Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,177 Victory

In this collision, both sides seemed to have exhausted their full strength, and the shock wave had inevitably spread out, as if a hydrogen bomb had been detonated high in the sky. The terrifying invisible shock wave blew away the clouds and rolled towards the ground.

People monitored and saw that the spire of the tallest palace in the city turned into invisible powder under the crushing shock wave. If the shock wave is allowed to spread like this, Xingluo City may become a wasteland.

Fortunately, there are many powerful people in the Star Luo Empire, although most of them went to shoot live broadcasts in the air. But there are still quite a lot of demigods and immortal cultivators above the 30th level in the city.

Facing this crazy impact, these people immediately flew into the air. Maybe there was some dissatisfaction between them before. But this time they all put aside their past grievances and worked together. A solid barrier was supported. Guarded over the city.

The shock wave hit the barrier hard. The terrifying destructive power crushed down. The strong men supporting the barrier spurted out blood and looked sluggish. The barrier in the sky was also full of cracks, as if it would be broken in the next moment.

Fortunately, the strongest shock wave is only the first one. The subsequent impacts gradually weakened, and the crumbling barrier finally withstood it.

When the clouds cleared and the fog cleared, and we looked at the sky again, the outcome of the battle seemed to have been decided.

Tang San was still suspended in mid-air. He opened his hand and grasped Emperor Xingluo's fist. There was no doubt that this blow did not successfully kill Tang San.

Tang San's expression showed a rare hint of admiration, and he let go of his hand holding the opponent's fist.

Dai Huanyu seemed to have lost his support and fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings.

Many powerful men belonging to the royal family quickly flew up to catch the fallen emperor. Feeling the weak aura, they all felt relieved temporarily. Although he was weak, his life was obviously not in danger, and Tang San did not kill him.

Tang San in the sky silently put his hands behind his back, showing the posture of a master who was overwhelmed by the cold, but in fact he was silent. Hide your trembling right hand out of sight.

The power of Dai Huanyu's move just now was far beyond his expectation, even with the soul power he had temporarily transferred. Formed an impenetrable barrier in front of him. It was also shattered by the ridiculously fast attack.

This was something Tang San didn't expect, but he wasn't completely unprepared for this situation. After all, I'm afraid no one can really use the space barrier, absolute immunity, and physical attacks of any intensity.

That is to say,

No matter how strong his defense is, it can be broken as long as he has enough power and speed. Just now, Dai Huanyu's attack had reached an extremely terrifying level in terms of power and speed, converting all the power of a nuclear explosion into kinetic energy. One can imagine the consequences of being hit by this punch.

If he were an ordinary demigod, he would probably be punched into elementary particles. It's like being smashed into pieces in a particle collider. Atomic.

Fortunately, Tang San finally hid a few life-saving trump cards. He temporarily used space transfer to open a space door in front of him. Let Dai Huanyu penetrate it and come out directly from the ground, letting the earth bear the terrifying punch.

However, he still underestimated Dai Huanyu's talent. After breaking through the earth's crust, he miraculously used the power of space to reopen the door and returned to Tang San.

Although at this time most of the power of the attack has been wasted on the earth. But the remaining power still hit Tang San firmly.

Although Tang San only used one hand to catch such an attack, the right hand that came into contact with the attack was almost useless. At this time, he could only hold it behind his back and pretend that nothing happened. It was just at this time that he could show off his master style. .

For a moment, the audience watching the live broadcast fell into silence, and they didn't even know how to post the barrage. After cultivating his soul power for who knows how many years, it seems that he is finally defeated by the system of cultivating immortals. For a moment, they didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

But one thing will not change, those who cannot keep up with the times will be eliminated. After realizing the potential of cultivating immortals and their strong combat effectiveness, those cultivators who focused on cultivating soul power and cultivating immortals as a supplement quietly changed the weight of their cultivation and changed cultivating immortals to their major.

After all, according to the description from the Tiandou Empire. Tang San's soul power was actually only level 30, and the huge power he possessed later was all temporarily improved.

In other words, as long as the cultivation of immortality reaches a certain level. Then it is not difficult at all to improve the soul power, and it is even a matter of course.

With this guarantee, the atmosphere of cultivating immortals on the mainland has become even stronger. It’s really convenient to add a magic weapon. After many people transformed into immortal cultivators. All experienced it. This is convenient and fast. After that, you can't live without your magic weapon, just like it's hard for modern people to live without their mobile phones.

After Tang San finished showing off, he immediately ran away. The injury on his arm was no ordinary trauma. Most of the chaotic soul power that had just been restless in Dai Huanyu's body was driven into this arm by him.

If he didn't want to cut it off and grow another one, Tang San had to expel the restless soul power in his arm bit by bit. This is by no means an easy task. Every strand of Dai Huanyu's extremely compressed soul power contains huge energy. If he just takes it out and throws it away. It can even blow up a big crater, and if it is not properly guided, it will be no different from welding a detonator or sawing a light bulb. The arm will explode on the spot.

Although Tang San could cut off his arm and throw it away. But it is not easy to regenerate a broken limb. More importantly, the body grown from the heart is undoubtedly not as tough as the original body. I want to improve to the original level of solidity, but I don’t know how long it will take to practice. If we continue like this, it will be more or less worth the loss.

So he just pretended to be cool for a short time, and then hurriedly went back to repair his body. Before leaving, he left a message: "Emperor Xingluo! Not bad!"

Tang San's evaluations of the emperors of the two empires were very different. In his eyes, Xue Ye was simply an incompetent loser, a lazy silverfish, and a piece of trash that lay on the empire to suck blood.

In contrast, Dai Huanyu, who was strong and responsible, and had the demeanor of a warrior who never gave up, was like a model emperor. Therefore, after defeating him, Tang San not only did not kill him, but also stabilized himself. His injuries meant that he would not have serious sequelae after his recovery. Not even an unequal treaty was signed with the Star Luo Empire.

[To be continued]

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