Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,165 Tang 3 who reaps the benefits

While the live broadcast was going on, some people had already begun to try to practice cultivation. What makes them most satisfied with this kind of practice is that it requires very few resources.

Only in the early stage, they need to find a small amount of resources to help them open the spiritual roots in their bodies. In fact, this step is to unlock the soul power. If there are no constraints of construction methods, after completing this step. Their soul power will slowly be unlocked. Thereby mastering the power of cultivating this skill to its peak.

However, their skills are like layers of seals, sealing their power, so that they must practice again and again to unblock it.

After Tang San completed the design, he was actually a little scared. It’s not that I’m afraid of things I designed. But it reminds me of the seal of soul power.

There is such a thing as soul power. It is a terrifying existence that can directly control the world around it. As long as you master it, you can have ridiculously strong power. But why was the soul power sealed?

After thinking about his own technique, he also sealed the user's power from the beginning of practice. Such a similar approach really made him have to think more. Could it be that the person who sealed the soul power also had ulterior motives?

He really had no way of judging this, and he didn't have any clues at all.

And even if he really has ulterior motives, he probably has no choice now. And as more and more people began to try cultivation, Tang San gradually began to feel the benefits of his backdoor.

The so-called state of unity between man and nature is actually to empty one's brain, and it is also the easiest state to borrow computing power.

In this case, most of your computing power can be borrowed. Tang San felt that his thinking speed began to skyrocket, and everything around him seemed to have entered a slow-motion stillness. It only took him less than the blink of an eye to think about a problem.

This was of great help to him in designing a strategy to break through the next level of seal.

After starting to practice, the audience who thought that the road to immortality would be smooth soon realized the problem. To practice as an immortal, you have to face disasters. Every time you break through a realm, you have to accept disasters. The most common ones are thunder disasters, as well as earth, fire, water, wind and so on. Even the most troublesome inner demons can make people change their minds after hearing them.

As long as those who want free whoring power are extremely disappointed. But everyone soon felt relieved. Because everyone is accustomed to having to pay something to gain power. If they don't have to pay anything, they won't be at ease.

In their view, disaster is the price they need to pay. In this case, they will feel at ease while gaining strength.

Moreover, these disasters do not necessarily need to be endured forcefully.

As long as you create something called a magic weapon, you can ward off disasters for them. As long as the disaster didn't completely damage their magic weapon. Their own lives can be saved and they can achieve a breakthrough in their realm.

The most important thing is that many magic weapons can be refined and used in stacks to overcome tribulations. That is, the more magic weapons there are, the greater the chance of saving one's life.

This article is different from most fairy tales. After all, what the novel needs is to facilitate the plot. It is impossible for you to prepare a lot of magic weapons and you can 100% overcome the disaster. And what Tang San needs is just more magic weapons for them to be destroyed. In this case, the more the better, and the number of micro-robots he has collected will also increase greatly.

If he accumulates it for a period of time, the day when he can break through the next level of seal will be just around the corner.

After he is promoted again, he can announce the second-level sealing technique and tell others on the mainland that this is the next level of cultivation method. In this way, people from all over the continent continue to work for him. And the power he possesses is always superior to others.

This is the most perfect situation he imagined. There is no need to control the country, and there is no need to worry about busy government affairs. Just have absolute power. He is like an emperor on this continent.

Even the emperor had to bow to him. And he can see any secular legal rules. This is the so-called great freedom, that is, you can do whatever you want.

In order to cut leeks more conveniently, Tang San selected a group of people as geniuses in the world of cultivation. These people practiced very quickly and could easily realize realm breakthroughs, thereby taking the lead for others and allowing people to see. to the huge benefits that come with increasing this power.

Most people with extraordinary talents are the kind of people whose IQ is not very high and cannot provide them with much computing power. These people are easy to control and cannot pose a threat to him. At the same time, not much benefit can be squeezed out. Just give them competition.

In the future, the power of muscles will overwhelm the brain, so even if there are smart people, they will not be able to break through under Tang San's suppression. They can still only survive at the bottom of society. Since the top management are not very smart, it is easier to control them.

Except for these people who have low IQs and cannot provide computing power. A few people were promoted, those with whom he had a good relationship.

For example, Ma Hongjun, Oscar, these friends who play games together. Their family background is very ordinary, and they can only hang out in ordinary teams. If they want to obtain soul rings, they have to be careful.

These days of frustration are coming to an end soon. After someone realizes that they are a genius in cultivating immortals, their status will inevitably rise. By then, wealth, fame, and power will be at their fingertips.

And Tang San himself also enjoyed this feeling. It feels so good to be able to change the fate of other people with just one thought.

Leon was also lucky to have a very good talent for cultivation. It's not that his IQ is relatively low, in fact he is quite witty. He had come up with solutions for several dangers, although most of these methods required Tang San's cooperation to be successful.

But this can be regarded as doing Tang San a big favor. A little thought gave him a good talent, as long as he embarked on the path of cultivating immortality. It will definitely be a smooth journey, and even overcoming tribulations will be much easier than others.

After the cultivation frenzy began. Soon someone discovered a problem. That is to increase the power, although it does not require any resources. But when you break through the realm, you need it, and you need quite a lot of it.

They need a lot of resources to create magic weapons and resist disasters. There is no doubt that they are so serious because some unlucky people who do not believe in evil have already been hacked to death.

After receiving this news, the poor cursed their mothers crazily, while the capitalists breathed a sigh of relief. If their huge wealth does not help their cultivation, I am afraid that they will be hung on the street light poles soon.

[To be continued]

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