Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,172 Losing power and humiliating the country

Xue Ye slowly stood up from the throne and asked the experts in the field of life sciences present: "Can nano-level soul control technology detect the true emotions of the human body?"

The two experts looked sad, but they still nodded and said: "Theoretically, it is possible. Although this level of control is not enough to directly read the brain waves to know what the other person is thinking, it can use the hormones in your body to know what the other person is thinking. Secretion to know your general mood.

Even if you can control your expression, the secretion of hormones in your body will reveal your emotions. This can be clearly perceived as long as the individual's strength reaches a certain level. Therefore, if you simply disguise your appearance, there is almost no way to hide it from the person outside. "

"Then can hormone secretion be disguised? Can we use means that the other party cannot detect to stimulate the body's hormone secretion to simulate emotions." Xue Ye said in a deep voice.

"It is indeed possible, and the technical difficulty is not great. It only needs to be implanted in your body. A few micro-machines are disguised as magic weapons refined in the body, and they can bypass the other party's perception. Stimulate the hormones in the body Secretion, simulating the physiological state of the human body under different emotions.

But doing so will have an irreparable impact on Your Majesty, because the human body's emotions are largely controlled by hormones in the body. Rather than simulating emotions, regulating the secretion of hormones in the body is actually changing your mood.

When the secretion of hormones representing fear is stimulated, you will physically feel fear. Even when you see the same scene in the future, the glands in your body will still secrete corresponding hormones involuntarily, just like forming a conditioned reflex, causing you to have a real and heartfelt fear of this kind of thing.

Reason can indeed suppress this emotion, but people's willpower is often not as strong as they think. Just like most people, they can use simple rewards and punishments like training dogs. Train the corresponding conditioned reflexes and become like an irrational animal.

I don't mean to offend Your Majesty, but it is too dangerous to do so. If you can't control yourself, it may lead to a fake show..."

"I already know the consequences, but I have no choice. The development of the empire takes time, and I must stabilize it. This is our last chance to develop and rise again. I know you all say that I am a tyrant. When assigning tasks, I never Regardless of personal wishes, whoever's turn it is, no matter how reluctant he is, must take the lead. And this time, it just happened to be my turn.

Stop talking nonsense. Implant a responsive micro-machine into me. In the future, I may become flattering and incompetent, and become an obedient guard dog in the eyes of practitioners, taking care of worldly things for them. But our civilization The spark will not be extinguished. When one day I crack the immortal cultivation technique, if I have fallen, you should kill me and replace me. If I am still me,

That silverfish must pay the price. "

The only people who could still stay in the hall at this time were all Xue Ye's close ministers. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but feel heartbroken and blame themselves, suffering from their own incompetence. To make leaders bear such humiliation.

They watched helplessly as Xue Ye accepted the injection of micro-machines, and immediately afterwards, the originally solemn expression on his face became as flattering as that of a servile slave, with a trace of fear in his eyes. His body was shaking uncontrollably.

There seemed to be only the last glimmer of clarity left in his eyes: "Everyone, retreat, the palace's final protective barrier is about to be opened. Do you want Tang San to know our full plan?"

The ministers looked at the leader who had lost his majesty in an instant and exited the palace one by one in tears. On the road ahead for civilization, someone must bear the burden. This time it is the turn of the great emperor who once looked down upon the world. It will be his turn next time. They...

At the entrance of the palace, the pale golden film slowly dissipated, and the interior of the palace, which was originally obscured by frosted glass, came into Tang San's eyes.

"Come...someone, come! Escort! Escort!"

Xue Ye collapsed to the ground, shivering under Tang San's pressure. The crown representing the emperor rolled to the ground. The yellow robe on his body was stained with this stain, dragging on the smooth floor of the hall, leaving a trail like a reptile. trajectory.

"Here comes someone! Hurry and capture this thug who broke into the palace! Where are my guards! Go and take off this man's head! Wait a hundred miles!" Xue Ye yelled with a look of horror, looking at Tang San. Bu walked towards him and screamed in horror: "Don't come over!"

Tang San pulled a sneer from the corner of his mouth, stepped on one of the loose yellow robes, watched Xue Ye struggling and crying like a pug whose tail was stepped on, and watched the former superior behave in front of him. The ugliness and the unprecedented pleasure almost made him moan. The long-term depression made Tang San's psychology almost sick. No matter how kind he was to his own people, he would be cruel to outsiders. Maybe Xue Ye was not his enemy. , but as the founder of the existing social system, Tang San had a hundred reasons to convince himself to target him.

"Hahahaha! I guess you never dreamed that one day you would be trampled under the feet of a poor boy from a commoner family! I just don't understand you idiots who are worse than pigs and dogs! Why do you occupy such a huge palace? Enjoying the most noble rights?"

As he said that, Tang San kicked Xue Ye in the stomach, causing him to bow down in pain: "Spare your life! Master, please forgive me! You can take whatever you want from me! I don't know where I offended you." Immortal, please spare my life!"

"Huh? Where did you offend me?"

Tang San kicked Xue Ye away, and in a few steps came to the throne. Da Ma Jin Dao sat down, summoned the magic weapon to take a selfie of himself, and sent it to his social account, with the text: "The emperor takes turns, come to my house this year!"

"When you squeezed the people's wealth and took away the territory from us ordinary people, you probably never imagined that one of those people you once regarded as bastards would one day sit on this throne!

Back then, my father worked so hard that his back was bent from exhaustion, but he couldn't even afford the tuition for me to go to school. Where are you, these beasts in clothes who are whitewashing the peace?

Where were you when I relied on my own abilities to earn cultivation resources, but was monitored by the local public security organs and forcibly isolated?

I'm afraid you have never really seen how people living at the bottom of society live! Just tell me why I allow you to sit in this position? "

[To be continued]

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