Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,196 Escape to the Nature Reserve

Poseidon originally wanted to escape directly and live in seclusion on other planets, but the problem is that all Tulip's planets have built large domain walls, which not only play a role similar to Dyson spheres, but also block unofficial space transmission.

It can only be transmitted using the public transportation system in the city and personal mobile terminals.

Cracked versions of warp engines and natural wormholes are controlled items that are absolutely impossible to be mastered by individuals. Poseidon's own spaceship also uses public space pipelines. Under the circumstances of heavy debts and a serious credit crisis, this This kind of transmission is not allowed.

At least the bank has a way to prevent Poseidon from teleporting so that he can't leave the galaxy where he is.

The distance between galaxies is despairingly long. Without space transmission or faster-than-light navigation technology, interstellar navigation would be a joke. It would take several years to reach the nearest galaxy, which is simply despairing.

If Poseidon wants to rely on the sublight speed engine of the spacecraft to fly to the nearest galaxy, it will take ** years. When he arrives, the people from the law enforcement agencies on the opposite side are already waiting there. After all, there is Ansible communication. , can communicate at super-light speeds all the time. If something is done here, the other side will know immediately.

Of course, if you are really afraid of crime and absconding, another option is to go into the deep space of the universe where there are no planets. The vast universe is extremely empty. Hiding a spaceship in the vacuum zone, no one can discover it at all.

But that also means endless loneliness. That feeling is probably much more difficult than being in jail. Every day, you face the endless void of the universe. Apart from the spaceship, there is no other area where you can move. Even if the spaceship is The self-circulatory system can sustain your life for tens of thousands of years, and it is difficult for anyone to bear the loneliness of tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, only wanted criminals who have committed extremely serious crimes and are facing execution will choose to flee to the deep space zone.

Poseidon collected so many things just to show off on undeveloped planets, so why would he choose to escape into the dark interstellar world?

Facing the bank's reminder, Poseidon dealt with it while trying to apply for an exit permit for the spacecraft. As long as it broke away from the wall of the big domain and relied on his own divine power, he could complete the teleportation or go to the area under the jurisdiction of the God Realm.

As long as you are teleported to the jurisdiction of the God Realm, you can use the God Realm as a springboard to teleport to other planets.

What is more feasible at present is undoubtedly to use legal means or public transportation to go to the planet radiated by the forces of the gods, so that he can borrow the power of the gods to escape.

However, the problem is that the alien planet that Tulip initially colonized was found by borrowing the power of the divine world. Therefore, those planets that were radiated by the power of the divine realm,

They are often the earliest developed and the most prosperous. This makes Poseidon, which is in a credit crisis, unable to use the public transportation system to go there.

To enter the bustling area of ​​Tulip, one must have a sufficient credit rating. Poseidon will definitely not be able to enter now. Even if he gets on the bus first and then pays for the ticket, he will be stopped by the planet's homeport and will not be allowed to enter, and his energy will be directly imprisoned. None of the passages in the God Realm can be used.

Poseidon was anxiously looking for open stars that he could go to at the spaceship transfer station, hoping to escape pursuit. However, most of the worlds connected to the divine world were inaccessible to him with his current poor credit rating.

A commotion could already be seen near the spaceship transfer station. Bank debt collectors were advancing among the crowded spaceships, squeezing towards Poseidon's spaceship.

"Hurry! Hurry up and give me a place that I can pass Douluo Continent? Primitive Civilization Reserve? Can I apply for tourism?" Seeing that the debt collector was getting closer and closer, Poseidon suddenly saw a familiar name. Although It was unclear what a primitive civilization reserve was, but at this time, there was no time to hesitate, so Poseidon immediately chose to teleport.

The dark portal opened, and the spaceship disappeared into the spacecraft transfer station like pearls sucked through a straw in bubble milk tea. The space teleportation method takes almost no time.

When Poseidon saw something again, there was a blue planet in front of him.

There are four pieces on the planet, and the continents float on the ocean. Three of them are larger and one is smaller. The small piece and the largest piece are close together. It almost blends together.

The Poseidon who has spied on people countless times in the God Realm. Naturally, he could tell that the terrain of the planet under his feet was Douluo. He could even find his own Poseidon Island between the Ming Dou Strait, but his Poseidon Island had been cleared by immigrants.

The reason is quite reasonable. Just like the residents of Easter Island, the Poseidon Familia on the island used the resources of Poseidon Island without restraint, felling all the trees on it, destroying the fresh water source on it, causing the island to not survive at all. There are so many of them alive. So much so that they had to relocate en masse to a neighboring continent.

There is nothing we can do about it. When Poseidon can still take care of this island. More or less grace will be given to them. For example, convert seawater into fresh water. Spawn plant growth on the island. Or just let the fish strand on the shore to provide them with food. For Poseidon, this is just a thought.

Compared to the large amount of faith that can be gained by doing this, this small amount of effort is completely insignificant.

This also led to the habit of the residents on Poseidon Island, as long as they prayed devoutly to God. You can live a life without worries about food and clothing. Wait until the sea cucumber has no energy to pay attention to them. They realize that the things they once took for granted are no longer so natural.

In the end, they still restored resources uncontrollably, causing the island's resources to deplete. Must leave. This case was also included in the textbook of Soul Beast Empire. To warn future generations. The resources of the planet are limited and unrestrained. If they are wasted on internal consumption, they will probably be like the residents of Poseidon Island. In the end, there were no resources left to build ships and go to sea. If not for the fleet, they happened to be passing by and discovered them. He would be trapped alive on an island.

This is also true on planets. The resources available on a single planet are limited. Although Douluo Planet is rich in resources. It is more than enough to support several space civilizations. But if they continue to suffer internal friction like this for tens of thousands of years, sooner or later they will be completely trapped and die on this planet.

Poseidon does not care about the future and culture of this planet. He is more concerned about where those who once believed in him have gone. Only by coming into contact with the power of faith can he communicate with the divine world more conveniently, and use the power of the divine realm as a springboard to teleport to other planets without development departments as a blessing.

And soon he found where the people who once believed in him were. They were rescued by the passing Thorn Flower Army, and now they have collectively immigrated to the Sun and Moon Continent.

[To be continued]

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