Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1308: Speedy Iron Cavalry

The speed of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was almost beyond the shadow. Even they themselves did not expect to reach such a terrifying speed. It is true that no opponent on this continent can give them such abundant long-range attacks.

You must know that speed is proportional to the square of kinetic energy, and the speed doubles. Then the kinetic energy will increase four times. Xiliang Iron Cavalry D

The speed is almost 3 to 4 times that of the normal state. One can imagine how much energy this requires. Ordinary long-range strikes are simply impossible to provide such a high impact to them.

Only this kind of attack is more intensive than rain. Only then can they increase their speed so much.

It's just that the speed in front of me is too fast. For the short-legged Xiliang cavalry, it has even exceeded their own speed. All they can do is thrust forward with their guns.

Keep the most familiar charging action. Then let the surrounding scenery pass by you. No matter what happens, just hold on to the spear in your hand. Believe that whatever is in front of them can be penetrated by them.

The Divine Iron Cavalry does not have the gift of super-speed reaction, nor does it have the ability of a white horse to control the wind. At this high speed, it is impossible to see what is happening around it. But the only thing they have is that they have almost invincible defense. Even if you can't see anything clearly, just forget about the spear and rush all the way. He can crush everything in front of him.

With this belief, all the Xiliang cavalry were led by Hua Xiong. He rushed towards the immigration army's formation at an incredible speed.

Compared to a war involving millions of people, these three thousand cavalry are actually nothing. This is also true. They dug through and crushed everything in their path. But it also caused about the same number of casualties as theirs, which was for a legion that was completely unaffected by morale. It's not really a big blow, but the boost to one's side's morale can increase the entire army's combat effectiveness by one to two percent.

It can be said that Xiliang Iron Cavalry is not good at accelerating, and it seems that it is not good at braking either.

After the Divine Iron Cavalry penetrated the enemy's position, they discovered an important problem. That means they can't stop the car.

Before developing this talent, they never imagined that they could run so fast. So I didn't think about how to brake after accelerating to the limit. Ever since, they had truly experienced how to penetrate the mountains.

The military formation that was originally inserted diagonally through the immigrant army now directly hit the valleys on both sides. I saw the cliff shaking. It was unexpectedly collapsed by them. The iron cavalry did not leave a cave wherever it passed. Instead, it directly collapsed the mountain, and then rushed through the middle while the earth and rocks above did not fall completely.

After passing through the mountains, the speed has not completely slowed down.

Went straight to the sea. Now Hua Xiong was in a hurry. The soldiers under his command were all northerners and basically few of them could swim. If he rushed into the sea at this speed, he would still be wearing armor. Most likely they will drown.

Even if you resist death, you will not be able to resist sinking to the bottom of the sea. No matter how powerful your will is, how can you resist death when all the cells in your body have died due to lack of oxygen?

However, when they actually rushed to the sea, these guys were surprised to find out. His horse actually stepped on the sea and rushed out.

This is no longer the power that the military soul can give them, nor is it the so-called talent, but a miracle that is one foot high in the sky, that is, a power stronger than the ultimate strength of this world. It can achieve various things like wishing. The power of incredible things.

Although even Hua Xiong himself doesn't know how it reached this level. But they can indeed run on the sea. Huangfu Song, who was observing with a telescope, was originally watching the Xiliang cavalry rush into the sea. It feels extremely wrong. If an elite military soul army is lost because of this kind of thing. That's a waste of money.

But he didn't expect that the other party would forcibly learn the technique of running on the water. This means that in the next ice battlefield, the Han Empire will have more strategic choices.

Since the Xiliang Iron Cavalry can penetrate the mountains. Then breaking the ice on the sea should not be that difficult in the mountains. The Xiliang Cavalry finally slowed down on the sea surface. It's come full circle. Then he ran back from the sea.

As for any delaying plans, they were all disrupted by these unreliable guys. Huangfu Song could not have expected this situation. In fact, in the follow-up plot of the original work, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is world-famous for its amusements. Things like the three generals trying to trap the leader of the camp and merging into a four-headed, eight-armed centaur are all familiar.

If Huangfusong knew the nature of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. They will definitely not be allowed to execute such a technical tactic to delay time.

Not only that, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry's powerful strength that shattered the mountains seemed to have given the immigrant army other thoughts. From the initial delay, they changed their battle thinking and actually launched an active attack.

Unlike ordinary legions that would charge until they were very close before launching an attack, the immigrant army made it clear that they would focus on long-range attacks. The previous legion that did not take long-range attacks is now far away. So now is a great opportunity to attack with all strength, suppress the Han Empire army, and even frighten the opponent with fierce firepower.

After all, it only depends on the strength of the panel. The immigrant army has an absolute numerical advantage. If both sides simply attack with legions, they will definitely be able to drain the Han Empire's army dry.

How could Jose not prepare in advance when he already knew that the legion's attack would be offset by the clouds? Cloud gas can neutralize legion attacks, but if it takes another form. What was thrown past was not a legion attack. But what about the rocks that were blown away by the legion's attack?

If you use Legion Attack as a bat, the stones you hit will be weakened by the clouds! Of course, Jose's use of cloud gas is much more efficient than his bat.

Huge clouds gathered in the middle of the military formation and turned into structures like giant springs, which were compressed by force. The interior is also filled with high-pressure cloud gas, forming a sealed sleeve, which continuously releases the power within it. The propulsion force it can create is absolutely terrifying.

Hundreds of boulders that had not been polished too carefully but weighed dozens of tons were thrown into the barrel of the cloud. As the power within the barrel is released. These huge stones were accelerated to an incredible degree.

It exceeded the speed of sound almost instantly, its surface turned red, and it hit the direction of the Han Empire like a meteorite.

[To be continued]

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