Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,173 Unequal Treaty

After Tang San sat on the throne, he stood up soon and kicked the throne over: "What a piece of shit. It's so hard and not comfortable at all."

"It is true that you have not offended me, but the country you rule makes me very unhappy. Why should capable people be controlled by you guys who are inferior to pigs and dogs?

Although I am too lazy to care about the bad things in your country, your current system makes me very unhappy. I think it is better to give the throne to some capable people. As for you? Haha, it's best to give me a reason not to kill you. "

Xue Ye hurriedly climbed up to Tang San and cried loudly: "Exalted Immortal, please spare my life. Immortal wants me to govern the country as I want, so do me! After Immortal, I will be the National Master, oh no no no! Father of the Nation! No no." !Grandpa Guo! Whatever you say is what it is!"

"Haha! Although you have no ability, you are still obedient. Humph, I see you are not as majestic as in the advertisement!" Tang San stroked Xue Ye's head, like rubbing a pet dog.

"Since you are still obedient, I will spare you today. I will see how you behave in the future.

No matter what I want to do from now on, no one is allowed to interfere. I don't bother to argue with you about worldly rights, but if you let worldly bullshit bother me, then your emperor will be done. See what I mean? "

Xue Ye nodded repeatedly, but felt extremely bitter in her heart, even though the privilege Tang San wanted seemed to be nothing. He just wants no one to interfere with his actions, which is the legendary freedom to do whatever he wants.

But this also means that he can rob a bank at will, but the bank security guards cannot shoot him. If he takes a fancy to someone's things on the street and wants whatever they want, the other party cannot resist, or even look at him. If you fall in love with someone else's wife, there must be absolutely no way to stop her from doing so.

Even if he was upset and killed a few people on the street, or even massacred the city directly, the empire could not hold him accountable. He couldn't even let the people he massacred resist. He wanted to dig up dams, release floods, blow up tunnels, and bury the vehicles inside alive. None of these could be held accountable.

Although normal people are unlikely to be so crazy, when a person has enjoyed such rights unscrupulously for too long, he will gradually treat the world as a game, and the people he kills are just numbers. The longer time goes by, Tang San would probably care less about human life. At first it might just be curiosity or a mistake that resulted in the death of an innocent person, but he would get used to it later. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to deal with.

But at this time he could only agree. Tang San's military force has reached a point where it is difficult to defeat with the accumulation of numbers. Indeed, if faced head-on with an army of hundreds of thousands, Tang San will undoubtedly be unable to defeat it. No matter how much experience he has, killing all these people will still be exhausting.

But he is only one person,

As long as there is no way for him to be surrounded and suppressed. The number of the army means nothing to him. If you want to come, you can come, and if you want to leave, you can leave. Then just kill the commanders at all levels in a targeted manner. The huge army collapsed without fighting. Plus he has the ability to enter and leave the palace at will. It would be absolutely foolish to anger him at this time.

Tang San saw that Xue Ye was still obedient, so he continued to make his request: "I won't make any requests that are too excessive. After all, even if you want to do it, I'm afraid you can't do some things.

I'll just say it simply. I want to build a fairy kingdom. By any means. As long as practitioners can break through the barrier around the imperial city, they can ascend to immortality. From then on, they are no longer mortals, but immortals.

They also need to be like me and no longer bound by secular rules. Of course, I will restrain them from killing civilians at will. After all, everyone has the potential to become an immortal. There is no need for me to stifle the potential of Fairyland.

Also, you must provide all immortal cultivators with sufficient subsidies for their daily needs. As long as they are cultivating immortals, they do not need to be disturbed by other trivial matters in life and can concentrate on comprehending the realm.

I don’t care what you do or where you provide the money. Anyway, I want to see this subsidy implemented. If I can’t do it, then I will personally replace the emperor. Do you understand? "

Moon and Ice Emperor looked at the live broadcast in the palace with a ferocious expression: "I said... I can't stand it anymore! What should I do if I want to beat him?"

"Don't talk about you, I want to beat him up..." Cheng Ying sighed: "If you really think you can't stand it, then it doesn't matter if you go down and beat him up, after all, it doesn't have anything to do with the overall situation.

Even if we really want those people below and the explosion of technology, based on their population base, we have nothing to fear. "

"Then why do you never interfere too much with Douluo's development?" Ice Emperor wondered.

"To be honest, I don't have a very clear reason. It's just a precaution! After all, I have traveled directly into Douluo's plot. Maybe the protagonist here has something special? What if I accidentally kill this person? Might be missing out on something.”

Ice Emperor blinked and seemed to understand something: "Hey! Have you forgotten to go home yet?"

"Yes! No matter how long you live here, there will still be a sense of unreality. After all, you are living in the story of the past. No matter how much you have experienced, it is difficult to get rid of the feeling of being the person in the painting.

In fact, the opportunity for me to go back may not be Tang San. What I do now is just to keep in mind. It doesn’t cost anything anyway.

If you see that he is really unhappy, then it doesn't matter if you kill him. Anyway, I know that the probability that he really hides the secrets about my hometown is actually very small. "

Cheng Ying put down the work at hand and looked up at Douluo Star. The blue planet was so similar to the earth. But the distribution of continents on the ocean is so strange. Such habitable planets are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges in this universe. No one knows which one is Cheng Ying's hometown, or perhaps his hometown is not in this universe at all.

"Forget it! Anyway, I just saw him a little unhappy. What if this guy can really help you get home?"

Tang San, who was far away in the palace on the surface, shivered for no reason. With his cultivation level reaching his level, this kind of situation shouldn't happen. He himself had some doubts. This situation should have been triggered by heavenly beings, reminding him of any danger.

He would never have thought of it anyway. Just now, I had escaped with a small life from the hands of an extraterrestrial visitor. I was almost annihilated into elementary particles by a Star Destroyer Cannon because I made someone unhappy.

[To be continued]

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