Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1301 Forbidden Curse

Cheng Ying is also thinking about what is going on in front of Zhang Ren. Under the same request, the guidance of destiny can have different effects.

And if you want to achieve the same effect, taking different paths may consume different amounts of destiny.

In this way, the guidance of destiny is more like a lever, a useful tool. Head-on confrontation is the biggest waste of this tool. It is more like a key.

If one is guided by destiny to open a box and get the contents, then a timed destiny may be able to pry open thousands of boxes and take out the contents.

But if you convert the power of this destiny into an attack, blow up the box, and then obtain the contents inside, the power may be exhausted after a few boxes at most.

In this way, Cheng Ying had some idea of ​​how to use the guidance of destiny. In fact, the most suitable thing for this thing is to use the existing power.

Whether it is borrowing Sanguizi's power from Shenxiang, or borrowing Han Xin's power from the immortal, this is the truth. The power exerted by both is much stronger than that used directly.

But the power that can be borrowed is not necessarily that of humans or gods. What is really easier to borrow and more widespread is the power of nature. The power contained in a typhoon sweeping the coast is equivalent to countless Big Ivans. If it can be borrowed, it can easily destroy the most powerful army in the world.

The rushing water in the rivers is releasing huge energy every moment, which is easier to borrow than hurricanes, or the snow on the towering peaks can also be easily lifted under the pull of destiny. Turn into a terrifying avalanche, swallowing up your enemies.

But these are relatively high-end uses. There is no doubt that considerable computing power and basic physics knowledge are required. It is impossible for Zhang Ren to learn it in a short time.

And this kind of operation is not so much a legion talent, but rather a use of the legion talent as a forbidden spell.

In contrast, with a large army at hand, calling the Marquis of Huaiyin to fight on his behalf was currently Zhang Ren's best trick to amplify the power of his destiny.

"Uncle Master just borrowed the power of Sanguizi from the Divine Land. In other words, the power that just came to you was not created by destiny, but pulled down by destiny.

When my uncle used his destiny just now, I couldn't use the same power.

If you put it this way, the power of the super strong people you have seen, especially those who are dead, can probably be borrowed through the guidance of destiny. "

Li Yuan's words suddenly enlightened Zhang Ren.

The reason why he gave up martial arts and joined the army in the first place was because he had watched Han Xin command an army in a dream, and then he realized that an individual's combat effectiveness was really insignificant in front of the army.

Then he resolutely gave up the practice of personal force and began to study the art of war.

But it's a pity that Zhang Ren is in the serious art of war. It's really a bit lacking. To put it bluntly, military tactics are not suitable for him. What suits him is military yin and yang, or the military acting skills he created...

In short, it is to improve one's own morale through pretense, and then use the Eye of Destiny, a legion talent that follows every word, to strengthen the trust of the soldiers in themselves, and to cooperate with their acting skills and special effects, so that the soldiers can perform beyond their normal capabilities and let the soldiers perform their best. Opponents cannot use their full strength.

This places extremely high demands on the commander's acting skills. Not everyone can pretend to be a badass. This requires a strong psychological quality, a shameless tough mentality, and innate temperament and acting skills. Obviously, Zhang Ren He is extremely talented in this aspect. Even Han Xin in the original work believes that almost no one can surpass him in this aspect.

However, Cheng Ying feels that it is not enough. Since Zhang Ren likes the kind of golden painting style, then naturally he has to shine all the way to the end. People in this era still don’t have a deep understanding of special effects, and the special effects they create are too exaggerated. , lacking a real sense of shock.

To put it bluntly, the art skills are not up to standard. From the abstract and painful perspective of paintings in this era, we can understand how painful the special effects produced by civil servants in this era are. Although a lot of effort was put into it, the details were so abundant that the budget exploded. But it just doesn't seem very real.

This is only one aspect of it. On the other hand, it is also a matter of imagination. It is also the scene of thousands of swords firing at once. A pile of swords are simply arranged and suspended in mid-air. It is more handsome without the King's Treasure and Infinite Sword System.

Cheng Ying thought about it and asked Zhang Ren to learn how to act cool like Jin Shining. Although the Street Lamp King was not lovable, few people could compare to him in his cool style.

Zhang Ren and Li Yuan got along quite well, especially after discovering that his legion was extremely talented and could ensnare these thousands of white horse followers without affecting Li Yuan's own legion's talent. Zhang Ren liked it even more. Cooperated with Li Yuan.

The special effects of the dual legion talent were naturally forcibly created by Cheng Ying. Anyway, he had decided to follow Zhang Ren. The next battle would definitely be extremely difficult. He had to find a way to get Zhang Ren to call Han Xin out at the most suitable moment.

Cheng Ying remembered that Jose's rankings in various real-time strategy games in Tulip were not particularly high. A fair match between two people would probably be a 50-50 split with this level of commanding ability. Although the army can be flexibly dispatched by relying on huge computing power, if it encounters a big move like Huaiyin Hou's coming, then it is waiting to be beaten.

In fact, in this situation, the military god who is most helpful in solving the problem is Bai Qi. This does not mean that Bai Qi is stronger than Han Xin. After more than one million people participated in the battle, Bai Qi may not be able to defeat Han Xin, but There is one thing about Bai Qi that Han Xin cannot compare to. This guy is all about annihilation.

The reason why there is a saying in ancient wars that three things are missing and one is missing is because it is so difficult to meet. Even if you are surrounded, you must leave a way out to allow the enemy to escape and become confused, so that you can chase down the defeated enemy. Otherwise, if you don't get up and burn, the enemy will be killed and you won't have to pay a considerable price.

The top priority now is to annihilate the effective strength of this group of brainwashed guys. Compared with Han Xin, he is more certain that he can win this battle. Bai Qi's fighting method of annihilating the enemy to the greatest extent is the most suitable.

It's a pity that Zhang Ren has never met Bai Qi, and Cheng Ying doesn't know where Bai Qi died. Without any clues, it is impossible to summon the God of Death.

When both sides were not perfectly prepared, the armies met on the east coast of the Han Empire...

[To be continued]

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