Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,175 The Unparalleled Battle

"Come on!" The wings behind Dai Huanyu's back suddenly converged, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball. A vacuum was drawn behind his back, and the air suddenly closed with a loud noise.

"Well done!"

Tang San shouted loudly, and a red energy shield flashed in front of him, blocking Dai Huanyu's surprise attack, but the terrifying force still shattered the shield, knocking Tang San away, and smashed a high tower in the imperial city into powder. .

The shield shattered with a deafening noise, and the sound shook all the glass in the palace into powder.

"You can't use it here! Let's go up to the sky and fight!" Tang San climbed out of the ruins intact, and immediately rose into the sky.

Dai Huanyu didn't hesitate at all, sliding out a faint blue trajectory and following closely behind.

"I didn't expect Doukai to be able to do this. In terms of absolute strength, even I was crushed by you!" Above the clouds, Tang San couldn't help but sigh.

"But the amount of energy is no longer the most critical factor in determining victory or defeat! Aren't you very fast? Then try this trick!"

Tang San accidentally turned one into two and two into four. Even Dai Huanyu's powerful intuition couldn't tell which one was real.

"One Qi can transform three pure beings? Although it is a top-notch Taoist method, you only need to blow up all four of them!" Dai Huanyu was so fast that he was almost invisible to the naked eye. He came to one of the Tang Dynasties at a strange speed. Behind San, a punch came out from his chest, and the shock wave blew away the clouds, revealing a fan-shaped clear sky.

"This isn' energy that transforms three realms! Watch out! Your opponent is here!"

Tang San's voice suddenly sounded behind Dai Huanyu.


The heavy punch had already landed on Dai Huanyu's back. Even though the wings on his back turned into shields for defense, he was still severely beaten away. The wings on his back were full of cracks and were being repaired quickly.

"Why is it behind you... wait... one, two, three, four, five, six? How come there are six?" Dai Huanyu always thought that there were only four enemies, but he clearly killed one, so why did it turn out to be six!

"Don't you understand? I never said the upper limit was four me!" Overlapping voices sounded, and then Dai Huanyu saw that Tang San suddenly transformed from six to an appalling twelve. indivual!

"It's really's almost like a virus!" Dai Huanyu quickly repaired the damage.

At the same time, the wings want to open and expand to double their original size.

"You can't kill them when the number is still small, otherwise the problem will be troublesome! Then...melt them all for me!"

"Real White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

The stars behind Dai Huanyu actually shone brightly during the day, as if there was a white tiger-shaped constellation floating in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the constellation exploded like an explosion. The naked eye could not count the number of meteors from the explosion. Each one flying out of the constellations carried a high temperature that burned everything, drawing beautiful trajectories and heading towards the numerous Tang San's concentrated fires.

"Hey! What a big scene! Such a move is enough to level an entire province!"

Hundreds of Tang San's clones held up the energy shield, but the shield was still shattered by the endless White Tiger Meteor Shower, turning into fragments and disappearing.

"However, such moves actually revolve around a core! As long as you want to do this..."

Many Tang Sans suddenly disappeared in place.

"Space teleportation?" Dai Huanyu frowned. Space ability is completely the top talent. It is almost impossible to acquire it gradually. Tang San actually has such power, and it seems to be a type with no restrictions. That means that even if he can fight Even if he wins, it is impossible to keep him.

The moment a similar thought flashed through Dai Huanyu's mind, he suddenly felt that the white tiger stars in the sky were losing contact with him. At the same time, the meteors that were tracking Tang San's attack also turned and attacked him.

With the same strength, attack is often greater than defense. This is almost common sense. Dai Huanyu doesn't think he can block his full attack.

Fortunately, the meteors all over the sky had consumed a lot. Dai Huanyu suddenly turned on the thruster, and red steam burst out from his body. Steam columns spurted out from his body, driving him forward at an incredible speed. Although the White Tiger Meteor Shower was fast, , but the distance from him is different. As long as you fly at full strength, you can stagger the meteor shower's hits and reduce the pressure on the defense.

"Don't forget, your opponent is me!" Tang San suddenly appeared next to Dai Huanyu. The two Tang Sans were like rubbing spiral pills, violently hitting the huge energy balls like Dai Huanyu.

"You wouldn't think! Only you can take away other people's skills!"

Dai Huanyu opened his palm and bounced the energy ball violently. With a loud bang, Tang San's two clones disappeared.

"How could you..." Tang San was shocked.

"It's true that I can't cultivate immortality, but my Doukai can! Otherwise, why do you think my Doukai needs to be cared for by a dedicated person!"

As he spoke, Dai Huanyu violently split into four, and half of the meteor shower returned to his control, fiercely surrounding Tang San. The remaining meteors were annihilated and disappeared under the combined counterattack of the four.

"I can also use what you call Taoist magic, but it will be restrained."

Although he said this, Dai Huanyu still used many spells of the immortal cultivation system.

The spells released outside will be used by others, so just use the spells to strengthen your own!

Speed, strength, reflexes, intelligence, endurance, and acumen were all greatly enhanced by the spell. Tang San would also be similarly enhanced, but there was a huge gap between his own basic attributes and Dai Huanyu. Even after the enhancement, there was a huge gap. It won't be much smaller.

Basically, it will remain at a level where Dai Huanyu's movements cannot be seen clearly. However, although he cannot see clearly, his soul power can help him sense it. You can deal with attacks by turning on your shield or dodging at critical moments.

However, Dai Huanyu's strength still slightly exceeded his estimate. After all, in order to prevent the birth of super strong people from the beginning, he let those who were already very strong on the mainland. It is impossible to have high cultivation talent. As the strongest person in the continent, Emperor Xingluo didn't even have the slightest talent for cultivating immortals.

However, he still took advantage of it and used the battle armor to gain part of the immortal cultivator's power, which made Tang San a little tired of dealing with it.

"Your power is indeed beyond my expectation, but that's it for now. It's time for you to understand the true power of an immortal cultivator." After fighting for a while, Tang San probably got tired of playing, and finally used his His true ability.

I saw the dense soul power emerging from his body, and then it seemed as if he had merged into nature...

[To be continued]

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