The only thing they can do is to evade this low-temperature energy.

In their opinion, only the place where this beam passes will be frozen. In that case, as long as the formation is released, only a few people will be injured near the frozen magma, and the low-temperature area generated will freeze them seriously at most. Most of them can still survive.

However, they obviously had some subtle misunderstanding about the power of this attack. The attack would solidify the magma on the trajectory, but because the restraint energy was not strong enough, a small amount of the low temperature in the attack spilled out.

The real power of this attack is not simply to solidify the magma wherever it passes. When the beam of light came to the center of the Ironwood Kingdom's military formation, the quick reaction commanded the soldiers to disperse. Seeing this blow, it seemed terrifying, but it couldn't hurt many soldiers. The commander breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

But in the next moment, his heart was in his throat again. Because he saw that the originally straight beam suddenly stopped in the center of the military formation.

Then it turned into a huge blue ball of light and began to expand rapidly. A large amount of energy is injected into the huge ball of light along the trajectory built by the beam. It's like a balloon being blown up more and more.

Finally, after expanding to a diameter of 100 meters, it exploded. The terrifying low temperature at the center of the explosion is close to absolute zero, and this low temperature will soon spread with the explosion.

The low temperature area is like a shock wave. Covering everything within sight. If this scene were placed on the surface of the earth, it would be like starting from a huge sphere with a diameter of 100 meters as the core. The air began to solidify. Wherever the shock wave of the explosion passes. Everything was frozen like worms in amber.

In magma, this destructive power is even more terrifying. Solidified magma is like stone. Almost all life will disappear in this solidification.

The scope of the ice spread rapidly, from a diameter of a hundred meters at the beginning to a distance of several thousand meters.

A huge celestial-like solidified sphere was formed in the magma layer. The sphere shrank due to the extremely rapid change in density, and slowly fell and sank along the river.

It was like a giant star falling from the sky. This scene was much more terrifying than the sky-impeding earthquake star.

The huge solidified sphere finally settled at a radius of five kilometers, leaving a tail like a comet when it fell. That's magma that's not cold enough and hasn't completely solidified. Behind the giant sphere. It leaves a shocking trace.

It's just a moment of attack. The Ironwood Kingdom was completely wiped out, and not even a single person was left alive to report the news. Everyone was solidified in the huge rock and fell into the bottomless abyss below.

However, there is no need for anyone to stay alive to report this scene, because the movement is too great, and the nearest city can directly sense the appearance and fall of this huge sphere through their sonar system.

This attack was like a doomsday weapon. Even if it was hundreds of miles away, people would feel extremely depressed when looking at it, as if the fallen superstar was right in front of them.

To say that the most shocking thing about seeing this scene was actually the Mor Kingdom army that was very close at hand and was almost affected by the attack. They just watched the huge, planet-like thing in front of them fall down.

Let's imagine. A huge sphere with a diameter of ten kilometers is less than a kilometer away in front of you. It suddenly expands and then falls. This scene will scare you even if you don't have a phobia of giant objects.

At least half of the soldiers who saw this scene were unwilling to go to the battlefield again in their lives. The attack in front of them was really too desperate. If this attack was directed at them, even escaping would be a luxury.

It only takes a moment for him to be solidified in the solid rock. Then they fell like the bottomless abyss, and even because the temperature was too low, they solidified for a moment, and even their body structures were not destroyed, just like the technology of ultra-low temperature freezing of the human body. This painless death seems even more terrifying now.

To be continued

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