Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,179 Weird Warrior

Originally, this kind of technology requires extremely precise equipment to control the arrangement of each atom, so that entangled particles can coexist in the same molecular cluster, and rely on this entanglement to change the shape of the molecular cluster and achieve various functions. , to affect the macroscopic material world.

It is ridiculously difficult to complete any kind of molecular configuration, let alone create one that can replicate itself. Molecular groups that can realize complex functions require countless attempts.

If they rely on their own technological level and use crude equipment to barely try. I'm afraid it will really take decades to try out the correct configuration. This is still quite an optimistic estimate.

But it's different with controllable soul power. Soul power is like a hand that can directly interfere with the microscopic world, even if it directly pinches out the original words and spells them out. This kind of precise task cannot be accomplished by soul power.

But it's like the difference between using a hammer to micro-carve a grain of rice, and using nails. The latter is indeed still difficult. But at least it can be done, and it is countless times simpler than the former.

Although they have not yet succeeded. But several have been created that can replicate themselves. And it is a controllable macromolecule that realizes simple functions.

The reason why it has not been put into mass production is that these are not perfect enough. As the basic industrial units of the next era, once they are put into mass production and finalized, it will be difficult to make changes.

Therefore, although there are already barely usable molecular cells, they are only in limited supply to some key departments. The military was the first department to use this new equipment.

Compared with various production departments, the military department responsible for combat is more suitable for installing new equipment. They don't need to think about how weapons are produced and reproduce themselves. Just use it. It won’t be particularly troublesome to change clothes then.

New equipment is usually attached to the soldiers in the form of combat uniforms. Technology often leads to the same goal by different means. In principle, they are wearing biological armor. But it already looks a lot like nanomachines, just because the basic unit is still relatively large. It cannot reach the nanometer level.

However, if observed with the naked eye, they are actually very similar. Numerous micron-level universal cells are attached to the body surface of the soldiers, looking like liquids.

It can serve as various mechanical equipment during the battle. At the same time, it can also penetrate deep into the human body to repair damage suffered. It's even possible. Construct a field with powerful destructive power and achieve power similar to domain soul skills.

And these are only the current standard weapons, because they are microscopic enough. The stronger the person who uses it, the stronger the power they can exert. Even for demigod-level experts, there is a huge increase.

Tang San crossed the imperial city wall defense line,

No one dared to stop him, and under his feet was a purple pasture, which was the plantation of the infected. The purple grass grows quickly. Harvest can be done almost every day. Occasionally, it is necessary to harvest once every two days when it is cloudy. It can be said that this thing is much more tenacious than the vitality of leeks.

Facing the purple grassland under his feet that was like waves in the wind, Tang San launched an energy bomb without mercy, blowing up a large area of ​​grassland.

This immediately triggered an alarm that the infected had not set, and there were Imperial fighter jets before. Attempts were made to destroy their plantations by dropping bombs from the air. But most of them were beaten down by them. More importantly, if you pass over their heads, you will be very likely to be infected with spar disease, which is how Yak was infected in the first place.

So even the Empire is hard to find. There are many pilots willing to send bombs towards this place. If we rely on missiles for transportation, it will be much easier to intercept, not to mention the cost.

Perhaps interception is much more difficult than launching a missile. But that is for a country with mechanical technology. For anti-missile weapons with biochemical technology, it is not that difficult to do this. There are many genes in nature that can be used for guidance and interception.

For example, after a duck hatches from its shell, it will most likely follow the first creature it sees. This is something engraved in the DNA. And this gene, as long as it is transplanted into the missile, can make precision guidance possible. It's quite easy, the missile will find the target on its own.

At this time, it was difficult for the empire to destroy the grassland as unscrupulously as Tang San did. A rapid alarm sounded, and a large number of defenders immediately came out to kill them.

The playground on the surface can be said to be the most important source of organic matter. There is absolutely no room for error. Therefore, Tang San was like poking a hornet's nest, and dense troops rushed out.

They all carry gun-like weapons that look like lumps of flesh. They were wearing a tight-fitting combat uniform, which was their brand new equipment. It can change at will like a liquid metal robot.

Facing the unscrupulous intruders, they immediately opened fire without any negotiation. Destroying their source of organic matter is basically out of the question. Just hit it.

Tang San waved his hand casually, and all the kinetic energy ammunition stopped in front of him. It's like being frozen in time.

The soldiers who saw this scene immediately dispersed their formations. The ones who could do this were undoubtedly the strong ones. Each bullet they used was as powerful as a large-caliber cannonball on Earth, otherwise it would be difficult to injure a strong person. A strong man who can easily stop many bullets will definitely be able to cause heavy casualties if he fights back. At this time, dispersing the formation is the best way to reduce casualties.

When Tang San saw his opponent coming up, he started to fight back, not polite at all. Of course, he was not polite. He sneered and controlled the soul power in the air like a big hand. He easily caught the soldier closest to him.

Originally, he wanted to squeeze the man to death with force, but as soon as he exerted force, he realized something was wrong. This warrior is like a loach. The body surface suddenly became extremely smooth. He exerted a little force, and the other party squirmed and slipped out.

Tang San felt very strange. The other party didn't use any soul skills, and there was no sign of mobilizing soul power. This made him try to catch the warrior again. Want to see why he is so slippery.

This time he carefully felt the fluctuations in the soul power of the other party. It was discovered that apart from condensing soul power to protect his internal organs, this warrior actually did not actually perform any other soul power operations.

He became so smooth simply because he took off a layer of protective clothing. The layer of protective clothing was still normal when he pinched it on, but as soon as he applied force, it would become extremely smooth. Making it completely impossible for him to pass the squeeze. Deal damage to this warrior.

[To be continued]

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