Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,309 Chaotic War

Limited by the war thinking of this era, even famous generals at the level of the Four Saints rarely take large-scale long-range attacks into consideration in battle.

So it was my first time to defend against this kind of attack.

Cloud gas suppresses legion attacks, but it does not suppress ordinary physical attacks. But it has almost no big impact. Otherwise, archers would have been eliminated from the army long ago.

During the melee between the armies, the clouds and qi were all entangled. Almost everyone's heads were covered by clouds, and if the clouds could even neutralize physical attacks. There was no way the bow and arrow could be fired.

Even soldiers who are fighting will feel as if they are fighting in the water. If they wave their weapons casually, they will feel great resistance. This situation is obviously impossible.

The boulder, which was accelerated to an incredible speed, was not affected by the clouds at all and crashed into the military formation. Even if the middle camp immediately put a layer of shield on the part that was hit.

But facing an attack with such speed. This layer of shield is nothing more than a layer of egg shell. He didn't even hold on for a second before he was shattered.

As for the large shield in the soldier's hand, it had no effect at all in front of such a huge boulder of more than ten tons, and both the man and the shield were beaten into a pulp.

Even the soldiers behind him were not spared, as if the scene of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was reenacted. But this time it's no longer the cavalry that's moving forward, but the rows of boulders.

In a straight line, almost all the soldiers were crushed. No one is immune to this level of impact. Even if the inner energy is out of the body and is hit, it will definitely be beaten into pulp.

Only a strong man like Dian Wei, whose physical fitness reached a certain ridiculous level, could break a huge boulder forcefully. But he was also blown away by the reaction force. Even if he is a Jingpojie, he must abide by the conservation of momentum, no matter what is going on in the world. Since it can operate and looks similar to the normal world, it must follow classical physics at the macro level.

For a time, the morale of the Han Empire plummeted at a speed visible to the naked eye. This was their unprecedented war experience. No one could have expected that the opponent's long-range attacks could be so fierce. Especially after seeing the enemy's cloud cannon. After just one round of firing, reloading started again, and everyone was panicked.

Even the elite army felt quite guilty when facing this kind of attack. Except for the perverts of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, no one can resist this attack. Even if the Xiliang Iron Cavalry activates all defenses, they will be knocked away when faced with this attack.

It's just a simple throwing of rocks. When the speed reaches a certain level, the damage caused is insane. At this time, the shortcomings of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry's short legs became apparent.

Now they are the only ones who can effectively resist these boulders.

But because they were running too fast, they couldn't stop the car and rushed into the sea. Now I'm running back at full speed. The problem is that there are no enemy ranged attacks to help them speed up. Xiliang cavalry can be said to be the slowest cavalry. By the time they came back, the day lilies were cold.

The immigration army's filling speed is very fast. After all, only ordinary, unpolished stones were used. Almost, it's enough to knock out a circle. With the mountains by the sea, it is very easy to mine such stones. There is no need to worry about ammo consumption at all.

Seeing that the second round of more than 500 boulders was about to be launched again, Huangfu Song made a prompt decision and launched a military formation covering all members. The most basic Xuanxiang formation was used, excluding all bonuses to the army. Only the most basic functions are retained. That is to say, it is real but illusory, interfering with the opponent's vision.

This was also the most basic function of the military and political affairs of the Han Empire. This makes it impossible for the enemy to judge how many people they are facing. Then create superior forces locally and quickly annihilate the opponent.

However, this time the function has been changed to simply confuse the opponent's vision so that the opponent cannot aim.

Huangfusong's judgment was extremely timely. He did not consider the situation of the immigrant army and only relied on vision to aim within the military formation. We can only see overlapping, fast-moving troops, and we have no idea in which direction the opponent is. You can only shoot indiscriminately in the direction of the enemy you remember.

Although this salvo caused a lot of casualties, it was less than half of the previous one. Most of the stones were emptied due to the interference of vision.

But Huangfusong knew very well that this kind of thing would only work this time. It is impossible for the enemy to have no other means of aiming. As for his current military formation, the only thing that could interfere with his opponent's vision was his.

In fact, changing aiming methods is very easy. Since vision is unreliable, rely on hearing. It's not like I heard the enemy's footsteps. Things like footwork are easy to imitate. It is even easier to disguise than the optical illusion caused by the military formation.

However, if it is ultrasonic positioning, it is almost impossible to shield it without understanding the principles.

Face this kind of remote attack that is difficult to defend against. Huangfusong could only give up the decision to delay. The whole army was ordered to attack. Unlike his opponents, he doesn't need to worry about morale.

If the opponent takes two more rounds like this, his morale will collapse. At this time, you must attack and come to the opponent's side. Make it impossible for them to attack face to face.

He knows it very well. The reason why the opponent chooses to attack from a distance. Largely because their weapons are so bad. He is basically a scumbag in close combat, and can withstand the cavalry of the Han Empire, charging and killing him repeatedly. It’s entirely because of that no matter how you divide it. Will continue to set the shield on the warrior.

This thing is very troublesome for ordinary soldiers. Even if you charge all the way out. Split the enemy in half. The people on both sides were also wearing shields. The most outrageous thing is that even if a single person is separated. He also has a shield on his body. Although the intensity is already very low. But ordinary soldiers still can't break it without two or three full-out attacks.

And the immigration army is not a target, it can attack them two or three times. People will also fight back. Even if the basic quality is different. He stabbed them randomly with a spear, or squatted down and chopped off the horse's legs. It can also cause considerable trouble for cavalry.

But at this time, even if the bone is difficult to crack, it must be cracked. At least this will make the opponent's best long-range attack ineffective.

What was originally a classic formation battle turned into a chaotic battle due to the completely different tactics of both sides. The battle lines of both sides are intertwined and entangled with each other. It turned out to be difficult to direct for a while.

[To be continued]

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