Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,197 The extremely wealthy Poseidon

Although Poseidon is now being chased by debt collectors and looks miserable, he does have good things in him. Otherwise, there would be no debt collectors who would bite his butt and chase him. Not to mention the several sets of nano-swarms on his body, they are all top-notch civilian products. It can completely replace the silicon-based viruses that once gave Tulip people countless conveniences, and this time the nano-swarm is no longer symbiotic, but completely controllable. It can synthesize most of the substances needed by the human body in the body, and can even temporarily change human genes to strengthen and train personal abilities in a targeted manner.

This is just a personal device. The effect produced can generally only be used in sports competitions such as fighting competitions. But because of its precision, it is still very rare.

In addition, he also carries eight hundred custom-made tridents with him. By the standards of the God Realm, every one of them can be considered a divine weapon.

The power is even greater than that of artifacts. This is also his strongest weapon so far. If used simultaneously. The energy of annihilation of tens of tons of matter and antimatter can be erupted in one second. He can control eight hundred customized tridents if he wants to. It can even directly tear apart a planet protected by soul power like Douluo.

Moving mountains and reclaiming seas cannot describe the power he can unleash. It would be more appropriate to use Fentian to cook Hailan. The impact released by many weapons combined. It can blow away the entire atmosphere. This is Burning Heaven, if Poseidon transfers all the energy of the attack to Huawei Heat. As long as it takes time, the ocean can be evaporated completely. This is called boiling the sea.

These eight hundred weapons are nothing in the military. Any commander has more than a thousand aerospace weapons.

But in the private sector, the price of such customized products is quite high. As long as the products are collected and auctioned, the bank can still recover part of the losses.

If there is any auction item, it happens to be out of print. Maybe it can be sold for 80 million, and in that case, maybe there is still money to be made.

In addition, Poseidon also has several top-level civilian mechas. Contrary to the miniaturization of aerospace weapons, the size of the mechas is small. On the contrary, it is quite huge. It is no exaggeration to say that it can reach thousands of meters. Anyway, it can be stored in space equipment, and the huge size will not affect the convenience of use.

Mechas are heavy weapons, and the equipment installed inside are much more powerful than ordinary aerospace weapons. They are generally used as star weapons or fortress attack equipment.

There is certainly no way to compare with the numerous and compact aerospace weapons in terms of speed and flexibility, but they have stronger force fields and defenses. The top civilian mecha. If operated at full power, it can even refine the planet.

The so-called refining is to turn all the atoms of the planet into ones that can be transformed into each other among various elements. The polymerization of heavy elements actually means combining all the atoms. All turned into hydrogen and a lot of energy, this is called chaos,

Whatever matter you want to condense, you can perform fusion and transform the elements.

If there are living things on this planet. No special protection is provided, or the individual creature is not strong enough. Then these creatures will be the same as other ordinary substances on the planet. Refined into chaotic matter.

This kind of painting style already has a bit of the style of the high-demon world. The so-called powerful man refining the planet with his bare hands is nothing more than this scene.

In addition to several top-level civilian mechas, Poseidon also has an extremely luxurious car. This thing can be said to be the most precious thing on his body. Its huge size and complete ecological self-circulation system are only the second best.

What's valuable is the interior of the spacecraft. Numerous storage facilities. There is a lot of civilization-related knowledge and artistic works stored in it, but secondly, most of the knowledge can be obtained through formal channels. Even some confidential knowledge can be unlocked and obtained as long as the knowledge reaches a certain level.

But artistic works are different. Tulip has a very strong internal copyright awareness. This is not the result of official monitoring, but the result of capital operations. Viewers watching piracy will affect the income of capitalists. Therefore, it is very difficult to watch pirated copies in Tulip. All major platforms will not allow any screen recording to occur. Even ordinary video equipment is prohibited from being used facing the screen when playing film and television works.

In other words, it is impossible to take pictures with another camera. Unless the camera equipment used is illegal equipment assembled by oneself without any safety protocols and parts produced by regular manufacturers, it is possible to record this part of the video.

Therefore, every pirated collection can be sold for a very high price on the black market. The Poseidon here is a huge amount of pirated works stored entirely in order to leave Tulip's rule forever. Copying is also possible. You can definitely sell one on the black market. The price is amazing, and most importantly, this business can even be successful.

In addition, the most precious thing about Poseidon is the many Neumann machines he installed on the spacecraft.

Although these things are not particularly strictly regulated on the market, they are also quite expensive. Generally, only pioneers who go out to the planet to open up wasteland are willing to buy it.

And generally only one of them will be purchased. After all, one template is enough for interstellar exploration.

Only Poseidon is really prepared to live on his newly developed planet forever. Therefore, we have prepared a large number of Neumann machines, of various models, from the most primitive Don't Starve version to Terraria and Star Frontier. Then you have a professional interstellar explorer template for trembling and China's Red Alert template, StarCraft template, the most versatile MC template, it can be said that he has collected almost all the versions available on the market.

After that, he found professionals to customize it, and combined the advantages of many templates to create his own exclusive template. It has richer functions and more powerful performance, and the effect is close to the military's basic template.

In the final analysis, it is possible to achieve this level because the army's standard weapons and cutting-edge weapons cannot be produced by Neumann machines. Therefore, the management of Neumann machines, which are mainly used for production and development, is not as strict as weapons. Strictly speaking, the ones on the market itself are quite advanced.

As for interstellar bases, it's okay to bully the planet's natives, but it's too naive to deal with a real army. Any commander who can control three thousand aerospace weapons can single-handedly defeat a base vehicle that has been deployed for more than a year. .

There is no way to make up for the huge gap in technological content by simply exploding troops without upgrading the supporting technology.

In the final analysis, although Poseidon was hunted down like a lost dog, his outfit, when it comes to Douluo, is like Kai Wushuang.

[To be continued]

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