Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,158 The Selected Explorer

Leon is a young man full of adventurous spirit. He has always longed for the thrilling life of a soul master. However, his talent in cultivation can only be said to be average. In the selection of the army, he missed out on the qualifications of a soldier.

But he was not discouraged because... he has a rich father. It has to be said that this is a sad truth. He was able to persevere on the road of practicing and becoming stronger, not because of mental perseverance or talent. Zhuo Jue, the most important reason turned out to be that his father was rich enough to provide him with food and clothing to continue practicing.

The doctor diagnosed that Leon's talent was mediocre. Even if he took herbs such as Grade Nine Purple Zhizhi, his achievements could only be considered average. Unless there was some great adventure, his highest achievement in this life would not exceed that of a Titled Douluo. .

This is undoubtedly sad news for Leon, but it also reminds him that he is not hopeless, and adventures and the like can still save him.

As a result, Tulip, which almost became a wholesaler on the mainland, was targeted by Lyon. Of course he knows very well that the attractions developed by ordinary travel agencies are all deceptive. If it is not a place that is absolutely safe, how can they dare to officially open it to tourists?

To look for adventure in such a place is simply to make yourself uncomfortable. Only in the real ruins that have not been fully explored can there be real ruins.

Not long ago, there was news about a foreign guy digging up a nuclear bomb in the remains of tulips and handing it over to the country. This shows that it will be quite some time before the black technology of tulips is fully unearthed.

In order to explore personally and maximize the probability of encountering adventures, Leon hired a professional team to accompany him in exploring the ruins. Although this behavior was a bit wasteful, to a certain extent, it was considered courageous.

Before entering the ruins, he had to sign a liability exemption agreement with his team. If he died in danger due to being clumsy or disobeying instructions, the travel agency would not bear any responsibility.

Leon knew very well that the probability of getting a real adventure was very slim. Even if he did encounter a treasure, the professional team around him might not be trustworthy. It would still depend on his own ability. Even so, he still went to the ruins many times. He had gotten a lot of bits and pieces of goodies, but the total was probably not enough for him to hire people.

Fortunately, Lyon seemed to have expected this. While exploring, he also worked part-time. Now it seems that he can still make some small money, and he can barely support himself.

"Brothers, I, Leon, am back! Think about me! What we are going to challenge today is the Iralai Ancient Research Institute, which is known as one of the most dangerous tulip ruins.

There used to be three A1-level mercenary groups,

Thirteen B-level and above explorers died here, and even the professional archaeological team of the Tiandou Empire suffered huge losses during protective excavations.

We are just a C-level explorer, and when we come here, we really gamble our lives. Brothers, show Ang Ge’s power on the public screen! "

Obviously, Leon's part-time job is live broadcasting, and it is also a death live broadcast. His live broadcast room can attract tens of thousands of people to watch online at the same time. The most important reason is that once they overturn, they may really die, so With exciting live content, it’s no surprise that Lyon can attract a large number of die-hard fans.

At this time, he was seen holding a camera, following the middle of the team, going down the central shaft of the Iralai Ancient Research Institute, and introducing to the live broadcast room while descending.

"Have you seen the elevators here? These were temporarily built by the imperial archaeological team. According to professional analysis, the original elevators in the shaft should have been things that looked like threads, and the people going up and down were just like those escalators. on the thread.

Look over there. Do you see the broken elevator over there? That is the masterpiece left behind by the monster that almost wiped out the archaeological team last time. It is said that they are several mutated giant mung bean flies, with a body length of five meters. The nerves in the body have been biochemically modified and myelin sheaths have been artificially added, allowing them to The giant green bean fly can fly nimbly.

The steel cable of the elevator was damaged by their mouthparts. Look below, the black shadows there seem to be the corpses of these mung bean flies. I saw the hard and huge carapace, and their exoskeleton. At this time, the bones of Swordback Dragon The board is even thicker, and it’s hard to imagine how such a giant thing can fly. "

Lyon's camera was aimed at several twisted and broken steel cables and a deformed elevator car that looked like a crushed can. On the ground nearby, there lay a huge, whitish corpse. The flesh and blood of the corpse had rotted. , only the hard osseous exoskeleton remains. If you look carefully, you can still find the bullet holes on it. There is no doubt that it took a fierce battle to kill this thing.

"Hey! Leon! Be careful! We are going to the bottom of the shaft, which has not been cleaned yet." A big man as black as charcoal patted Leon on the shoulder.

"I got it! Uncle Rui! I've followed you out many times, so I understand." Leon nodded, fixed the camera next to the searchlight of his helmet, and said to the live broadcast room: "Next, we are about to enter. The area has been explored, I probably won’t be able to chat with you for a while!”

The audience can still understand this. After all, Leon is really risking his life, and there is no element of showmanship. If you compare this with the strongest anchors who talk about risking their lives, but actually arrange the plot, you can see who It's really an adventure.

The big black guy known as Uncle Rui, whose real name is Ruien, is a rare Sun-Moon Continental native. His dark skin is the characteristic of Sun-Moon Continental people. Because he is proficient in traps, he is quite successful in the exploration industry. Qi is the leader of this expedition.

"Attention, everyone, turn on the infrared scanning function of the tactical eyepiece. Although the archaeological team has cleaned up the monsters here, Tulip's biochemical beasts are surprisingly tenacious. There is no guarantee that there will not be guys lying dormant and preparing for sneak attacks!" Under the command of Ryan, the expedition The team was in good order, and Ben Lyon followed his orders meticulously.

But no one noticed that in the infrared image, a ghost-like shadow accidentally passed over.

Tang San shielded his own heat and kept the temperature consistent with the outside world. He quickly disappeared from the infrared vision and quietly followed the team.

"These people seem to be quite suitable. It's best to let the guy who broadcasts the live broadcast pick up the technique. When the time comes, it will be in full view of everyone and it will be impossible for him to hide it. Then... hum!"

[To be continued]

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