Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,157 The so-called cultivation of immortality

Tang San could definitely borrow the calm state of mind that other cultivators had when they attained enlightenment. By borrowing a large amount of computing power, he can even evaluate how much computing power these people can lend him to judge whether they should be promoted.

Those who provide more computing power will be promoted more slowly. Upgrading will not speed up the calculation anyway, and these people are also the ones with more potential. Needs to be suppressed.

Those who provide less computing power can be promoted faster. After all, these people are generally dull, even if they have strong power. In the future, he will probably become someone else's thug. Don't worry about any threats.

This happens to be in line with the theory of immortality that fools with pure minds are more likely to achieve enlightenment.

In this case, anyone can become a strong person and can even be controlled by Tang San. As for those who have the ability, they can also break it. For those whose soul power unlocks secrets, Tang San will also allow them to be promoted faster.

There is a shortcut in front of you. My own qualifications and talents are extremely good, so who would go to the trouble of thanklessly studying whether there are any traps under this shortcut?

This can easily make those who are motivated to study and decipher the secrets of the technique give up their research. Take the path of cultivating immortality.

It's like if you went back in time. Let a great man who has the instinct to become a scientist show his prominence in business at a young age. If he is very lucky, he can always make money. This person will probably not become a scientist in the future.

Now promoting this set of immortality cultivation techniques, the last problem is how to attract people to practice it. After Tang San changed it to this extent, the so-called cultivation of immortality will probably not increase the strength much faster than that of normal soul masters.

Perhaps it is indeed much stronger at the same energy level. But if this kind of attraction is to make cultivating immortals popular across the continent, it seems that it is still a little short of the mark.

But for this, Tang San had already thought of a way, which was immortality. The biggest problem with Douluo's cultivation method was that he couldn't live forever unless he became a god. Even if you become a demigod, your lifespan is limited. Generally, you can reach the sky after a thousand years. These powerful people can feel the speed of losing their vitality.

However, cultivating immortals is different. The improvement in lifespan is obvious. After all, grasping the microscopic level can more easily repair the damage caused by cell division, such as repairing telomeres. These are macroscopic controls, and more energy cannot Did it.

Even if the cultivation level is not that advanced. His lifespan will also be greatly increased. With this effect, the attractiveness of his immortality cultivation skills will instantly increase.

All that's left is to find an opportunity to publish this technique. And if you want this technique to have a reasonable and legal origin, there is only one possibility: it can be discovered in a place that everyone thinks is reasonable.

As for where everyone thinks is the most reasonable place, there is no doubt that it is the remains left by tulips. It will not be strange to dig out anything from that kind of place.

In fact, many things were not left by Tulip back then, but were the two empires trying to hide the news that they had achieved major technological breakthroughs. Forcibly placed on the head of the tulip.

So much so that the ruins of Tulip seem to be omnipotent, and it won’t be strange if a time machine is dug out of it one day. In such ruins, it is completely normal to unearth a book of immortality cultivation techniques.

It can even explain to a certain extent why Tulip has risen so quickly. It must be that he reverse-engineered the ancient mysterious immortal cultivation technology in the research institute, and even completed the collective ascension during the cataclysm.

Anyway, rumors don’t need to be rational.

As long as most people think it's reasonable, that's enough. If it can get tangible benefits, who will care how much it comes from?

With this mentality, Tang San secretly headed to the ruins area. Along the way, he walked on his own legs, avoiding surveillance as much as possible. Even if it is photographed, it is actually not a big problem. After all, his optical invisibility is almost perfect. Unlikely to be caught on camera.

Without leaving a trace, we arrived at the junction of the two countries, where the ruins of the Luolin Kingdom and later the Tulip Principality were located.

Even today, the scene here is still shocking. Many towering buildings still have ruins and have not collapsed. They stand like broken pillars on the plain. Looking down from a high place, the vast Large and small underground research institutes are scattered across this land, and many of them have been completely excavated. Many more are afraid of being buried under the soil. Not fully explored.

Some relatively safe and already explored places have been gradually developed into attractions by local tourism companies. An endless stream of new era soul masters come here to pay homage to the relics left by the once most glorious principality. Many young people with fantasies and dreams of being the protagonist are also willing to visit the scenic spots.

I try my luck with the mentality that if I am the protagonist, maybe I will have some adventure.

After all, this is not the first time this has happened. How Luo Yan got his first Sharingan is now a well-known thing. Who wouldn't imagine what if he had such luck?

As a result, tourists came in an endless stream. It's a pity that they visited places that have already been explored. It is really impossible to encounter a real adventure.

However, this tour group may have been lucky. After all, they met Tang San, who was preparing to make the immortal cultivation technique public. The first batch of people to get the technique and start practicing will undoubtedly be in this upcoming event. In the great era of cultivating immortals, he occupies a favorable position.

Tang San was also planning to use these tour groups. It's just that he doesn't plan to use the exercises in tourist spots with particularly high traffic. Those places have been searched too clean. A book of exercises suddenly appeared, and anyone with a little bit of intelligence would know that there must be something wrong with it.

Fortunately, I am among the tour groups. There are still some guys who are more adventurous. These people often travel by car. Or hire local people to be tour guides at a high price. Often go to some. Get off the beaten track and explore some truly unexplored ruins.

However, this kind of tour group will definitely sign a liability exemption agreement before departure, otherwise if something happens to them, the travel agency will not be able to afford compensation.

It was just right for these people to discover the hidden cultivation techniques, and their number happened to be not too small. It is basically impossible to completely hide this secret. After choosing the target, Tang San began to prepare how to give this immortal cultivation technique a gorgeous debut.

[To be continued]

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