Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,163 The Immortality Cultivation Technique That Shocked the Continent

Of course Lyon and the others had thought that they could rely on mobile phones to call for help. After all, there were signal towers nearby and live broadcast signals could be sent out. There was no reason why the distress signal couldn't be sent out.

But their previous influence was too small, and the place was too dangerous, so the local police officers were given some equipment when they came.

But it’s different now! Their rankings on hot searches are rising steadily, and they are rushing to be number one. If the officials don't save them, to put it more seriously, they have lost the support of the people.

As a result, the local army was directly dispatched. Although the ant nest was dangerous, it was nothing more than a dish in front of a mechanized combat force of more than a hundred people.

What's more, this is also a good opportunity to explore the ruins. If I didn't do this before, on the one hand, it is the constraint of the Star Luo Empire. If it is a ruin, we have to jointly develop it. If you go to eat alone, you will be beaten!

On the other hand, inexplicable traps cannot be resisted with good equipment. As for the previous laser channel, if you don't have an idea and think of the haze, even a single mecha will be cut into pieces if it enters. piece.

Now these two problems no longer exist. The Tiandou Empire rescued people openly and honestly. As for why the ruins were empty after rescuing people? It's none of their business, the adventurers must have taken away the good stuff!

On the other hand, this group of adventurers were blessed with good luck and went crazy in front of the thunder, which just happened to avoid unnecessary losses for the soldiers. The most dangerous part of the trap was the unknown. If you knew it, you would be able to find a way to dismantle it sooner or later.

As a result, the rescue efforts were unprecedentedly powerful, just to take away all the good things before the Star Luo Empire.

The next journey for Lyon and the others is also full of dangers, including poison gas traps, carbon nanowires, machine gun corridors, and flame channels. 10,000 tons hydraulic press.

The audience was as if they were watching a blockbuster movie, watching as these people were almost beaten into pieces by the 10,000-ton hydraulic press, and actually got under it at the last moment. They were so nervous that they even forgot to cheer.

This guy has experienced more birthday crises in one day than other explorers in a lifetime. The audience no longer knows how many. After all, many of them are broadcast on other platforms. The hot search went directly to the first place. It is almost like the whole country is watching this gang. People live broadcast to escape from death.

Leon and his party also felt that they were about to collapse. With so many traps, they thought they were going to die several times, but in the end they survived, so that they were no longer afraid of death after facing death so many times.

Although Douluo does not have a special system like a gene lock that makes one stronger on the verge of death, this experience of facing death, no matter which world it is in, can definitely stimulate the potential of life.

Not to mention anything else, in such a short period of time, they felt that their soul power had increased by at least one level, but the price was too high. It was really the masters among the people who failed in the underworld, expecting to be raised to level 100. If one of ten thousand people survives, burn high incense!

But their quality in other aspects has undoubtedly been greatly improved, so that although they are tired, they are still able to persevere.

Leon couldn't help but joked: "This time we go out and divide the fans' gifts equally, and we will all become rich."

Everyone waved their hands, and some people laughed and cursed: "Shut up, shut up! It's not enough to stand in chaos. If we can't get out, it's all up to you!"

After experiencing many dangers, the road ahead finally seems a little safer. This is a research institute after all, and it is impossible to place traps everywhere, otherwise it would be very troublesome for researchers to step on them.

Seeing that they had not encountered a trap for a long time, they realized that they had also arrived in the core area.

Then everyone heaved a sigh of relief. They had gone through the thunder and destroyed many of the traps. No matter how stupid the rescue team was, they should still be able to rush in and save people. With this guarantee, everyone's nerves were finally tense. Relax and it’s time to reap the benefits.

"Hahaha! After all the hard work comes joy! Sure enough, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. If you just take out one or two good things from this unexplored ruins, it will be enough for us to eat for a lifetime!" Some people couldn't help but sigh.

Why do people like adventure and adventure stories? That’s not because after going through all kinds of hardships, the rewards obtained are also surprising.

Everyone was rejoicing and looking for valuable treasures everywhere. As professional adventurers, they still have the ability to judge what is valuable. As a lucky star who has repeatedly come up with ways to save everyone from danger, Leon was stuffed with several valuable things. .

Leon himself was also very excited. Could it be that his opportunity was finally coming this time? There are always good things in this entire base that can help him improve his talents!

Everyone ran all the way towards the core room. They were like mice falling into a rice vat. The research results in a large research institute could not be taken away by just a few of them. At this time, they must have Pick up the valuable ones and take them! There is no doubt that the more central a laboratory is, the more valuable the contents are.

So, they naturally ran into the central laboratory. Here, under the dim red light, there were many transparent glass jars, all of which were brains. These brains were of different shapes, and they didn't all look the same. Humans, or in other words, almost no humans. Although they don't have the ability to recognize species through their brains, they can still tell at a glance that this is not human.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe quickly. Everyone knew that Tulip was extremely accomplished in the field of life. She would definitely make a lot of money when she encountered a biological laboratory, because not only could she take away valuable experimental drugs, but she could also secretly inject herself ,Soar!

However, they obviously misunderstood that so many brains in the vat were actually used to test the brain wave control abilities of different organisms on controllable magnetic fluids, and were not the biological laboratories they imagined.

However, this misunderstanding was insignificant. The first thing they saw was the central reception desk, which contained a simple-looking book bound by an electromagnetic field.

You can tell with your toes that this thing must be the best prop in this research institute!

Everyone looked around and found the button to turn on the magnetic restraint. They looked at each other and pressed it at the same time.


As they pressed the button, the magnetic constraint disappeared, and a pillar of light suddenly rose into the sky. Then a phantom of a giant dragon circled up along the light pillar. The ceiling of the laboratory directly turned into a bright starry sky, and everyone stood under their feet. It also turned into a mirror-like lake surface, with golden lotuses sprouting and holding them at their feet. The dense air filled the air, making people wonder if they were dreaming.

In the live broadcast room, there were only two words left on the screen: "Fuck!"

[To be continued]

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