Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,176 The Harmony of Heaven and Man 1

Tang San's state made Dai Huanyu look solemn, because just now Tang San disappeared from his intuition. His presence is visible only to the eyes. If you close your eyes, it's as if Tang San has never appeared at all.

At the same time, the flow of all soul power around him slowed down, and Dai Huanyu found that the speed at which he absorbed soul power began to slow down. If absorbing soul power was like absorbing air. Now that feels like water.

If this situation continues. The soul power will become more viscous, like glue. In the end, he might not be able to absorb even a tiny bit of soul power.

"what have you done?!"

The corners of Tang San's lips curled up slightly: "I didn't do anything, I just made all the soul power in this area my own. You wouldn't be so naive as to think that absorbing the soul power into your body is equivalent to taking them over." Have it for yourself!

How could something so simple be possible? The soul power sucked into your body. After it is released, it can be absorbed by others, so how can it be called yours?

For me, the amount of soul power is no longer important, because I no longer need to store them in my body. As long as the soul power is transformed into something that belongs to me. It makes no difference to me where they are.

At this moment, the soul power within a radius of dozens of miles is rapidly changing its ownership. And this scope is expanding rapidly. If you can't find a way to crack it soon. I think this battle should be over. "

In just a few words, Dai Huanyu had already felt that the soul power in his body was beginning to stir, as if he wanted to break free from the constraints of his body and integrate into the nature of the outside world.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Absorbing soul power all over the body does not directly seal the soul power in the body. This process is more like breathing. The soul power in the body is actually an interactive process. It goes in and out, constantly flowing and maintaining. maintain a dynamic balance.

Of course, want to interrupt this process. it is also fine. But it's like people can't hold their breath for a long time. If this cycle is stopped, the total amount of soul power will not be restored, and will decrease little by little as time goes by.

Dai Huanyu was strong enough to close this cycle for several days, but in the process, he was unable to obtain any soul power supply. More importantly, in the process just now, he had accidentally inhaled some of the poison from Tang Dynasty. Three transformations of soul power.

These soul powers are like ink dripping into water, or like cancer cells all over the body. It had spread throughout his body. Integrated into his limbs and bones. Unless all the soul power is drained out, it will be difficult to separate.

These uncontrolled soul powers,

It's like the grandson monkey who got into Princess Iron Fan's belly. It made Dai Huanyu very uncomfortable. When he flew forward, these soul powers would pull him back. Apply various debuffs to him, after his voice gets used to fighting against this force. It will suddenly change the direction of the force, just like the rope suddenly breaks during a tug-of-war. It felt absolutely terrible. So much so that he flew like a headless fly, no different from Brownian motion.

"Do you see it? This is the consequence of relying on power that does not belong to you. The cultivation of soul power is just a sideshow in front of the true path of cultivating immortality.

No matter how powerful a soul cultivator is, you have reached my level. You will be vulnerable in front of me. "Tang San said this to the camera. Of course, someone was live broadcasting their battle. Even if no one was live broadcasting, Tang San would live broadcast the content of the battle himself.

The reason is also very simple. He used the system of cultivating immortals to defeat the current strongest man in the mainland. To a large extent, it can prove the superiority of the system of cultivating immortals.

This will undoubtedly allow more people to devote more energy to leisure. Although there are many immortal cultivators on the continent now. But most people still regard cultivating immortals as an auxiliary to cultivating soul power. He didn't put all his experience into it.

But if the immortal cultivators show absolute strength and crush the cultivators with soul power at the peak, then it is self-evident which one everyone will choose to practice.

By then, more people will understand the path to immortality, enter a state of empty thinking, and provide them with computing power, and more magic weapons will be damaged during the tribulation. Provide him with an endless supply of micromachines.

By then, he would be one step closer to breaking through the third layer of seal. When he breaks through to the third level of seal, he can unlock the second level of his immortality cultivation method, and then there will be another round of terrifying improvement.

He can even create an atmosphere, saying that as more and more immortal cultivators appear, the spiritual energy on the continent has begun to recover. The recovery of spiritual energy allows the next step of cultivating immortals to be practiced, and more powerful people will be born.

When the time comes, Tang San can cut the leeks of these newly born strong men and use their power to try to break through the fourth level seal. And he is still the undisputed strongest man in the continent at the crushing level.

Dai Huanyu didn't know about these plans. At this time, a thirty-level immortal cultivator and a wild demigod were using the most sophisticated video equipment. The decisive battle between the two will be broadcast live.

Even though they were quite far away, they still felt the freezing of soul power, and everyone looked towards the middle of the battlefield with feeling. At this moment, it seemed that the battle was about to be decided.

Dai Huanyu knew that he would probably have only one last chance to take action. If his soul power could not be replenished, he would consume it all at once. If there was any disobedient soul power, he would burn it together with his normal soul power and transform them all. for the power of attack.

The White Tiger Martial Spirit was always moving forward indomitably. After being cut off from all retreat options, Dai Huanyu, who fought against the odds, instead exploded with a fighting power that was far superior to before.

Behind him, the hundred-mile-long white tiger needs to condense and take shape. After a loud roar, it rushed directly into his body. Immediately afterwards, a thick red blood mist evaporated from his body, which was a terrifying force that even his powerful body could not bear.

Immediately afterwards, he popped out sharp claws from both hands and stamped on the air to rush forward. The bloody steam pushed it to accelerate, reaching an incredible speed. The surrounding air is evacuated due to its acceleration. A huge straight vacuum zone was formed. The shock wave brought by the high speed drove a hurricane and blew away all the clouds in the sky.

From the ground, you can clearly see a colorful trail in the sky. But the process of extending this trajectory cannot be seen. It was as if the blow had already hit the target the moment it was launched.

And Tang San was at the end of this bloody trajectory.

[To be continued]

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