Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,184 The Rebirth of the Sun and Moon Continent

In this world line, the Sun and Moon Continent has a fateful destiny. Originally, in another ten thousand years, they would become the sons of the version, relying on powerful soul guide technology to cross the mountains created by the collision of continental plates. Beat the natives of Douluo Continent to tears.

However, in this world line, they are unlucky if they are unlucky. In terms of their outstanding potential, even Cheng Ying regards them as a potential threat. Suddenly, there was a financial bubble, and a few orchids came from another continent. It has brought a devastating blow to the world's financial markets. To bring a continent that was about to undergo a bourgeois revolution and enter a capitalist society back to its original shape in one move.

However, this is not the most miserable time for them, although they have been hit hard financially. However, the scientific foundation and the means of production have not suffered devastating damage, and even scientific enlightenment has been achieved in a certain sense. If we can concentrate on developing technological breakthroughs in farming, we may develop technologies that are even more prosperous than before.

However, a struggle between theocracy and kingship caused the continent to fall into the shackles of thinking. In the difficult life after the economic crisis, religion began to sprout and people's thoughts were restrained.

Fortunately, things turned around later, and Cheng Ying's disciples came to practice and established the Scientology. The worship of gods was transferred to the worship of ancestors. At the same time, scientific ideas were re-infused into the local indigenous people.

If it had continued to develop, the Scientology would have been able to reunify the continent. Then establish a relatively orderly country. Promote the rapid development of civilization.

However, after missing the opportunity to become the son of the version, it will be more difficult to rise again. The Sun and Moon Continent can be said to be quite unlucky. The unification of the continent was about to be completed, the last leg of the Church of Science was about to win, and the last holy city of the Church of Light was about to fall.

As a result, they were forced to retreat by the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces. The Thorn Flower Legion came across the ocean. Although the Thorn Flower was defeated from the direction of Douluo, it actually did not suffer much losses. The combat effectiveness is even stronger than any single country on the continent. A large number of standard weapons. and a powerful ocean-going fleet. Letting them face the Sun Moon Continental people who had just struggled out of the war was simply bullying them.

As a result, the unlucky Sun and Moon Continent suffered from alien rule on the eve of its rise.

The entire continent was directly under military control, and all daily necessities were rationed, and unified study and labor were required. It's so hard that it makes me want to curse.

However, Montoya, the leader of the Thorns Army, is after all a group of generals who are devoted to Tulip. Influenced by the Tulip culture in the early years, they adopt a more tolerant attitude towards foreign races.

It did not destroy the local cultural and historical heritage, but just used this place as its own base to operate. On the contrary, the local area became quite prosperous after a short period of resumption of production.

Looking at the sun and moon,

The mainland is about to rise again, and Montoya has even discussed with many members of the interim government and decided to launch a satellite launch plan to try to explore deep space.

But unfortunately, he encountered disaster again, that is, Tang San was about to come.

Tang San's restraint on the Sun Moon Continent can be said to be quite serious. Currently the main combat arms of the Sun and Moon Continent. One is the technology left by Tulip decades ago, so it is no different from the cutting-edge technology of the Today Dou Empire.

But most of them are mechanical technologies. There are a lot of soul guidance equipment and electronic components inside. If you encounter a strong person who is extremely powerful in electronic combat, it will be very troublesome.

As for Tang San's electronic warfare ability, there is no doubt that he has the computing power of a supercomputer. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he has the ability to directly invade electronic devices from the physical level. This ability is even more powerful than that of the Cybertronians.

The most important thing is that they are unprepared for what is about to happen next. Montoya certainly knows the situation on the mainland on Douluo's side, and there are signs of Tulip's return, so that the war on the mainland has fallen into a brief lull.

This is news that makes him happy, if tulips can really return to the mainland. The universe will definitely be purged and order will be restored in the world. This is exactly what he wants to see.

Likewise, peace on the mainland. It also made him relax his vigilance. Any normal person wouldn't think so. In such a peaceful continent, war will suddenly break out. And it's facing another continent overseas.

This situation is simply outrageous. After all, Tang San's rise was an accident. Nor can his individual behavior be predicted by the country's political environment.

Just like this, an encounter took place in the sky above the coast of the Sun and Moon Continent.

The legion stationed there were the first to witness the UFO, which was a red dot moving at high speed in the sky. Observe through a telescope. It can be roughly judged that its glow is caused by friction with the atmosphere due to its speed.

This led the local corps to believe it was a fallen meteorite. For this purpose, Thunderstorm combat vehicles were mobilized to intercept. The Thunderbolt's flat main gun is a miniature plasma cannon.

In theory, it can easily intercept missiles, and it is even easier to deal with meteorites with fixed trajectories.

However, this exploratory attack did not achieve the desired effect. The UFO in the sky actively evaded, and the plasma jet did not hit the target.

At this time, all the local officers and soldiers became nervous. Those who can evade are probably living creatures. If that thing in the sky is really alive, then the attack just now is likely to provoke a counterattack from him.

After all, the flying speed is very fast, and the friction with the air already emits a hot red light. Personal strength must be very exaggerated. A casual counterattack by such a strong person would be a disaster for them.

So there were a total of seventeen Thunderstorm Chariots. and more than thirty main battle tanks equipped with shield generators, releasing linked shields at the same time, preparing to withstand counterattacks from the sky.

Although the linkage form is somewhat backward. Tactically. Compared with the Tiandou Empire's battle-tested shields, which lack flexibility, there is absolutely no problem with the quality of Tulip's products. The efficiency of the shield is even more advanced than the most advanced equipment of the Imperial Army, and the shield is higher.

In the blink of an eye, a blue hemisphere enveloped them. No doubt their caution saved their lives.

The UFO in the sky was none other than Tang San. He was originally planning to fly directly to the capital, but he didn't expect that he was shot just as he passed a hilltop.

There is no reason to start a war. If someone fires artillery, how can there be no reason not to fight back? Ever since, the radar on the ground issued a rapid alarm sound, indicating that there was a high-energy reaction ahead.

[To be continued]

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