Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,302 Special Military Formation

Compared with the Han Empire's army, which is all cavalry, the immigration army's troops are all infantry. Although it is not impossible to brainwash the horses, in this world, due to Chen Xi's transformation, the pastures are all state-owned and semi-military management. It's much harder to get a horse than a human.

The immigration army's military formation also looks extremely weird. The weirdest thing is that a large part of this military formation is built by women.

In empires such as the Han Empire and Rome, no matter how much they expanded their armies, there would basically never be legions composed purely of women.

On the one hand, there is a substantial gap between women and men in terms of physical fitness, which cannot be changed by will. On the other hand, women's fighting will is generally weaker than that of men, whether it is physiological or cultural influences. male.

The benefits of pure female soldiers are so low that no empire has attempted to form such a standing army.

But the immigration army does not have this problem. When everyone is prohibited from doing so, individual physical fitness is not that important. Moreover, it can be seen from the distribution of the military formation that women are located at the rear of the military formation, and their role is closer to replenishing cloud energy.

This scene made Huangfusong look solemn. Originally, he considered that although there were five million rebel people this time, they could only serve as warriors. Excluding women, children, old and weak men, it would be good to have one-fifth of them. If so, With one million people, even if he can enforce the order and prohibition, Huangfusong is confident that he can win this battle with relatively small losses by relying on the quality of his soldiers.

But the situation in front of him obviously told him that he was too optimistic. Not only did these people allow women to appear among the masses without permission, but they also arranged women, children, the old and the weak at the rear of the military and political affairs to serve as a battery for luck. .

Even if these people are on the battlefield, they will still be affected by physical fitness and other reasons. It is difficult to compare with normal soldiers, but regardless of gender and age, both sides are actually human beings in a military formation surrounded by spears. Even if they are a little weaker, as long as they don't flee out of fear, the exchange ratio won't be too ugly.

"Damn it! What on earth do they want to do! They even sent women to the scene!" Zhang Ren frowned. He was a little worried whether his soldiers would be merciful because their opponent was a woman.

It’s not that soldiers are lustful, but the behavior of beating women has always been regarded as bullying the weak in this era and even in later generations.

Zhao Yun next to him pretended not to hear anything and kept an expressionless face, but he still suffered a disaster. The blame was on him for provoking Ma Yunlu and Lu Qiling...

"Hey! Are you looking down on women?" Probably because Zhang Ren is Zhao Yun's senior brother, Ma Yunlu was not polite to Zhang Ren at all. She also practiced Qi and became a gangster, and could fight better than many men.

"I'm not..." Zhang Ren felt aggrieved. If it weren't for this, this might be his junior sister.

He won't even care about such nonsense.

"This is not a matter of looking down, but in today's era, women's social status is naturally lower than men." Cheng Ying shrugged. Women's awakening is not just a matter of saying that women are inferior to men. It is essentially more important than men. This is much crueler.

"Let's put it this way! In fact, men and women are naturally opposed to each other from a certain perspective. Improving one's status and oppressing the opposite sex are instinctive behaviors.

Don't rush to refute. Think about it carefully. Because of race, skin color, and even culture and religion, two groups of people can make fools of each other. Aren't the differences between men and women much bigger than these? Excluding the influence of physiological needs and cultural history, people of different genders are born in two camps.

Due to physiological needs and labor shortages, the two camps must cooperate to survive, but the process of cooperation is inevitably accompanied by competition for dominance and interests.

That is to say, whoever can fight better and play a greater role in the league will be in a dominant position and can oppress the other party. To put it more coldly, there is no right or wrong. Excluding individual examples, in this era It is true that women living in a single household cannot support their family through farming. They are inherently weak in terms of force, so they are naturally the oppressed party.

Just watch! Those female soldiers in the rebel army will probably be used as tools to provide cloud energy. Once the situation goes bad, they will be the first to be abandoned. "

Although what Cheng Ying said is extreme, the reality is to a large extent like this. The improvement of women's status in modern society is not the pity of men. From a collective perspective, men do not want the improvement of women's status to divert their social resources. .

Women's social status has changed from objects to people entirely because they can enter factories and be squeezed out of their last stamina just like men. They can die of exhaustion and illness in factories. Only then, relying on the value they create, can women gradually become The power in the alliance between the sexes became stronger, and finally it was barely able to compete with men.

Of course, this is a modern situation. In the Han Dynasty, although women were not as statusless as later generations, they were still far from men. Jose knew the difference very well, so he positioned female soldiers as tool people. Cold, but also very sensible.

If he were a general of this era, if he had female soldiers on hand, he would probably not let female soldiers undertake dangerous tasks such as cutting off the rear in order to reduce the loss of combat effectiveness, but Jose would never make such a mistake. , which makes it more difficult to deal with.

When the distance between the two sides was still two kilometers, extremely thick clouds rose from the immigration army's side. As the clouds gathered, a layer of eggshell-like shield enveloped them.

Different technology trees lead to completely different ways of using extraordinary power. Other legions generally coordinate the will of their soldiers and inject them into the clouds to form various special effects.

But Jose did not do this. The soldiers' will had long been brainwashed and unified by him. The will distributed in the cloud was used by him as a link to control the cloud. With simple conditions, he created an energy shield of this level. s things.

Similar things can also be done by the mid-base camp, but compared with the utilization efficiency of cloud gas and the difficulty of training, it is difficult to compare with the super large-scale linkage shield in front of us.

Different eras resulted in very different tactical ideas between the two sides. Due to the influence of the previous era, the generals of the Han Empire were still accustomed to close combat and cavalry charges and beheadings.

But Jose knew very well that the Banzai Charge style of play would be eliminated sooner or later, at least if the individual's strength could not improve as fast as the weapons.

When the distance between the two sides was still two kilometers, the immigrant army launched an attack.

[To be continued]

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