Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,164 Cultivation Frenzy

Everyone can understand treasure hunting and finding something good after going through a lot of hardships. You can see that the special effects of this thing in front of you are so awesome that it looks like a movie. That's a little outrageous.

Those who had found the treasure looked confused. It couldn't have been a show, otherwise there had been so many dangers before, and people could have died several times. Where would anyone be willing to act in such a play?

In addition, the official army of the empire was mobilized. If this was acting, the director would definitely have to be hung up and shot for an hour.

The exaggerated special effects in front of me can only explain one thing, and that is that the true appearance of what is about to be revealed is a peerless treasure. Now there was a huge commotion in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is envious of them, but if they think about it carefully, they have gone through a lot of hardships and survived miraculously again and again, and they feel that such gains are not an exaggeration. If it were them If I had come, I would have died a hundred times over.

Leon took two steps forward to catch the book falling from mid-air. I saw only four big characters on it, "Purple Sky Pill Sutra".

In the live broadcast room, I saw that the harvest this time turned out to be a book. There was collective excitement. Other things may only be owned by one person. But as long as knowledge is disseminated, it can be shared.

It is self-evident how precious a secret book that is so heavily protected by Tulip is, if one can learn this secret book. Couldn't they reach the sky in one step?

Lyon's teammates are also quite excited. With their life-and-death relationship, Lyon will definitely not hide the contents of the secret book from them.

The only question is whether it should be shown to everyone else in the live broadcast room. There are now millions of people watching the live broadcast on major platforms. If this is given, it will basically be made public to the whole mainland.

In that case, Lyon's dream of becoming a master will probably be shattered again. But...they gave too much.

Imagine millions of people crowded into a live broadcast room, giving crazy rewards to please the anchor. The rockets in the live broadcast room were like flying monkeys, and they were fired continuously in twelve consecutive packs.

They don't have to do anything else when they go back. They can divide this reward equally and have fun in the next life. After taking so much from others, if they don't show others the secret book, it would be really rude. In the future, some of them will be hated by countless people.

Although he was a little reluctant, Leon still did it in front of everyone. The secret book was opened under the camera.

Compared to the flashy special effects when he appeared, the quaint book itself is quite simple.

The opening chapter directly accepts the effect of this technique.

It is said that this method of cultivating immortals was created by our ancestors in pursuit of immortality. If you practice it to the extreme, you can live a long life. Even if you achieve a small success, you can prolong your life. You have lived for thousands of years.

Just seeing the first one makes people excited. What is the biggest disadvantage of cultivating soul power? Of course, this kind of power cannot make people live forever. Otherwise, why would so many people want to become gods?

However, now everyone knows that there are only so many gods. Without a god's status, even if they become demigods, they cannot live forever. Of course, they don't know that the so-called god's status is just an identity card in prison, and immortality only prevents them from escaping from prison.

Unable to achieve immortality. Even if you have the best strength in the world, sooner or later you will turn into a handful of loess. How could they be willing to do this?

Now I heard that you can achieve immortality through cultivating immortals. Even if you can't live forever. It can also increase your lifespan, so why not practice?

Next, the first chapter of this exercise book introduces the idea of ​​​​cultivating this exercise. There is no need to practice combat skills or accumulate energy. All you need is the unity of heaven and man and the understanding of nature to break through to the next level.

This way of breakthrough surprised everyone, some were happy and some were worried. Because of this way of cultivation. To a great extent, it has obliterated the things like surviving through hard work, understanding nature, and the unity of nature and man. I'm afraid it can't be done with hard work. What is needed more is talent.

Keep reading below for the detailed cultivation methods. Through this cultivation method, you can directly determine whether this technique is fooling people.

Obviously this thing can really be practiced, and the effects are immediate. The power this thing can exert is multiplied by the total amount of energy they possess. In other words, no matter what kind of cultivation or what kind of person is practicing, the improvement brought by this method will be about the same proportion.

This is undoubtedly exciting news for those top players on the mainland. It has been difficult for them to increase the total amount of energy they have stored, and now they finally have a way to increase their power.

The way to verify whether this technique can be practiced is very simple. You only need to meditate on a piece of content to try to communicate with nature, and you can feel the power that nature gives back to you.

This operation is very simple and anyone can easily do it. So they started trying while watching the live broadcast.

Not everyone succeeded, but many people felt that they had entered a mysterious realm. After finishing, they found that the soul power in their hands became more flexible. Operations that were difficult to do before were now easy to do. Do it.

Such an immediate improvement makes people believe in the authenticity of this technique. How could you not practice cultivation under such circumstances? If you don't practice, others will surpass you.

Some discerning people even vaguely discern that there will be huge changes on the continent in the future. Cultivation seems to be replacing industry as the primary productive force. Because they realize that their meticulous ability to control soul power can replace or even surpass things produced in factories if they continue to improve.

With this starting point of thought, it is not difficult to imagine what follows. Everything produced in a factory can be made by individuals. It must be that factories are closing down one after another, and personal power has once again gained the upper hand.

Just like in ancient times, the strong are respected. With this understanding, the motivation for leisure will be stronger. Even if you can't practice to the top, you must not be left behind by others. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

In industrial society, people at the bottom still have a slight chance of making a comeback. But if we live in a world where the strong are respected, then weakness is the original sin. If we fall behind in practice, we are likely to be stuck forever.

For a moment, everyone in the live broadcast room had their eyes widened. Turn on all video recording functions on your computer. I even took out my mobile phone and took pictures for fear of failing to record. Don't dare to leave any content behind, a craze for cultivating immortals is about to begin.

[To be continued]

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