Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,183 Full Analysis

"Do you mean that this immortal cultivation technique is actually a technology brought back by Tang San from the data link layer?" Chen Zihan was surprised.

"This is just a guess of mine. It doesn't necessarily mean it is right. And in my guess, this set of skills is not the knowledge itself that he gained, but a shell that he put on it.

From the brief encounter just now, you should have a general understanding of this person's character. Definitely not the type to selflessly share knowledge with others.

This set of cultivation techniques must have many limitations, making it impossible for us to surpass him in cultivation. They even have to provide him with certain resources during his cultivation.

This is just a guess on my part. However, the gastrointestinal tract cannot try to crack this set of exercises. The idea behind how we practiced this technique before. It's all about how to cultivate yourself to become stronger. Or how to use the ability to control the shortlist obtained through practice, mainly.

There was no attempt to decipher the internal contents of the technique. Calculate whether this thing exists. Logical loopholes. and redundant and questionable content.

Other researchers come to analyze these. It is indeed quite difficult. After all, if the knowledge is really obtained from that civilization. It must be much beyond our time. From our perspective, it is no different from magic. How to analyze the loopholes?

But for us, it is not as difficult as imagined. Because we can use the other person's way or the other person's body. Isn’t it just right to use the virtual world created by that civilization to crack the technology of that civilization?

The cooperation between derivatives and us is entering the honeymoon period. I think it shouldn't be difficult to exchange some technical support with them. If you can really lift off the shell of this technique. With the technological leap we have made, we probably don’t need to be afraid of him. "

Chen Zihan listened to what Yake said. Yake himself did not hold a high position among the infected due to his status, but his words were still quite weighty. The higher-ups of the infected will attach great importance to his opinions.

This matter was quickly discussed as an important issue, and Wei Chi's virtual projection also joined the discussion. Fight for their own interests on behalf of derivatives.

However, he did not pay special attention to the cultivation of immortality. This was due to cultural reasons. In the world of the derivatives, many immortal cultivation techniques emerge in endlessly. There is also a great presence in the universe of cultivating immortals.

This kind of technique that relies on sudden enlightenment to overcome tribulations and improve strength is not so abnormal in the world view of the derivatives. On the contrary, it is quite common in the universe of cultivating immortals.

This impression made him not think that reverse cracking could really achieve any results.

So it was relatively easy to agree. Didn't ask for a high price tag.

The computing power possessed by the derivative. As well as the ability to change the rules of the world at the snap of a finger, it is most suitable for calculation and deciphering an unknown data model. Even though Tang San tried his best to hide the secret of cultivating immortality. When faced with this kind of brute force cracking, sooner or later the flaws will be revealed.

On the other side, after Tang San returned, he was immediately greeted like an emperor. Countless people came over to kneel and lick him. This made him feel slightly better. The depression of being driven away by threats also gradually subsided.

However, the country he conquered has still not recovered. The remaining two forces on the mainland are not easy to deal with. But it does not represent the forces on other continents. He just couldn't handle it.

There are four continents in front of this planet, one of which is Douluo. The closest one next to it is the Sun and Moon Continent, but the original prototype of the Sun and Moon Empire was sent away by Chengying's economic bubble, and is now being colonized by the rebels of the American continent, the Thorn Flower Army.

The American continent located in the northern hemisphere was a colony that was once colonized by Tulip. It has now developed on its own and has a small amount of trade with Douluo Continent. The size of the Roland Empire on the mainland is probably larger than the three countries on the mainland now combined.

As for the last continent, it is just crossed by the equator in the middle. The location is in the southeast of Douluo Continent, which is a wild continent that has not been developed much. When the former Cloud Shepherd was preparing to die with Tulip. One of the supervolcanoes that exploded was on this continent.

So for a long time, the living conditions here were quite harsh. That is to say, only by being close to the equator can we survive the ice age that lasted for more than fifty years.

At present there are only some primitive natives here. Civilization was knocked back to its original shape by the eruption of a super volcano.

The Roland Empire, which claims to be a civilized country, lacks the large number of sea traders who risked being shot and crossed the ocean to come to this barbaric land. Capture the original natives here. They were sold to the Sun and Moon Continent, which lacked labor, and a large amount of rare minerals were obtained from the Sun and Moon Continent and transported back to the mainland for sale, forming a sinful triangular trade.

The Douluo people have always been complacent and regard their continent as the center of the world. Little do they know that the outside world is much more exciting, and what they occupy is only a corner of this world.

After conquering most of the Douluo continent's powers, Tang San finally set his sights on the entire planet. Of course the Douluo people don't want to go to sea to conquer territories on other continents. The problem is that they themselves are not unified to begin with. The imperial territory at your fingertips is on your own continent.

In addition, their navigation skills are really outstanding, and all the technology trees are focused on land warfare. I want to research and create a warship that can cross the ocean and still maintain sufficient combat effectiveness. The resources, manpower and material resources required are too great. While paying so much, there is also a high possibility of being backstabbed by other friends on the mainland, leading to a vicious cycle, with fewer and fewer people studying the navy.

But for Tang San, conquering an overseas continent did not require a navy. He just needs to be strong enough. He who kills their army alone cannot stop himself. When the time comes, their top management will be given a bloodbath, leaving only a few cartilages. Then you can smoothly turn that place into your own territory.

Looking at the remaining three continents, Africa is the first to be excluded. It's easy to conquer here. But here there is only a group of primitive aborigines who drink blood from hair and blood, and wealth is created by people. This group of primitive people just emerged from the Stone Age. It really doesn't create much wealth.

When he went to see Roland Empire again, Tang San expressed that he was a little weak. This is Tulip after all, a former colony. And it's huge, so it would be troublesome if there was a moth like Yake inside.

As a result, he occupied the Sun and Moon Continent, where the Thorn Flower Legion under military control became his primary target.

[To be continued]

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