Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,307 Military Soul Cavalry

Now that it has been determined, the other party is stalling for time. In fact, it is just to transport more supplies to sea in enough time, so there is no need to be too anxious to attack now.

Slowly grinding against the opponent and consuming the vitality will be beneficial to the Han Empire. The opponent has been preparing for a long time. It can be said that everything that can be prepared has been prepared. Even if they are allowed to transport more supplies to the sea, it is harmless. The Han Empire has no shortage of such supplies.

Acting with the opposite party and continuing to delay time can give the civil servants of the Han Empire enough time to deduce a military formation that can freeze the sea surface and deduce a military formation that can advance the ice front at high speed on the sea surface.

In this way, it gave the Han Empire more time to prepare, and it could also send the inner energy to leave the body and fly over to inform Zhou Yu of the enemy's possible plan, so that they could coordinate to intercept it on the sea.

In short, from this moment on, the Han Empire needs to delay time, making the enemy feel that the Han Empire's attack is fierce, but there is no way to defeat them, making the enemy think that it relies on its own strength rather than the enemy. Because of his carelessness, he delayed his stay, and the best opportunity to kill the enemy's vitality happened to be right in front of him.

In this case, Huangfu Song had a plan and dispatched the cavalry that was least worried about the siege. It was also the strongest cavalry in the Han Empire at present, Hua Xiong's Divine Iron Cavalry.

In this world line, Guan Yu did not kill Hua Xiong, but spared his life. This undoubtedly means that he left behind a very strong general, and even the commander-in-chief, Guan Yu There is a chance that he can't beat Hua Xiong's divine cavalry.

In this version, Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army has been greatly strengthened. Almost all Xiliang generals are top-notch generals (except Wan Peng)...

The strongest characteristic of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is... defense...

Wearing only the tattered leather armor, they can build up their defense as high as that of heavy cavalry. This is what makes them so awesome. Although the defense and attack of heavy cavalry are very high, the problem is that they are too heavy. Turning is a very important problem, just like the eliminated chariots of this era. In a normal war, the heavy cavalry only needs to be recharged once, and it's basically over. By the time they turned around and came back, the battle was almost over.

This is why although heavy cavalry has almost perfect defense, few empires use this kind of cavalry, while Xiliang Iron Cavalry perfectly inherits the advantages of heavy cavalry defense without the bulky problem.

The powerful defensive power is even added to the soldiers themselves. It is very possible that even if they are stabbed in the face, they will be fine, and they can cut off the enemy's head with a backhand knife.

The Divine Iron Cavalry, which has been upgraded to a military soul, is one of the strongest arms in this era. Although it does not have the special ultimate move of the military soul legion, it does have a pretty awesome passive skill, which is to convert all kinetic energy strikes into own speed,

The higher the speed, the higher the defense. Before their speed is reduced to less than 70% of the normal speed, almost all attacks cannot break through their defense, because all attacks will be dispersed to them, including those who gave birth to their mounts. whole body.

In other words, when a spear is thrust forward, the pressure from the tip of the spear is dispersed throughout the body of the man and the horse. Such an attack can hardly cause any damage. Even if the inner energy is separated from the body, it is almost impossible to kill the soldiers against such defense.

If you want to break through this outrageous defense, one is to use heavy weapons to withstand the weakening of the defense and forcefully kill the opponent. This level of attack may only be possible with a heavy artillery of more than 200 mm. The other is to rely on constant melee attacks to weaken the speed of the Xiliang cavalry. After being weakened to less than 70% of the normal level, this outrageous defense is gone. After all, even if all the power is dispersed throughout the body, the impact will still be received, and conservation of momentum must be observed. Therefore, after encountering a large number of enemies, the Divine Iron Cavalry will still slow down.

This time, Huangfusong planned to take advantage of the fact that the enemy didn't know that the Divine Iron Cavalry could use long-range attacks to speed him up. He relied on their strong defense and speed to forcefully break through the shield.

It was really impossible for Jose to guess what kind of passive skills the enemy's military soul army had, especially in the military formation he designed, where almost all active attacks were long-range. When the enemy troops approached, they would immediately A cloud arrow strikes.

Cloud Qi Arrow can be said to be the top talent of the archer legion, if not the only one, because this move does not need to consider the number of physical arrows carried, and you can throw as many as you want.

This terrifying effect was forcibly achieved by Jose using military formations. In theory, any talent can be simulated using legion, but no one in the Han Empire can simulate such a heaven-defying talent as Cloud Qi Arrow. , even Huangfu Song looked solemn.

This time, although the enemy did not know the talent advantage of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, and asked the enemy to use cloud arrows to increase the speed of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, this move will be very difficult to deal with in the next battle. Once together, legion attacks are almost impossible to use. Because after the clouds of both sides are connected together. Legion attacks will hit you on the head.

But the cloud arrows can still be used. The opponent's endless arrows are definitely a nightmare for light armored units. Even if the temporary mid-base camp he deploys can add shields to the troops, the attacks that can be withstood are limited. Yes, with this terrifying amount, even if only one percent is exposed, it is enough to annihilate the whole army with crispy skin like Rui Shi.

But those troubles will only come later. It is the immigrant army that is in trouble now, because their tactical idea is to attack from a distance. This led to the time when Hua Xiong came over with the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. Subconsciously, the whole army passed by with a wave of arrows. After all, there were less than 3,000 people on the opposite side. Even if they were all heavily armored cavalry, millions of cloud arrows were still powerful enough to kill the opponent first.

However, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is almost immune to long-range attacks. Unless it is a super-standard strike of more than ten times the speed of sound from a ship-borne ballista, the damage to the Divine Iron Cavalry will be zero.

After a wave of arrows, the Xiliang cavalry was not harmed, but its speed increased to normal speed. One point five times.

At this time, Jose made a fatal mistake, which is also a common thinking among Tulip people, that is, there is nothing that a bright explosion cannot solve. If it cannot be solved, then increase the intensity.

So, in the second round, nearly ten million cloud arrows were thrown down like water poured from the sky. It can no longer even be said that this is a bow and arrow, but a plank falling from the sky. Theoretically, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry's defense against long-range attacks also has a limit, but obviously this level of attack is not enough to reach their limit.

It is precisely because of this that, for the first time in history, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry experienced the speed of Baima Yicong running at full speed.

[To be continued]

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