Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,180 Standard Equipment

Compared to using battleships and cannons to deal with underground races, the ground forces of the infected prefer to use individual equipment. This is also due to national conditions. The infected people already have a Sylva on the surface, which can be used as a firepower platform. And the strategic goal is to defend and delay. If possible, infiltrate and destroy the enemy. This strategic purpose makes individual soldier equipment more suitable. Surface warriors of the infected.

What made Tang San feel slippery was the layer of tights on their bodies. The entire tights were made of biological macromolecules. When squeezed with force, some molecules on the surface will decompose themselves. Form the corresponding lubricant. At the same time, the lower molecules will be transformed into small spherical particles. Convert greater sliding friction into smaller rolling friction. At the same time, the direction of the spherical rotating shaft is adjusted according to the direction of the force. In this way, it can slip out as long as there is a slight uneven force. It can easily avoid being crushed by the strong ones' large-scale attacks.

Facing this slippery enemy, Tang San sneered: "Do you think I can't do anything to you just by relying on this loach-like defense?"

I saw the warrior who had just escaped from the powerful soul suddenly strangled his neck, his face turned red from holding back, and he was breathing rapidly, as if he couldn't breathe.

On the instrument panel of his tactical eyepiece, he could clearly see that the air pressure was increasing rapidly. In order to prevent his opponent from escaping, Tang San directly created a spherical position to compress the air. Prepare to crush this slippery guy into a palm-sized meatball.

No one could survive being compressed to this size. The warrior also discovered the force field surrounding him.

However, he was not particularly panicked, and instead pulled down the tactical eyepiece. Let the liquid-like tights cover his face. This piece of clothing looks soft and liquid, but can actually turn into a hard shell. To resist the high pressure from the outside world for him.

Even the depth of 10,000 meters cannot harm the people inside.

At the same time, high energy began to gather in his palm. This scene was like a high-end immortal cultivator gathering energy. Rely on the soul power that can be precisely controlled to build a reactor to achieve mass-energy conversion.

Using this move in front of Tang San was no different from playing tricks on others. Tang San immediately disturbed the soul power and prepared to interrupt the opponent's skills.

But something unexpected happened to him. The soul power he disturbed had no effect on the concentration of high energy. I saw the soldier push forward with his palm. And there was a strong plasma cannon blasted out.

Tang San's position was instantly crushed. The plasma cannon even fired towards Tang San.

Facing the terrifying high-temperature torrent, Tang San just slapped it away with a casual blow, and the plasma was splashed everywhere like a liquid. By the time the attack dissipated, the soldier had already retreated far away.

At the same time, the sarcoma weapon in his hand has become slender and turned into a long rifle.

This time no more energy storage is needed. Just aiming at Tang San, a torrent of plasma shot out.

Other warriors also made the same choice, converting the rapid-fire weapons in their hands into burst-fire rifles. For a moment, the plasma drew bright trajectories on the battlefield. When the imperial soldiers responsible for defending the city wall saw this, His eyes almost popped out of his head.

It's been a long time since they fought an infected person. I didn't expect that the opponent's individual equipment had been exaggerated to this extent. Just the aftermath of the battle. Let the shields in each section sound the alarm frequently.

Tang San walked through the large web woven by plasma, but he didn't touch himself. Although he didn't have the exaggerated speed and reflexes of Dai Huanyu, his soul power had been programmed by him, and he would respond when he encountered an attack. At the same time, push him to dodge, and the whole process is fully automatic, without even needing his operation, and there is almost no possibility of mistakes.

In addition, the information transmission speed of soul power is at the quantum level, which can ignore the influence of the speed of light. In other words, if the distance is enough, even if the attack is at the speed of light, as long as it is within his soul power and warning range, it is possible to dodge the attack after it is launched.

Although the speed of the plasma cannon was extremely exaggerated, the distance was so far that he had no time to dodge.

Facing the intensive attacks, Tang San raised his eyebrows: "It's quite interesting, but if that's all you can do, then go die!"

As he spoke, the air temperature within a dozen miles suddenly rose rapidly. Tang San mastered a large amount of soul power in this area. Then directly and simply control the soul vibration. Accelerate particle motion. The effect manifested in the macroscopic world is that this area begins to heat up rapidly.

And it heats up very quickly. It reaches thousands of degrees in the blink of an eye. In such high temperature, even steel will melt. Most mechanical facilities lose their effectiveness.

Originally, the high-temperature technique was very effective against biochemical armor. After all, most biological macromolecules are protein-based substances. Under high temperatures, it is easily denatured and loses its original effect.

But unfortunately, the infected had just experienced a battle in the magma. Although the temperature is not so exaggerated, the high temperature resistance technology of equipment has indeed made great progress. In addition, the basic unit that makes up the liquid suit is not protein. After sacrificing the outermost layer of cells, everyone survived the high temperature.

However, due to the sacrifice of a layer of cells, the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. Especially battery life.

Because it is a high temperature simulated by high-speed molecular thermal motion maintained by soul power. After the attack ended, the soul power automatically recovered its energy, and the high temperature quickly subsided.

Tang San originally thought that these guys would be instantly reduced to ashes, but he didn't expect that not one of them would die after such a long time. This really surprised him.

The individual strength of these warriors is indeed not weak, even if the equipment is not counted. The energy intensity is also at the level of Ultimate Douluo. He has obviously undergone quite a high level of body transformation.

But don't say that these people's energy intensity didn't break through to the level of demigods. Even if they did, they should still be as fragile as ants in front of Tang San.

But he didn't expect that these people could escape from his killing moves one after another by virtue of the characteristics of their equipment. The attack power of these guys may be average. But Gou Ming's ability is really amazing.

"You guys are really annoying!" Tang San was holding his breath because of the Soul Beast Empire. I came here originally intending to vent my anger, but I met a group of guys who were ruthless and unstoppable. At this time, my mood was not ordinary.

Just when he was about to kill again, the light beam suddenly fell, preventing his next attack.

"I said, you are going a little too far!"

[To be continued]

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