Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,311 The Arrival of the Immortal Soldier

What Zhang Ren saw in his dream was indeed Han Xin's projection. Therefore, after he consumed all the remaining destiny, the power in the dark pulled Han Xin's sleeping will onto Zhang Ren's body. It was like inviting a god to take over his body and became the carrier of Han Xin.

The pervert, one of the three most buggy bosses who appeared in the original text, has appeared.

Although the Marquis of Huaiyin is a funny guy, even though he can do such damaging things as stuffing mustard in the watermelon for the fairy lady, even though he is unreliable and often breaks into pieces, he is a soldier, one of the four sages of military strategists. One, the man who single-handedly created the current Yunqi system.

Han Xin has not received any systematic education in the art of war. He relies on talent and intuition. This is probably the difference between people and perverts.

"Huh? There is someone who can mobilize an army of two million! By the way, do any of you know how to jump to the other side? I have never commanded so many people when I was alive." There was no pomp when the Marquis of Huaiyin arrived. He was a gangster when he was alive, but he remained stubborn after death. He was also one of the Four Military Saints, and Bai Qi was the type who could stop a child from crying at night just by standing there.

None of Zhang Ren's soldiers dared to speak. The boss wanted to rebel. He also said with a mental illness that he might have been possessed by an evil spirit while he was still alive. How to break it? Waiting online!

Han Xin was also happy to see Hunter. After all, as the old saying goes, when Han Xin orders troops, the more the better. What this soldier is best at is commanding large armies. There is almost no upper limit for the number of troops he can lead. No matter how many troops he can lead, he will not be lost due to uncoordinated command. Resulting in loss of combat effectiveness.

In contrast, even Bai Qi had to call him a pervert when he saw Han Xin leading an army. He didn't want to play with it when he saw an army of two million people with forbidden orders. It was definitely a fake. Besides, this guy was quite deadly. After being depressed and resurrected, one of his biggest wishes was to dance at Liu Bang's grave and let him serve the Han Empire until death, which would be a bit hard to do.

Fortunately, Han Xin still has some conscience. From Zhang Ren's memory, he also knows that these guys have been brainwashed, just like the fanatic believers. If they don't get it right, the entire Central Plains may be devastated.

"Ahem! What a joke! Today's heaven and earth essence is so abundant that even you can gather your talents. Then let's see if we can go further!" Han Xin's words were really hurtful. Originally, his soldiers They all wanted to take him down to see if he was possessed by evil spirits, but after listening to his instructions, they changed their formations, lured the enemy deep into the area, and then engaged in a complete melee with the enemy. They actually cut off part of the cloud energy, directly depriving the enemy of the cloud energy. With the blessing, he surrounded and annihilated them. He suddenly felt that his commander was really awesome. He was surrounded just now and could not move even an inch. Now there was a smooth road ahead, and a large area of ​​​​empty space was wiped out around him.

"It's interesting that the opponent can actually reduce the smallest unit under his command to an individual. Although the command is a bit rubbish, his ability is still good!" Han Xin saw Jose's tricks at a glance and was really envious of this ability. If he could With this ability, it is estimated that it is not impossible to try to command an army of hundreds of millions.

"Hey! Can cloud energy be used like this? It's not like future generations have made any progress at all!" Han Xin saw the immigration army,

He used the cloud cannon to fire stones and used a rigid shield to defend against bows and arrows. He was suddenly surprised. Even he was not sure he could do it because of the exquisiteness of the cloud mobilization technique.

"We must capture the person behind the scenes alive to see what kind of monster he is!" Han Xin rarely took it seriously.

Seriously, the strength of the Soldier Immortal is simply off the charts. He is one of the top professional players who can beat even the strongest artificial intelligence. The soldiers under Zhang Ren didn’t understand how the boss operated at all. They just felt, The more he fights, the smoother he becomes. The more he fights, the stronger he gets. His combat effectiveness has risen from the lowest level of dual talents to the level of the imperial guards. The number of people is increasing inexplicably. The besieged Han troops were already in a panic. Suddenly someone commanded them, and they naturally subconsciously follow.

It didn't matter that they obeyed the order. They found that they were always fighting with the greater number. At a glance, the number of people in front of them was more than ten times their own. But as soon as they rushed over, they found that two people were fighting one, and the enemy was hit on the head with a puff. After cutting it down, I soon found myself fighting two against one, and before I knew it, I had already killed a dozen enemies.

Huangfu Song's eyes almost popped out of his head on the high platform. He was originally thinking about how to get Zhang Ren out. Although Zhang Ren was a rookie at his headquarters, he was awesome! If the destiny guides the attack, a general like Guan Yu who has the qualifications to lead a large army will have to consider whether he can confront him head-on.

Then Zhang Ren told Huangfu Song that I am a hundred times more powerful than you think. The Han troops scattered around the immigrant army were like water that gathered together after the rain. The people passing by Zhang Ren's headquarters The boundaries of the land gathered on their own, and the enemy troops wherever they passed were inexplicably disrupted due to various "accidents".

Han Xin is one of those super masters who can misjudge all of his opponent's operations despite hundreds of times of delay. On the surface, you can't see any delay in his command. It's as if he can command everyone equally. , and then rely on more awesome operations to beat the opponent into a husky.

Unknowingly, an army of more than 50,000 people had gathered behind Zhang Ren. Zang Ba, Yu Jin, Xia Houyuan and others also gathered under his command. Seeing that even if Huangfu Song did not command, Zhang Ren could still fight with just one stick. Within a short period of time, take over the entire army.

The most outrageous thing is that the combat effectiveness of the army is still getting stronger bit by bit. The quality of the Han army is very reliable. Even the main soldiers without talents still have the potential to achieve double talents. What Han Xin did was just Guide their potential out, let those who have never seen blood see blood, and create opportunities for those who have never killed enemies before.

In the words of the game, Han Xin can distribute the experience gained after killing monsters. A level 100 baby can cripple the BOSS of the corresponding level, and then let the level 1 baby take care of the experience. With one blow, there will be two people. If you upgrade by double digits, can your combat effectiveness be so high?

The most important thing is that the entire Yunqi system was created by Han Xin. Even if he thinks that he belongs to the Four Saints of Military Experts and is rubbish in military training, if he really pulls out military training, even Huangfu Song, who specializes in military training, It can only mean that the boss’s garbage is also beyond our reach.

Han Xin could easily pick out whatever talents he wanted, and he could even temporarily replace the required talents on the battlefield. The Han army, which was originally at a disadvantage, completed the reversal almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[To be continued]

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